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"Spain Claims Sunken Treasure from Florida Deep-Sea Explorers" Thoughts on this?

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I am kind of amazed that Spain feels they have claim to this. I mean the quote here astounds me: "Washington-based lawyer James Goold, representing the Spanish government in the case, ...said at a Madrid news conference that he expected Odyssey would keep "not a penny" of the salvage."


I keep thinking - if this was so important to them then why didn't they finance a search? They think it was a "Spanish warship sunk by the British navy southwest of Portugal in 1804 with more than 200 people on board." 1804! That is a really long time ago and they make it sound like it was yesterday with this kind of language: "We are talking about the remains of a Spanish navy vessel and the human remains of Spanish naval servicemen who died on board which have been illegally disturbed," Culture Ministry Director General Jose Jimenez said." There is not even evidence of human remains.


I find the whole thing really strange. 1804? LOL I think it is a little over the top. :) Seriously, am I missing something here? Sunken treasure - is it really claimable by a country like that--after 200 years?

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I find the whole thing really strange. 1804? LOL I think it is a little over the top. :) Seriously, am I missing something here? Sunken treasure - is it really claimable by a country like that--after 200 years?


Generally? No, it isn't. The only reason people spend so much money on undersea archeology is that (in the past) as long as the find is in international waters then it belongs to the individual who makes the find. Spain is (apparently) trying to set a new precedent.


The monies garnered from auctioning off Titanic relics went to the company who found it, they didn't go to heirs of the White Star line.


When the US government tried to keep the treasures of the Atocha (found within the US continental shelf) they were denied by the courts.


Governments can sometimes claim wrecks but if a certain amount of time has passed they are considered "abandoned" and they are basically up for grabs.

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I would think 200 years would qualify as abandoned.


In International Waters, Spain doesn't have a claim at all. International naval law is a bit different, and is still valid. Even if it is positively identified as from that ship, it's still up for grabs.


I suspect Spain is betting on some legislating from the bench in spite of 500 years of precedent. Apparently, the cost of litigation is worth the gamble.


Talking about servicemen's remains when none have been found (or even the actual ship!) is like wearing a neck brace into court for a parking dispute.

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Talking about servicemen's remains when none have been found (or even the actual ship!) is like wearing a neck brace into court for a parking dispute.


LOL, yeah, I thought so too! I was pretty amazed at the audacity!

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Hmmmmm, and Spain, of course, is going to make full reparations to the Aztec nation and other native groups from whom they stole billions, and/or any modern day countries which house the descendents of those nations?



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I can't get the old Kids in the Hall skit out of my mind: "I claim this chest [planting a flag in someone's chest] in the name of Spain"

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It explains some of the legal precedent.


That was very interesting! Thanks for sharing that. I still have to say I think Spain is way out of line. At least the Brits are willing to work with the private company! I find Spain's arrogance pretty offensive to the company willing to do all the work! "...not a penny..." Glad I am not the discoverer!

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