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Poll (wait for it!): Do you cook breakfast?

Do you cook breakfast?  

  1. 1. Do you cook breakfast?

    • yes, always from scratch
    • yes, a mix of scratch and frozen/mixes
    • yes, mostly from frozen/mixes
    • yes, if by cook you mean put a poptart in the toaster
    • we usually eat cereal or something that doesn't require cooking
    • I cook in the morning, but not traditional breakfast foods
    • The kids manage their own breakfast
    • We don't really do breakfast
    • Other
    • I just like answering polls

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When we're in the US I cook about once a week and everyone makes their own breakfast the rest of the time. When we're overseas and our appliances and food choices are limited, it's much easier and quicker for me to cook something for everyone every day.

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I put other, because I wasn't sure what you meant by "cook". I make scrambled eggs often, with toast or uncured ham. I cook oatmeal on the stove- the regular old-fashioned kind. Sometimes I make crock pot oatmeal with dried fruits. Occasionally, I'll make homemade mini quiches in a muffin tin. Stuff like that.


Often, though, we'll just have cut-up fruit and toast for breakfast. Or what my kids call a shake- frozen bananas and frozen strawberries blended with milk.

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I put other, because I wasn't sure what you meant by "cook". I make scrambled eggs often, with toast or uncured ham. I cook oatmeal on the stove- the regular old-fashioned kind. Sometimes I make crock pot oatmeal with dried fruits. Occasionally, I'll make homemade mini quiches in a muffin tin. Stuff like that.


Often, though, we'll just have cut-up fruit and toast for breakfast. Or what my kids call a shake- frozen bananas and frozen strawberries blended with milk.


That's the sort of thing we usually have for breakfast, I consider it cooking. :)

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I'm like you, Mrs. M, only I'd say I cook breakfast maybe twice a week.

When I started homeschooling, I cooked every morning for the first two weeks. The first day I skipped cooking, my son told me he stood there for a moment, then "realized" he could get his own bkfst! Like he'd been doing for quite some time before those two weeks...Amazing how fast we get used to something...:D


I have to admit, I feel like a better mom when I offer a hot breakfast. Not saying it's true, just some sort of image I have in my head of what constitutes a caring mom--don't even know where that comes from.

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Everybody pretty much just grabs whatever they want for breakfast…sometimes I'll cook something requested, like scrambled eggs or pancakes, but most of the time the kids want stuff like: cereal, oatmeal, toast w/ various toppings, poptarts, muffins, whatever… or supper leftovers sometimes too.


(except dh - he doesn't do breakfast, just coffee)

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I voted the first option because it is what we do most of the time. Some of the things we eat include breakfast burritos, pancakes and eggs, pancakes topped with cooked cinnamon apples or maple bananas, waffles, french toast, scrambled eggs with toast, and homemade egg and sausage McMuffins. Sometimes we'll have homemade muffins, cinnamon rolls, or leftover doughnuts I made for dessert the day before. Occasionally, I take a break and buy cereal which we eat until it is gone.

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Everybody pretty much just grabs whatever they want for breakfast…sometimes I'll cook something requested, like scrambled eggs or pancakes, but most of the time the kids want stuff like: cereal, oatmeal, toast w/ various toppings, poptarts, muffins, whatever… or supper leftovers sometimes too.


(except dh - he doesn't do breakfast, just coffee)

This is like we do. Sometimes on weekends I'll do the pancake thing or something.


The only difference is we don't have poptarts (they eat lots of waffles though)..... And I am the one that often does just coffee for breakfast! :tongue_smilie: :001_smile:

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I usually cook breakfast for the week over the weekend and freeze it. DS loves pancakes, and loves them frozen, so it really doesn't get any easier. Other than pancakes, I'll make a frittata, granola, freeze lots of fruit for smoothies (1 cup yogurt, frozen banana, frozen strawberries), or they'll have cereal.

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I cook most days. Sometimes I put oatmeal and milk in the fridge and just heat it up with fruit in the morning. Does that count as cooking?


My favorite is a poached egg and toast with cherry tomatoes or tomato slices. I bake the bread but not at breakfast time. My daughter raises the ckns but I poach the eggs. I also make the butter but, again, not at breakfast time.


Sometimes we have the above with scrambled with cheese/broccoli instead of poached.


Boring, I guess, for many but they happen to be our favorites.


Oh, also french toast.


These are all quick and easy, though. I don't go to the trouble of making waffles/pancakes from scratch, et c.


Oh, sometimes I go through a smoothie-and-almond-butter-on-toast phase. In fact, I'd say I cycle b/t always wanting a poached egg and toast with tomatoes to always wanting a smoothie and almond butter and toast. I toss in a bowl of oatmeal from time to time just b/c we like it and now that we know how to make it in the fridge, it's easy and quick.

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I mix frozen (GF breads/smoothies) with fresh (fruit/eggs/etc). I also have to make lunch for my man, and oldest daughter. All this at 5:45 in the morning. :tongue_smilie:


Hmm, I wasn't really thinking of smoothies as frozen breakfast. I consider that homemade somehow. For frozen I was thinking of frozen biscuit sandwiches or frozen waffles or stuff like that.

