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what tech has the most bang for the buck (for the student)? what do you love? regret?

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We're thinking of some new tech for next school year, for student use. Kids will be 6th and 8th grade and are adept with all of the basics.


We currently have two laptops and a netbook (but my laptop is only available to others in short intervals ;)). We have a monchrome laser printer.


I have an ipod touch that we use for audiobooks in the car. The kids each have lower level mp3 players, not suitable for audiobooks.


We have a Wii for gym, plus a few educational games for the Wii and the ds.


EDITED to add that we also have a Kindle 2 (mine), a Kindle 3 (8th grader's), and a Literati (dad's). 6th grader does not have her own but often uses the others.


So what should we add?


Another netbook or laptop would be versatile, and we'd have 1:1 access while dad is at work.


The ipod touch has the advantage of being even more portable, and there is a lot they could do on it for school: flash cards, foreign language vocabulary, all kindsa drill/games/etc. The video recording is a cool bonus.


and of course there's the ipad, but if we get that, I might never let them use it!


anything else we should consider? what do you use a lot? what do you regret buying?

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We don't use tons of tech for school. Maybe we are strange....


We share one Kindle (though seriously thinking of a 2nd), and that is mainly due to living where we can't get English books otherwise.


We have 2 laptops, but the 2nd was bought when the 1st was on its last leg (and it is limping along with bare bones stuff on it).


We do have an iPod Touch, but I use it for a radio during the day. We do not use it for school, other than background noise.


We do have Wii, DVD & BluRay players, limited school use.


Instead of tech -- do you have a good microscope?? A really good globe?? Telescope?? Good quality science stuff??? I'd start looking that direction I think. Sounds like you have most of the tech stuff covered.

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Instead of tech -- do you have a good microscope?? A really good globe?? Telescope?? Good quality science stuff??? I'd start looking that direction I think. Sounds like you have most of the tech stuff covered.


We do have good globes and maps. I'd love suggestions for science-y stuff, although I don't think I have the knowledge or mojo to put a really good globe or telescope through its paces. We need suggestions along the lines of "Science for Liberal Arts Majors," :D.


They want tech stuff for their birthdays. It wouldn't displace other items in the school budget, but I'd be willing to spend more if I thought they could use something for school also, y'know?

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