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Oh, you poor thing! I'm glad you're finally on the road to feeling human again, but how scary and overwhelming!


I did want to ask, just because I see this happened over the fall/winter months... Did your doctor check your vitamin d levels as well?

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I am definitely praying for you. I did not have cancer, but I have hashimoto's and due to the stress I was under or some other reason, my tsh was over 15. My doctor tries to keep it between .3 and 3.....had a fiber flare up and am still coming back after a very long winter...and lots of pain.


I am holding you in prayer.

Feel better soon.....



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Oh, you poor thing! I'm glad you're finally on the road to feeling human again, but how scary and overwhelming!


I did want to ask, just because I see this happened over the fall/winter months... Did your doctor check your vitamin d levels as well?


No. Thanks for pointing that out, I will mention it to him.

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You need prayers and you also need someone to come beside you and help you. Any grandparents, sisters, aunts, uncles or good friends nearby that can help in any way? Even a neighbor you can trust and can take the children for an hour would help.

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Oh Beth,

I am so sorry for what you're going through. I can't imagine how you are managing those long days, meeting the many needs of your family and trying to care for yourself - all while something so heavy is weighing on your heart and mind.




Please do share here when you need encouragment, want to vent, or just need to express your fears. We may not be the same as IRL support, but we are here when you need a cyber shoulder to lean on and ears to listen.


Praying for you! :grouphug:

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I had a short bout of postpartum thyroiditis (hyper) after having my second child. It is definitely a scary feeling!! I completely understand about being afraid to be alone with the kids. I had them in WalMart and had to sit down on the ground in the middle of the check out lane because I was about to pass out. I felt foggy, my heart was beating fast, I always felt weak....it's an awful feeling. Thankfully mine passed within about 4 or 5 months. All that to say I DO know how you are feeling with the wacky hormone levels.....I hope that you get to feeling human again soon!

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Beth, :grouphug:

My Mom had thyroid cancer and her thyroid removed when I was in my teens. I remember the hormonal upheavel, lack of energy and awful chills while they tried to balance her hormones. Is there anyone who could help you?


One thing that concerns me in reading your post is the muscle cramps you describe. I don't remember the details but I know that her Dr had her take a balanced calcium/magnisium/potasium/ vit D supplement for it. She took a lot of it. The dr said to take as much as she had to relieve the cramps. I don't know why she needed that after her surgery, but hse still takes up to this day.


Another thing that she has told me is that she self medicates. She said if she would take as little of the hormones as the lab results indicate that she needs, she could not even function as a person. She would feel like wanting to lay on the couch all day. So she takes more then they subscribe to feel " normal". She has no functioning thyroid.


I will pray for you also!

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the only thing I can compare what you are going through is to early pregnacy for me. Only I know it doesn't compare really AT ALL!


But I just remember being soooooo tired and being miserable not able to make dinner and lunch. Much less school children.


I'm sooooo sorry for you. My sister's thyroid shut down after she had her second child. I remember she thought she was going crazy.


I'll be praying for you!



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