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I don't cook breakfast except for the rare Saturday. My kids don't eat pancakes or waffles very often (they ask for them maybe once every 3 months) and none of the eat eggs ever. I can't eat oatmeal, it's a texture thing. We usually have cereal or toast, but the kids handle theirs and I have usually had mine before they get up.


We also don't do lunch very often. Usually it's FFY (fend for yourself) which means you just grab whatever leftovers or other thing looks appealing. My kids are grazers so making a big breakfast or lunch is usually a waste anyhow.

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We have chickens, so we cook up some eggs in one form or another daily. That said, my 17 year old had leftover soup for breakfast, my oldest dd had a burrito (she made it...with canned beans and store bought whole wheat tortillas). My youngest had yogurt. Dh & I had scrambled eggs. My youngest is now making egg salad for our lunch, and is boiling up a dozen eggs. That will be snack for the school boy when he gets home, and probably dh's lunch tomorrow. It could also be breakfast for someone.


People get up at different times...:D


I did not answer the question...:tongue_smilie: But I think my answer is yes.

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. . . it's usually pretty simple.


It's a step or two above poptarts, but it stops short of being fancy.


For example, today my son and husband had oatmeal, the kind that actually requires cooking. They both had OJ, and my son also had a banana and a glass of soymilk.


Yesterday, it was a bagel, toasted, in place of the oatmeal. Tomorrow, it will probably be frozen potato patties, unless I get my act together today and get to those banana muffins I'm supposed to bake.


Usually, my son has a protein-spiked fruit smoothie with breakfast every day, but our blender broke last week. We're moving in a few weeks, and I've decided it's not worth my time and energy to find the replacement part or buy a new blender while I'm busy with moving preparations.

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Hmm, I wasn't really thinking of smoothies as frozen breakfast. I consider that homemade somehow. For frozen I was thinking of frozen biscuit sandwiches or frozen waffles or stuff like that.


That's what I was thinking too. You are inherently changing the fruit into a smoothies. A frozen waffle or breakfast sandwich you are just heating it.


In a typical 2 week period I probably make breakfast burritos once or twice, eggs (scrambled, omelet, boiled, poached, whatever) around 8 times, pancakes 2 or 3 times, homemade waffles or ebelskeivers once (on the weekend), baked oatmeal or grits once, french toast once, smoothies once, bacon and/or sausage 5-6 times (I do the pre-cooked refrigerated sausages unless I'm making breakfast burritos or gravy), scratch-made biscuits and gravy once, frozen biscuits 3 or 4 times. The kids fend for themselves/have cereal 3-4 times.


Some of these things I make more than one thing. This morning I was only partly motivated. I cooked biscuits (from frozen), sausage patties (the refrigerated kind), scrambled an egg for everyone and gave them greek yogurt.


Yesterday I boiled eggs, sliced some cheese and made smoothies with bananas, frozen strawberries, yogurt and milk.


eta: I usually cook my dh a fried egg between two pieces of toast; he takes it with him in sandwich form.

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I scramble up some eggs nearly every morning. We discovered early on that it's just as fast as pouring/eating a bowl of cereal, and has way more protein! My daughter and I love to sautee some spinach with our eggs too (even more healthy - and super low-calorie). My son makes a face at that, but he's happy to have some onions and peppers with his. :)


We chop up a pile of veggies once a week so there's always something to throw in with the scramble. Sometimes I'll add some sliced sausage as well. It's fast and easy, and the house smells great.


On weekends I'll often make a batch of pancakes or waffles (from scratch) and freeze the leftovers. We'll heat them up in the microwave or toaster if we get tired of eggs.

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I cook eggs about half the mornings of the week. Sometimes I make pancakes/waffles. The other days we have cereal or oatmeal packets (I know, SO much sugar). So for us it's a combo of from-scratch cooked breakfasts and just-add-water/milk options :D

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I usually cook breakfast a few times a week. Sometimes it's eggs, potatoes, sausage or bacon, sometimes just eggs. I might make breakfast rice, an very infrequently I might make a type of sweet bread or (homemade) waffles. Another morning, I might make instant oatmeal for one of my kids, or pour a bowl of cereal. 50-70% of the time, everyone is on their own. It varies greatly from day to day.

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I cook breakfast every day of the week but one. In my life before kids, I ignored breakfast for the most part.


Everyone here knows how to cook, and will help or do it if I ask them. I like to keep my kitchen in order, so I prefer to do it myself.

