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Rigorous grammar program? From EEL to ???


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I'm looking for a rigorous grammar program. No bells, whistles, or fluff. We've spent 2 yrs using Classical Conversations: Essentials of the English Language (EEL). Whereas I like the idea of it, and my dd10 and ds12 memorized a lot of definitions and usages, their application to writing and understanding/command in general is lacking. I don't feel the program (the way we used it/didn't use it) laid a sturdy enough foundation for us. I feel like I need to make up for some lost time in this area.


I'm considering Shurley, starting at level 4 (5? 6??), but have doubts. I hear it's rigorous, but with all the chants/songs that I won't use. . . .


I want a program that is thorough in teaching, including diagramming sentences, and does not have a lot of repetition.


Other curricula we've used successfully, just to give you an idea of what we like:


SWR, RightStart, Life of Fred, IEW, Classical Conversations (Foundations and Essentials programs).

Adding for next year, 7th grade: Apologia Gen Sci, History Revealed, VideoText Alg, Latin (not sure of text yet) maybe LNM, or start Henle very slowly.


Thanks for any suggestions/input/questions!


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Analytical Grammar. It's definitely rigorous and there is no fluff. It's not a writing program. It's a grammar program that makes the student not just learn a definition or identify a part of speech in a list of sentences but to really analyze the sentences and see how the parts relate to one another. It contains diagramming. It's excellent and has given my kids a great foundation in grammar that has already reaped benefits for my oldest in her Latin studies, writing and PSATs.



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I thought the exact same thing about Shurley. We jused moved into R&S English year and I'm stunned how much my ds10 likes it. It really works well for him.I can see us sticking with R&S English for the long term.

Here's a link to an older thread discussing the same issue. http://welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=207011

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