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vodka for body odor? has anyone heard of such a thing?

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I swear I read here or somewhere else last week that a spritz of vodka and water on the underarms will keep the smells away. Has anyone heard of such a thing? Better yet, has anyone TRIED it?


Before I had dd11 I absolutely NEVER had body odor. I didn't even wear antiperspirant or deodorant during the cooler months. Since having dd11, I've been on the never ending quest to find a deodorant that will work EVEN when I'm scrubbing down the house or gardening. Maybe I won't find that, but really - now that I get hot flashes now and then, I *NEED* something that works better than what I've already tried. I've tried crystal salts, enzymatic deodorants, and every store bought deodorant and antiperspirant under the sun. I'd also like some for under my...... Not-So-Large-BooKs. :001_huh:


Vodka anyone?


A little spritz in the morning and a mimosa

a little spritz around lunch time and a Bloody Mary

a little spritz in the evening and a Cape Cod.


Well, not really, but it makes for a good story!!!;)




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I think it would work, but would it make you smell like alcohol? :lol:


Something cheap and easy that works great and won't have you taking a breathalyzer when pulled over... Milk of magnesia. Get the plain generic brand, as it's half the price. Spritz it on, and you're good to go.

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Guest Katia

I think it would work. I mixed up a spritzer of vodka, distilled water, white vinegar and then added some essential oils (peppermint and tea tree) that I keep in my purse for a hand sanitizer. I forget the proportions right now, but they were in a book titled something like The Handbook of Essential Oils. Our library has it.


Anyhow, they had recipes for these spritzers and they were supposed to work well for under-arm pick-ups during the day. I only used it under my arms a few times, then I put it in my purse for my hands. It does a great job and smells wonderful.


For my underarms, I mix up a deodorant cream of organic coconut oil, baking power and arrowroot powder, and add in a few essential oils. It works wonders. No nasty smell at all. Some people react to the baking power and you need to use less, or none, but so far it's worked wonders for me.

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We spray the ballet tutus and costumes with Vodka and water mixed after performances. And it does help, and it is gentler on the delicate costumes than other options. Those poor ballerinas sweat a lot! And the whole costume room smells like it!

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If it works it would just be the alcohol killing the odor-causing bacteria in your armpits and helping the odor chemicals to evaporate away. Alcohol based hand sanitizer would work just as well and be much cheaper.


This is what I was thinking. I am also thinking that some people just like any excuse for a little *spritz* of something...;)

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you guys are FUNNY!!!


I assumed the alcohol would evaporate so I wouldn't smell, but I'm giving this another thought; especially since my homeschool group thought I walked into our book sale at 10:00 A.M. with a mug of BEER!!! I have huge, glass beer mugs that I use for my mega cup of tea in the morning. I brought mine to the book sale, having NO idea what it looked like! I pointed the tea bag out to everyone. One woman exclaimed, "Now THAT'S what I call a RELAXED HOMESCHOOLER!!!" We all were ROARING!!! I tossed the embarrassment out the door. :lol::lol::lol:



Katia, since coconut oil is an antifungal, I bet that would work perfect with essential oils! I'm going to try to make some!


Now Tap, I watched the myth busters clip. I will say that I've been SCRUBBING my house top to bottom today (downstairs only, and I'm about to go do some yardwork) so I just can't stand myself right now ;) but I don't even want to go work in my secluded YARD feeling like this! It just so happens that I asked dh to get some vodka yesterday and I opened it up and put some on a paper towel and wiped the pits and beneath the BooKs. The difference is that now I can tolerate myself ;) but I'm guessing the rest of the odor is on my clothing. I'm NOT going to pour vodka on my clothing. :D:lol:


I wish I remember where I read about the vodka but oh well.


Thanks everyone! Off to the yard!

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by the way, I don't smell the vodka since I rubbed it on my body.


I'm not sure if that's because I also decided to mix some with Fresca to sip while I take a quick break. Thank God I can rest tomorrow!!! And yes, I know how unhealthy Fresca is! This Candida diet is KILLING me and I am allowing Fresca for now!

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This is what I was thinking. I am also thinking that some people just like any excuse for a little *spritz* of something...;)


well............ since I opened the bottle....... I just decided to put a splash into my Fresca. I've worked SO hard today that I feel I deserve it! Problem is that it only takes a splash of vodka to make me........... loopy!:lol:


Really, it's not an excuse.






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I think where you live it's later in the day than where I am...so that makes it perfectly fine. If I just smelled vodka, I'd be in bed or on the floor right now.


Dance a little, fall into your dh's arms and coo and then go to bed...you may wake just in time late tonight for another humdinger of a thread here...:D:D

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well............ since I opened the bottle....... I just decided to put a splash into my Fresca. I've worked SO hard today that I feel I deserve it! Problem is that it only takes a splash of vodka to make me........... loopy!:lol:


Really, it's not an excuse.







:D I was just going to say, if you drink enough, you won't care how you smell! :lol::lol: Oh girl, you crack me up. :D

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