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I'm really trying to decide between these two for a world geography/cultures course for next year. I will have a 3rd, 6th and looking for fold in a 10th grader. Yes, I know that ECC is written for up through 8th and I'm not so sure that I'm keen on making an older student write a bunch of country reports (seems redundant). I know that CAW offers an older kids guide and I also know that on the high school board here someone posted an awesome schedule for high school world geography. I know it would probably be on the lighter side but perhaps that is okay - and the year can be spent focusing on a new foreign language, indepth literature and writing (not to mention science). My high school student doesn't need to be laden down with all subjects, kwim?


I know in the past CAW had issues with the plight focus but it appears that this year it has really been toned down. I know, they have their shipping issues (I'm a former customer - and there is one thing that keeps coming to my mind - and that is the catalog looks great, the theory of the program looks great, and then I get started and it always seems to end up disjointed and then I get frustrated (I've used AS 1 (dropped it when the readings and notebooking didn't match up), S&S (made it all the way through), and Ancients - for the most part I thought it was great but my kids didn't like all the jumping between resources to read stuff) so my hesitance to go there once again - this would be an expensive lesson to learn). It is so hard because the return policy is costly with the restocking and shipping fees!


Pros appear to be covering more countries, older Learner guide


I like the looks of ECC because it allows for bringing in other books, sources, etc. from the library and I'm there once a week so not an issue. What I don't want is to be doing the same thing, different country each week. I'm concerned that its focus is on labeling, labeling, labeling and I want my kids to know where the countries are located but they don't have to memorize them. I want them to know about them and what they do or don't have but they don't need to draw a map of the world and fill it all in.


Bottomline - I want them to think about the world they live in - not just their own little city/state and but about others.


Ack...any feedback would so be appreciated.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have recently been trying to sort this through, myself. I am thinking of trying to combine elements of the two, with MFW ECC being my main curriculum (which I already purchased). The reason why I am contemplating adding this extra work is because I would like my dc to learn more about the plight of the children theme that WP CATW has. Also, I really like the looks of the travel diary, prayer journal, and the websites and movie recommendations that are in the WP IG's. But do I really need two complete geography programs????? :tongue_smilie:


Just wanted to chime in that I understand your difficulty in deciding this, and hope that others might share their thoughts, too!





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I've used ECC twice.

The geography game is fun for learning names and locations of lots of countries.


but when it comes to learning about a lot of places, it will be repeat in info. That's just part of it. No matter whose program you use, ECC, CAW or even around world in 180.


So, the question then becomes, how easy is it for you to add the different spices and flavors when needed? I've used ECC twice and liked it both times. There were times where I would use the books differently, or decorate the kitchen in the country of the week, or grab extra music from library, or focus on the crafts. I liked that I could make it individualized for my children (one liked to know about dances in each places we visited, and the other just liked to learn facts such as can they homeschool in that country)


I liked to try different breakfasts from around the world.


We got a little kick from looking at roads and high ways in various places. It was a constant in one of the atlas books.


so, if you feel dragged down by books or lessons, then remember to make it fit your family.


for high schooler? you have to think in terms of credit and such.


I really liked doing ECC both times. Some times (winter) the books felt blah (like the rest of the world does in winter.. blah) so, we added more music, or food, or craft, or played the geography game and just set the books out to look at pictures.



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What I don't want is to be doing the same thing, different country each week.


We did CAW last year but quit after Christmas. We tried to pick it up after the Christmas break but what you stated above was exactly how I felt about it. It seemed like it was just the same old, same old. Two of mine were moaning and groaning about it and I wasn't interested, so we shelved it in the middle of the year. In WP's defense, I did have one boy who loved it, but he's always been interested in geography.


The schedule includes having a weekly event where you have a meal like they would in that country, or doing some other event....something about Guy Fawkes comes to mind. The idea was to have a bon fire and re-enact how the spend this day in England. I know some families love this kind of thing and our family does too on occasion. But it wasn't something we were interested in doing every single week. It seemed to me that was where you got to experience more of the uniqueness of each country.


I also didn't care for the book written by WP. I think it was Children of Many Lands. Every country was written in the exact same format. Start with an overview of the geography, go over the history, talk about festivals/celebrations and I forget the other two topics (there were 5 for each country). It just didn't seem to flow together very well.


I didn't use the Older Learner's Guide so I can't speak to that.


I don't mean to sound negative but the curriculum didn't work for us and I felt that a lot of it was due to the reason I quoted above.

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Ugh! I was really thinking about doing this program but with the expense of it - even combining the good of the two - is high and if we flounder with it I can't afford to just toss it and start fresh - sadly, I don't have an unlimited budget. ha ha!


I will say that I purchased the Prayer journal and it is a great tool - for older kids - the middle to high school range. It allows the child to look first around themselves to see what they have and then begin to work outwards first into their communities.


I just don't know how to combine 3 kids with 3 learning styles into something that saves my sanity! Ugh!!!!!! I got one who loved HOD, one who loves SL and one, well, she loves any social event that allows her to be a leader or participate. sooooo.....


still searching.....

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I like the looks of ECC because it allows for bringing in other books, sources, etc. from the library and I'm there once a week so not an issue. What I don't want is to be doing the same thing, different country each week. I'm concerned that its focus is on labeling, labeling, labeling and I want my kids to know where the countries are located but they don't have to memorize them. I want them to know about them and what they do or don't have but they don't need to draw a map of the world and fill it all in.


We are doing ECC this year. I don't think it's redundant at all. Playing the geography game is scheduled only twice a week. I'm not requiring them to memorize the countries this time around, but probably will the next time in 8th grade. I have omitted the countries pre-test and post-test but will require it in 8th. We only fill in the world map as we "enter" the next continent we will begin studying and we only label the countries of each continent the week we start the new continent. Using World Atlas, Illustrated World Atlas, World Geography, and A Trip Around the World, Another Trip Around the World , and Maps and Globes, gives a variety of information that is not repetitive. Using these spines and book basket(literature) makes this a rich program IMO.


Bottomline - I want them to think about the world they live in - not just their own little city/state and but about others.


My DC are definitely thinking about the world they live in as a result of ECC. They are exposed each countries language, currency, food, art, music, animals, and ecosystems, but most importantly they are learning about the countries religion, and being able to get out of their own little world and pray for the peoples of each country; their spiritual needs, and praying specifically how God can move on their behalf, and how we can help to further the Gospel.



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Can you add the WP CAW plight resources to ECC? What are you drawn to in CAW? I am really drawn to the notebooking resources, but I think with any country study, it can seem boring, as you would be doing the same week after week. Do you want to cook? Get the cookbook from CAW.


The lady who made the CAW older learner guide is from www.guesthollow.com. Maybe if you look at her other stuff that she has for free there it will give you a feeling of the things she does. You could even email her from her website and ask some questions, as she is intimately knowledgeable about the older learner guide.


Another thought is that since ECC has a framework and evidently it's easier to add in the books from the book list, you could add in many of the books in WP that draw you.

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I was thinking about that idea this afternoon - very good point. I've got to lay everything out on the table and see what I can come up with and see how it all comes together. I think with this type of study - it is going to be similar in nature and you do need to add some "flare" to it but I've got to be sure I can get that accomplished - some mom's have grand intentions but when it comes down to doing it, well, sometimes we fall well short.

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