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the mystery of the grease stains on the shirts

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And it is a mystery...For the past several month, there have been spots appearing on shirts (mostly) after they are washed. They are dark splotches that appear to be oil or grease based. Sort of like the one on my son's t-shirt that looked exactly like a hand with pizza grease on it that used a shirt as a napkin.:glare:

We can't figure out what is causing this, there is no way that much salad dressing is ending up on my dh's shirts and I haven't changed anything else. Any suggestions???



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Do you use dryer sheets? I have found sometimes that dryer sheets can leave residue behind. I notice it mostly on medium color fabrics. I have it more on sheets than clothes, but it has showed up occasionally. I think it is when the dryer sheet gets caught and isn't moving around well.

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We have the same problem.

UUGH! It is driving me crazy. I read somewhere online that it is fabric softener. We typically don't use dryer sheets. When i first started noticing them we were using Purex sheets with the detergent softener and all in 1 sheet. I stopped using those. The frequency of the spots has definietly decreased. In theory you can rub the spot with soap (normal soap) and then wash it and it will come out. I have a stack that is waiting for me as we speak. I would love to know if anyone has any other ideas re: cause and solution. I can't afford to continue wasting very nice clothes at this point!!

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I do use dryer sheets, usually Snuggle Free or Gain. Detergent is liquid All with Oxi or Gain. No liquid fabric softener. I was thinking about switching to Tide, maybe powder, in case it is due to residue from the detergent. The dishsoap method didn't work to remove it, spraying it with the blue Shout, I think it is set in stain, seems to work. But yeah, it is a pain.

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We occasionally have the same problem. It's noticeable on dh's solid polo-type or t-shirts. They didn't go into the washer that way. I've always suspected the dryer sheets, but I've never been able to figure out what exactly triggers it. It seems so unpredictable.




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IMHO they are grease or oil spots. They turn up only after they've gone through the washer and dryer. My theory is that the amount of grease or oil is not very much and only on the outer surface of the fabric. When it is laundered, the laundry detergent actually helps it penetrate the fabric and then the dryer sets it. I've also noticed that it happens much more frequently with 100% cotton or cotton blend, knit fabrics (sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc.) and not so much with polyester.


When they appear, I put a good degreasing dish soap (Dawn) on the spots and re-wash in warm water. It always does the trick.


Just my 2c.

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And it is a mystery...For the past several month, there have been spots appearing on shirts (mostly) after they are washed. They are dark splotches that appear to be oil or grease based. Sort of like the one on my son's t-shirt that looked exactly like a hand with pizza grease on it that used a shirt as a napkin.:glare:

We can't figure out what is causing this, there is no way that much salad dressing is ending up on my dh's shirts and I haven't changed anything else. Any suggestions???




We had this happen with one washer. It ended up being a sign that the bearing on the agitator was failing. It required buying a new washer.

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IMHO they are grease or oil spots. They turn up only after they've gone through the washer and dryer. My theory is that the amount of grease or oil is not very much and only on the outer surface of the fabric. When it is laundered, the laundry detergent actually helps it penetrate the fabric and then the dryer sets it. I've also noticed that it happens much more frequently with 100% cotton or cotton blend, knit fabrics (sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc.) and not so much with polyester.


When they appear, I put a good degreasing dish soap (Dawn) on the spots and re-wash in warm water. It always does the trick.


Just my 2c.


I think you're probably right about why this happens at our house. It almost exclusively happens on the front of my cotton knit shirts (some are cotton blend, but most exclusively cotton). I am very well-blessed in that area;), so there's more opportunity for a stain anyway. If it were some other cause, I would expect it to happen on all of our clothes and in a variety of areas. I'll try the Dawn---thanks for the tip.

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IMHO they are grease or oil spots. They turn up only after they've gone through the washer and dryer. My theory is that the amount of grease or oil is not very much and only on the outer surface of the fabric. When it is laundered, the laundry detergent actually helps it penetrate the fabric and then the dryer sets it. I've also noticed that it happens much more frequently with 100% cotton or cotton blend, knit fabrics (sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc.) and not so much with polyester.


When they appear, I put a good degreasing dish soap (Dawn) on the spots and re-wash in warm water. It always does the trick.


Just my 2c.

This is what we do as well. Dawn is moving up my list as one of those miracle clean alls.


I am just amazed at how often my son touches his shirt during the day with dirty fingers - even if the napkin is right in front of him. DH was having more on his shirts for a time and then he realized he was using more hand lotions because it was winter.

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We have these occasionally. The frequency went down after we started using vinegar instead of a traditional fabric softener, but they do still pop up once in a great while. And we've had 4 different washing machines. :glare:

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IMHO they are grease or oil spots. They turn up only after they've gone through the washer and dryer. My theory is that the amount of grease or oil is not very much and only on the outer surface of the fabric. When it is laundered, the laundry detergent actually helps it penetrate the fabric and then the dryer sets it. I've also noticed that it happens much more frequently with 100% cotton or cotton blend, knit fabrics (sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc.) and not so much with polyester.