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I enjoy cooking. I cook a planned breakfast every day. The kids have their favorites but they all will eat eggs or whatever I make. I do make pancakes and waffles from scratch. Heck, the syrup is from scratch. I have a huge six waffle wafflemaker so it goes fast. I also make homemade english muffins that are pretty popular, and toast is from my homemade (nonbreadmaker) bread. What I make on a given morning usually depends on how much bread I have left. The kids prefer eggs in a hole or french toast so if I have enough bread left to make enough for everyone then we have that. We pretty much stick to waffles, french toast, pancakes, eggs in a hole, scrambled eggs with fried potatoes and toast, egg souffle, or cooked oatmeal. Sometimes in the summer we may just have toast with homemade jam. We may try growing melons this year and if we have any success, then we will have melons too.


I cook lunch for the house too, but DH packs his own lunch (his preference). And dinner. And everything else. I do teach the kids to cook and bake according to age so I do get some help there. It sounds busy, but the kitchen is in the middle of everything so I can knead bread or make cookies or whatever while doing other stuff too. DH has asked me to cut back on the baking lately because he thinks he is getting fat!

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I cook from scratch for the most part, but I'm not making tortillas at 8am so I said mostly scratch with mixes/frozen.


I no longer use frozen pancakes/waffles or Bisquick so those are from scratch. But I don't grind my own wheat to make the flour for the pancakes/waffles/biscuits.

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My kids make their own oatmeal, eggs, grits, pancakes or french toast (homemade, each of them..frozen pancakes/waffles are a rarity here).


Once in a while I am up fixing myself something BEFORE one of the elder boys, and have a little boy or two wanting to eat, so I will fix some eggs for them. But that's it and that doesn't happen too often.


And I *would* let the 5 yr old fix oatmeal himself on those days if he could just reach the microwave safely. But he can't, so, eggs by mom it is. :)

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Every morning, but it doesn't take much effort: typically steel cut oats cooked overnight in the rice cooker or microwaved thick cut oats (I know some shudder at this, but they are pretty darned good), an egg (boiled in my beloved egg boiler or quick scrambled) for anyone who wants one (milk or yogurt if no egg), and some cut up fruit. For a treat I occasionally make French toast or whole grain pancakes. Sundays I usually make cornbread and bacon in addition to the rest.

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I cook breakfast, I don't generally use mixes because of allergies.


Dh likes to make waffles or pancakes and I get bisquick for him for when he does that. I am not really huge on waffles or pancakes. I tend to prefer savory breakfast.


I like smoothies, I also like making eggs, potatoes and eggs, bacon and eggs, poached eggs and toast (spam spam eggs and spam, eggs sausage and spam :lol:) or oatmeal with fresh strawberries. I occasionally make biscuits and gravy, breakfast burritos or breakfast casserole but those are generally weekend things. We like english muffins with bacon and egg. I always serve some fruit on the side. I bought groceries almost two weeks ago and we have already gone through 47 eggs


Sometimes I have a hard time finding english muffins without dairy. I might have to start making my own. :/ I do make my own biscuits when I make them, most canned/frozen biscuits have dairy.


Sometimes dd will grab herself a bowl of cereal (particularly when the toddler and I have decided that spaghetti sounds delicious for breakfast!!) but that is rare. Allergies really make you cook a lot from scratch. :/

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I voted "other".


Every week I make up a batch of scrambled egg muffins and either biscuits or blueberry muffins (both from scratch), as well as a batch of home-made Granola cereal. During the week the older kids help themselves to these items as well as fruit and yogurt.


I usually make something for myself for breakfast.


On Sunday morning I usually make a big breakfast for the whole family.

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We cook breakfast on the weekends. On weekdays, the children and I eat parfaits every morning, but we use different ingredients every day: yogurt, cottage cheese, or ricotta as a base; grains, Kashi, or granola on top of the dairy; and fruit, nuts, and sometimes honey on top.


Everything we cook is from scratch (er, with exceptions such as Kashi, LOL).

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The kids usually get their own breakfast and usually cook something when given the choice. The 14yo makes herself poached eggs, the others usually make themselves oatmeal or toast and fruit. Dh cooks pancakes every Friday. Weekends are crazy and usually muffins, bread, or reheated pancakes.

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I voted for the first option, since it's what we do most of the time, but I love the last option.


Breakfast is usually either eggs or regular non-instant oatmeal. Sometimes toast and/or smoothies with the eggs. Sometimes pancakes or waffles, though we usually have those on weekends when DH is here to eat with us (he cooks eggs for himself during the week and leaves for work before we're awake). Once in a while we have bagels with breakfast, or for a mid-morning snack, and very occasionally, we have cold cereal. I cook breakfast most mornings, but DD9 can do eggs and oatmeal herself, so she does them sometimes.

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This is one of those "limit the mess" seasons of life. If I serve regular yogurt or oatmeal (like I did this morning, for some reason :glare:), I spend 45 minutes cleaning up the kitchen.


So 6 days a week, we usually eat Costco-bought bagels and fruit/veg/yogurt smoothies. Either Saturday or Sunday (whichever day is less busy) I make stuffed french toast, breakfast burritos, pancakes, or some sort of high-sodium, days-worth-of-calories breakfast casserole. Birthday weekends are celebrated with ice cream topped waffles for breakfast.


I'll branch out when the kids are bigger.

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