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Wondering, are there other single parent Homeschool families?

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The primary challenge is time and accountability. My eldest daughter's father was supposedly working with her to make sure her work was completed, answer questions, etc., but I found out fairly recently that he hasn't been making her do anything this year and has actually encouraged her to cheat (copy answers from teacher's guides) and lie to me about it.


Needless to say, I'm not the primary accountability partner for her now, and she's struggling. She's having to relearn all of the good habits we established last year and she's struggling. It's going to be a long rest of the year for both of us, particularly since I work full time and travel quite a bit.

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*raising hand*


Challenges: I work part time, so just making sure it all gets done is an ongoing challenge. DD goes to her dad's house on the weekends while I work and even though he's an educator, he can't seem to ensure she gets anything done while there, so anything that needs to be finished when she's there can't be anything critical, like math or science. It just won't happen.


Accomplishments: I haven't killed anyone yet, so that's good. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm another! In my fifth year of homeschooling dd9. The challenges seemed overwhelming at first but we've hit our stride and things seem to be going well now.


I feel this was a calling and there never really was any other choice. That helped a lot when it seemed like there was no way to do it.

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:seeya: Another single parent homeschooler here.


Our biggest challenges are time and money (any surprise there? :D)


I have always been a single parent, and get no child support or other help from DD's father. He has never even seen her. We live off of my financial aid and help from my parents. Buying school materials eats up most of our "fun" money for the entire year.


WRT time... I'm a full time college student, with a major, 2 minors, and part of the honors program. Juggling my own education with DDs is pretty exhausting.


Another challenge is just finding support. I am constantly feeling like I don't fit in to any group. (Deja vu, I just said this on another thread :tongue_smilie:) I'm not a particularly social person, so it doesn't bother me SO much, but it is hard to make friends/acquaintances.

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I had been hsing my step-dd for four years when my late dh passed in the spring of 2005. I finished out the year with her, then her mother took her and put her in ps.


I was blessed to be able to continue to stay home and hs my three. I was single for five and a half years and just recently remarried in Oct. 2010.


My challenge was being solely responsible for three little ones. They were very young when he passed...ages 5, 2, and 9 months. While I felt hsing was a calling, a break from all of the constant responsibility would have been nice. I will admit that I just did what was necessary a lot of the time. Otherwise, I focused on keeping mom sane. Because of this, I am now having to remediate some skills with my 5th grader. LA skills are his main weakness, but they are coming along nicely.


Being a single mom is a challenge in itself. Adding hsing on top of that would make many call us crazy. Late dh and I felt that hsing was a life style for us and we made plans for either of us to be able to stay home and continue it if one of us was gone. Of course, we never thought it would actually happen. His family tried to convince me to stop several times, but I knew it was God's plan for our family. The stress was just something that I had to trust in Him to overcome.


Even now, it is still stressful. But, I will admit that having my new dh here to bounce ideas off of, help with science experiments, help ds with math when I get frustrated, or just listen to my constant babbling is a blessing.


My advice....pray and make sure that you do get a break here and there.

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I am a single mom and I work a 7on7off job. My daughter is 15 so she can stay by herself without too much trouble. Money of course is always in short supply. We have to do school stuff this summer because of certain changes in curriculum but that was mainly my fault. I have issues with planning but I am getting the hang of it. This is my first full year of hs'ing but I do enjoy it. She enjoys it also.

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I never dreamt there was so many of us! Does my heart good!


My story: My son's dad left us when he was 3 months old (Physically. he was never really with us, even when we were married.)


I went back to work when he was 5 month old, leaving him at a daycare. I cried every day when I left him and missed raising him. When he turned 15 month, I was able to get a job doing what I love and bring him with me. I am a Teacher-caregiver. Providing childcare and education in the home of my clients. (Most often, I am supporting a public or private school education) One family, actually asked that I create a homeschool preschool in their home, which ws prefect as my son was of such an age.


I have also been blessed with an amazing friend and mentor, whose yougest son is just slightly older than mine... yes I have saved much by shopping in her attic!! For everything from clothing and school books!!


Time is also my biggest challenage, I do very little of our lessons while on the job, unless I can include the little guy we are caring for. He is 3 my son is currently in 2nd grade.


Is there a social group for single homeschool parents on this message board, and if not would there be interest?

Thanks for sharing!!

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Me!:) My now-ex and I separated about a month after I finally started my life-long dream of homeschooling (yes, life-long - I was homeschooled myself). No way am I stopping now! For me, it's not just that I feel it's best for the kids, but that it would be the death of yet another dream of mine.


I'm thankful that their daddy is really involved in our lives. He supports homeschooling, is encouraging, and we do get child support which is a huge help. I babysit a little boy full time and do other work part-time (mostly Saturdays when the kids aren't here). My house is always a mess and I usually drained emotionally. Some days I feel like I'd get just as much accomplished if I stood in the kitchen and just spun around in circles! I wouldn't give it up for anything though!


Is there a social group for single homeschool parents on this message board, and if not would there be interest?


I'd join:) I was just thinking about that recently myself.

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I've known of women homeschooling several children whose husbands have died and they've continued to homeschool. I don't know any very well and haven't been in contact with them, but I sure try to pray for them as I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to raise children on their own like that!

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I'm a single homeschooling parent! My ex left us when my kids were 1 and 2. We tried one year of preschool, but have homeschooled ever since. I am blessed because we live with my parents and have very few expenses. I also receive child support and that definitely helps. I'm also in school and hope to finish my bachelor's degree this summer. It's definitely hard to juggle school for me and for the kids at the same time. I pretty much lurk on homeschool forums because I just don't have the time to post. Most of the time I don't even have the time to lurk!


