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Our chicks came today! Pics inside

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Awwww they're so sweet! I want chickens so bad... but first we need to get our yard landscaped this year, and interior decorating stuff and... well a bunch of other stuff needing to get done around here that costs money lol. So maybe next year?

Those babies are too cute though! I'm so jealous.

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So cute! What kind are they? How many did you get?


I remember how much fun it was to pick ours up from the post office. They were making quite a racket & I think the postal workers were glad to be rid of them. :)


They are adorable--and loud too! ha


We ordered 25 Cornish Crocks for the freezer and 10 layers--6 Gold Star and 4 Buff Orpingtons. One of the broilers didn't make the trip, and they sent us 2 extra layers.


We plan to do another batch later in the summer to stock up plenty of meat for the winter.

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How fun! A hint though--if they are lined up away from the heat lamp and not under it, they're too warm. If they're huddled under the light, they're cold. It kind of looks from the pic that they are away from the light. We did Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and Golden Laced Wyandottes this year. Our Turkens are laying up a storm We'll do our Cornish Rock crosses later in the summer.


Yes, we're keeping an eye on their placement under the light. They are doing both--being right under it and away from it. Thanks for reminding me to go check them :)


We've moved the meat birds outside to the brooder house, and the girls are in the basement. I like having a few of them inside for a couple weeks.


Cornish ROCK--that must be what the meat birds are. I have a time keeping up with the names. Dh does the ordering; I do the loving on them! ha ha.

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