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I spent much of the last 3 days writing a paper. I hated it and ditched it.

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As of Wednesday, I had re-written a paper twice already. Wednesday afternoon I decided I hated it, headed to the library and stocked up on some new sources, came home and worked until 4am only to.... hate it more. :glare: Put it down, went to sleep, woke myself up at 5am and a lightbulb had gone on. :D Worked my pa-tootie off and flew through the pages to get it in at 11 that morning!!


So, I agree, (if you have the time!) step away and get your mind thinking of something else. Even if just for a short time.

Hope this copy comes out better for you!

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Oh, Joanne! That was one of my worst nightmares from college ... and why I am in no hurry to go back to school anytime soon. Here's a prayer for the creative and analytical juices to flow when you need them.


I'd say it is 90% finished.


The problems are plural:


1) The topic. It's a challenge to formulate a Philosophy of Christian spirituality from where I am, spirituality, that is authentic and has integrity and is not what I think she wants to hear.


2) Details. This paper is to be done in Turabian style. Any "style" is a challenge for me: I am a big idea person, not a detail person. In addition, all my papers so for for this institution (I am almost done) have been in APA style due to my degree plan.


3) Persnickety professor. I am an excellent writer. :) I am probably one of the best in the school. But ask me to make sure I begin my paper "2 inches down" (she'll measure) and that my title page is not only horizontaly but vertically centered? Really?


4) I am a bit of a perfectionist. Yes, I know my proofing *here* does not demonstrate that, but trust me, I am a perfectionist. That's why I have never been able to journal. I record something that I don't like how it looks and I'm done. It's also why I weight what I do; if I can't diet perfectly, I'd rather not diet at all.


Thanks for the encouragement, all. Interestingly enough, this paper has made me wonder if I did claim "Christian", if Quaker would be a match.

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2) Details. This paper is to be done in Turabian style. Any "style" is a challenge for me: I am a big idea person, not a detail person. In addition, all my papers so for for this institution (I am almost done) have been in APA style due to my degree plan.


If you have any questions about this, I'd be glad to help. I'm in history, so all of my papers are written in Turabian.


I'm sure you have it all figured out, but just figured I'd put the offer out there in case. Depending on sources, sometimes it can get a little confusing. :tongue_smilie:I am the go-to person in all my courses for help with formatting and citing, and sometimes I still find myself flipping through the official book.

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Sounds like it will be a good paper once you get the finishing touches on it. Remember about a year ago or so, there was a thread about a quiz you could take online to see what religion fit your beliefs? When I took the test, the one that came out highest for me was Quaker. :) I've always found their religion attractive.


Having spent 3 days on one that ended up deep sixed is the pits though. BTDT. :grouphug:

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