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A couple of boys on my son's baseball team asked him about homeschooling today.

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I thought this was so funny! One boy asked, "Which do you like better, homeschool or public school?"


Ds10 (who has always been homeschooled) answered that he liked homeschooling better.


Another boy said, "I bet you like it because you get to eat all day and play video games." :lol::lol::lol:


Um, yeah, whatever!:lol::lol:


I hadn't heard that [mis]perception of homeschooling before.

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We had neighbor boys who told my dc that they wished they were hsed because we get to do science experiments. Evidently the elementary school didn't do any science experiments, and the neighbors knew we did them every Friday. When Science Fair time came around each year, the boys would come over to look at and borrow our science experiment books so they could find a project to do.

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Both of my kids have been questioned by other kids. Last year ds' soccer team were converted when ds told them he gets to do his homework in his tree if he wants and that he takes soccer breaks frequently throughout the day. In dd's case, a bunch of girls were impressed and amazed when she told them she does most of her work lying in her hammock and sipping tea or cocoa. :D

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Same here... people seem to think my kids have something wrong with them, and are behind in school... that MUST be why we homeschool. Oh yes, and my kids are stuck inside my house all day and never to go out in public. They need to go to PS to get a proper education, and socialization.


Whatever. I'm tempted to buy a bumper sticker that reads "My homeschooler will someday employ your honor roll student."

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