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Spelling to Write and Read, Saxon Phonics, Abeka and Your Opinion


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Today, I went to a Classical Christian school. They mentioned that they might move the kindergarten students away from Abeka to either Spelling to Write and Read or Saxon Phonics.


1. Can you tell me about Spelling to Write and Read and/or Saxon Phonics?

2. What is your experience with SWR and/or Saxon Phonics? Strengths? Weaknesses?

3. Do you have an opinion on why a school would move from Abeka phonics to SWR or Saxon Phonics?

4. How should I prepare my child to learn this material?


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I don't know a lot about Abeka Phonics, but I have read that while it is a decent phonics program, it does not have quite as sound a phonics foundation as SWR. We use SWR, and I really like that they teach all of the phonics sounds up front. (So, for example, students learn that "A" has three sounds before they start reading.) SWR also teaches to all learning styles (auditory, visual, kinesthetic).


BTW, because of the way SWR is laid out, I can start phonics with my ds3, even though he is not ready to read. He loves doing the phonogram flashcards.

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Although I wish they'd do Spalding instead of SWR, says the Spalding geek :lol: , I think it's a good move. Actually, Saxon phonics would probably be good, too. In fact, so is ABeka. At least they're staying with true phonics. ;-)


I don't think you can do anything to prepare your dc for the change. You don't need to do anything. :001_smile:

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buy some flashcards from either program and begin learning the sounds.


bolding is mine.




we are using a spalding/o-g based phonics program here at home with excellent results, so if they go with SWR your child will get an excellent foundation in reading and spelling skills.


teaching your child the phonograms would be a great idea if they go with SWR. I'm not familiar enough with saxon to know if that would be helpful or not.

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We have used Saxon Phonics K-2 for all our children with EXCELLENT results!! We absolutely love the program. Our youngest will start in K this fall. It not only teaches reading but spelling with rules. The only problem we had was finding an excellent spelling program that would keep them going after Saxon Phonics 2 is complete. At the end of the K year, they are reading/spelling words like napkin, lantern, plastic, nutmeg, traffic. And they know WHY they use a K instead of a c and when to double the "f" in traffic. Hope this helps! Pam<><

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My ds used Saxon phonics in private school from k-2nd grade and is an excellent reader but a terrible speller. We are using SWR in the fall to remediate his spelling and to teach my youngers to read, one of which is dyslexic. SWR has a learning curve so I am attempting to familiarze myself with it over the summer.



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