When they appear, I put a good degreasing dish soap (Dawn) on the spots and re-wash in warm water. It always does the trick.


Just my 2c.




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This happened to me with my HE washer. It wasn't rinsing my clothes completely and then the leftover detergent would stain the clothes in the dryer. I started filling up the water partially and mixing in the detergent first, then putting the clothes in. Doing this and turning on the extra rinse took care of the problem, but now it takes an hour to run a load and I'm pretty sure it is no longer energy or water efficient!

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IMHO they are grease or oil spots. They turn up only after they've gone through the washer and dryer. My theory is that the amount of grease or oil is not very much and only on the outer surface of the fabric. When it is laundered, the laundry detergent actually helps it penetrate the fabric and then the dryer sets it. I've also noticed that it happens much more frequently with 100% cotton or cotton blend, knit fabrics (sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc.) and not so much with polyester.


When they appear, I put a good degreasing dish soap (Dawn) on the spots and re-wash in warm water. It always does the trick.


Just my 2c.




It happens almost exclusively with my cotton shirts. No one else in the family has this problem. I figure its from cooking and washing dishes. I keep a bottle of spray and wash and spray. It works for the most part, though almost every shirt I own is stained now.

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IMHO they are grease or oil spots. They turn up only after they've gone through the washer and dryer. My theory is that the amount of grease or oil is not very much and only on the outer surface of the fabric. When it is laundered, the laundry detergent actually helps it penetrate the fabric and then the dryer sets it. I've also noticed that it happens much more frequently with 100% cotton or cotton blend, knit fabrics (sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc.) and not so much with polyester.


When they appear, I put a good degreasing dish soap (Dawn) on the spots and re-wash in warm water. It always does the trick.


Just my 2c.







It happens almost exclusively with my cotton shirts. No one else in the family has this problem. I figure its from cooking and washing dishes. I keep a bottle of spray and wash and spray. It works for the most part, though almost every shirt I own is stained now.


What I have found that takes out the stains is Goop. I buy it in the automotive section and it works better than Dawn for me. I do use a mixture of Dawn and Peroxide to remove stains (works excellent on blood and red wine, etc.)...that will take out a LOT...but the Goop is what takes out the dark spots on cotton shirts for me.

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You might have something here. I usually toss the clothes in, turn on the water, and pour the liquid soap on top. If I exercised a bit more patience, I could start the water, pour in the liquid soap, and let it mix for a minute before adding the clothes . . .



I thought about that, but it is a front load, you are supposed to pour in the liquid and the water hits it and washes it into the machine.


Is it an HE washer? It can be caused by using non-HE detergent or using too much detergent.


HE, but I only use HE soap.


Good to know I am not the only person with this problem.

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Holy Cow, I thought it was just me! Doesn't matter what shirts I buy I get those stains soon after having them. I kept wondering if I was that much of a messy eater!


I am going to try the dish detergent. See if that helps. Otherwise I have more house shirts to use and will keep buying cheap shirts! *sigh*

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Forgive me, I haven't read all the posts...I know that unless I wear an apron, I get a lot of grease splatters on my shirt when I'm using oil to cook with (like frying meat, or making pancakes in a frying pan instead of the griddle). On my clothes they look like small splatters rather than splotches though.


Hope you can find the culprit, I can never get these stains out either :glare:

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How do you do this? On mine, once you turn the water on, the door locks, else there would be water all over the floor.


My washer is a top loader, but it's HE - it has a sensor so it knows how high the water level should be. The problem is, it doesn't use quite enough water to really wash out all the detergent. :glare:


With a front loader, I wonder if you could just shake up your detergent in a jar of water before putting it in? Do you have the option of adding an extra rinse? I don't have much experience with front loaders, so I can't offer much more help than that. I hope you figure out what's causing the problem!

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IMHO they are grease or oil spots. They turn up only after they've gone through the washer and dryer. My theory is that the amount of grease or oil is not very much and only on the outer surface of the fabric. When it is laundered, the laundry detergent actually helps it penetrate the fabric and then the dryer sets it. I've also noticed that it happens much more frequently with 100% cotton or cotton blend, knit fabrics (sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc.) and not so much with polyester.


When they appear, I put a good degreasing dish soap (Dawn) on the spots and re-wash in warm water. It always does the trick.


Just my 2c.


This is my experience too. I get grease spots on me when I cook, and I never see them until I pull them out of the dryer. I really need to start using my apron! The same thing happens with the kids' clothes. There are so many grease stains on DD5's sleeves, and they're often lip-shaped :glare: But I never see them before the wash, only after.

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I second the poster who spoke of the agitator failing. When I was staying with my mom for a few weeks last summer, every load was coming out with dark grey or black oil sprays. It was the washing machine.


Are the spots dark grey/black or are they clear like cooking oil?

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