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A friend lost his battle with Leukemia...

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this morning. :crying::mad: He was only in his 30s and left behind a beautiful young wife and 2 children (14 and 9). He was diagnosed with this horrible disease 3 years ago and has been fighting ever since. We went to church with this precious family for 6 years before they moved to FL several years back. Please pray for my friend, Kristy, and her 2 children and the rest of their family. She is so strong, and has such a strong faith...rock solid. I know she is relieved that her "superman" as she calls him, is not in anymore pain and with his Savior. But, the grief is unbearable and overwhelming at times. Thanks.

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Thanks everyone. My heart is aching today. The news was so "unreal" yesterday b/c I was sooo expecting a miracle healing (in the physical) and not the ultimate healing that God chose. KWIM? Today, I am just...well...sad. Hard to get moving. Can't imagine what his wife and children are going through right now and I sooo wish I were in FL to be there with them.

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