The only downside to our lifestyle is that I've found it almost impossible to have a social life of my own. I completely agree with the previous poster who said she felt like she doesn't fit in anywhere. I don't either. I'm actually a very conservative Christian, but I just don't fit in well with others who believe the way I do because they are all married. I often feel like I have some kind of "mark" against me because I'm not just a single parent, I'm also divorced. I just keep reminding myself that this is a season of my life and it won't last forever. I would rather take this time now to build relationships with my children because they will be grown and gone before I know it. Friends for me will come later.

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All of you. :001_smile:


I am going to be a single parent soon and would love to continue homeschooling but I can't see how to make it work financially.


I work part time at a hospital in the medical records department. I work 2nd shift on the weekends when dd is with her dad. Although, she's getting old enough that I won't have to leave her with him as much. Between my salary and child support, we get along pretty well financially.

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The only downside to our lifestyle is that I've found it almost impossible to have a social life of my own. I completely agree with the previous poster who said she felt like she doesn't fit in anywhere. I don't either. I'm actually a very conservative Christian, but I just don't fit in well with others who believe the way I do because they are all married. I often feel like I have some kind of "mark" against me because I'm not just a single parent, I'm also divorced. I just keep reminding myself that this is a season of my life and it won't last forever. I would rather take this time now to build relationships with my children because they will be grown and gone before I know it. Friends for me will come later.


Yeah, the social life thing is a challenge. I work weekend nights, so that pretty much rules out a social life. I'm divorced, too, but I've not really felt left out of things because of that. In my situation, my EX was disfellowshipped from our church, so all my friends are still there. I am trying to get my schedule changed a bit to allow for the possibility of a social life, but that's not been able to happen yet.

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The only downside to our lifestyle is that I've found it almost impossible to have a social life of my own. I completely agree with the previous poster who said she felt like she doesn't fit in anywhere. I don't either. I'm actually a very conservative Christian, but I just don't fit in well with others who believe the way I do because they are all married. I often feel like I have some kind of "mark" against me because I'm not just a single parent, I'm also divorced. I just keep reminding myself that this is a season of my life and it won't last forever. I would rather take this time now to build relationships with my children because they will be grown and gone before I know it. Friends for me will come later.


Me, too. At least until I moved to Mexico. I have both a social life and acceptance from my peers here.


Before that, though, it was like the first assumption people made about me in conservative Christian circles is that there was something wrong with me. Please get the story first, people, before you judge me! Don't assume that I had a baby out of wedlock. Don't assume, once you find out that I'm divorced, that I didn't do everything in my power to save my marriage. Really, you can't fix someone who doesn't want to change. I only had control over my actions, not his.


It doesn't help that I look like a teenager. People assume I must've had out of wedlock relations at a very young age. I'm 30. And I was married when I had my child. In fact, I had been married for 5 years already.

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Before that, though, it was like the first assumption people made about me in conservative Christian circles is that there was something wrong with me. Please get the story first, people, before you judge me! Don't assume that I had a baby out of wedlock. Don't assume, once you find out that I'm divorced, that I didn't do everything in my power to save my marriage. Really, you can't fix someone who doesn't want to change. I only had control over my actions, not his.


It doesn't help that I look like a teenager. People assume I must've had out of wedlock relations at a very young age. I'm 30. And I was married when I had my child. In fact, I had been married for 5 years already.


EXACTLY!!!! I am also really tired of other women worrying that I will somehow try to steal their husband away. Or worse, being hit on by married men because they assume I must be willing because I'm divorced. For some reason, many people equate being divorced with being immoral. It's getting old. I'm tired of being judged a "sinner" by people with horrible morals & ethics of their own. In Christian circles, I often feel like I have to bear the "guilt by association" of my ex's bad decisions (affairs, drinking, etc.) while he gets off scot free because he just quit going to church altogether.

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I'm a single parent. We're still legally married but have lived separately for several years. I have a job that can be full-time or part-time, depending on the month, and involves travel. Their dad lives six hours away, so my first challenge was to find someone local who would be a willing and acceptable substitute teacher on the days I had to work. I always knew my parents were acceptable, but it took a bit of prodding for them to become willing!


My biggest challenge along those lines was to realize I needed to compromise some of my educational philosophies and ideals to fit my current reality. When I choose methodology of teaching, or even specific curricula, I always need to take into account my substitute teachers. I currently use curriculum I wouldn't have normally chose, and even use curriculum for a subject that I would have normally just piece-mealed together myself.


Their dad pays my mortgage and utilities, which is more than he'd have to pay if we had formal child support arranged. My best accomplishment has been proving to him that I'm staying on top of things and giving the kids a decent education. He would still rather put the kids in private school, but he lets us do our thing :D. He visits twice a month on his days off and will attack any chores I'm behind on while I do school with the kids. I live for those days LOL.

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Thank you for posting this. My husband recently left me, and though I will be able to finish out this year (homeschooling) with the kids. I doubt seriously that I will be able to continue into next.


My kids have never been "to school" and I have SO enjoyed this lifestyle and will be sad when we can't continue.


But apparently, there is hope....so thanks for letting me know that I might just be able to pull it off again!

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All of you. :001_smile:


I am going to be a single parent soon and would love to continue homeschooling but I can't see how to make it work financially.


Well, you can take your child support and move to a 3rd world country. I did. It goes on a loooooong way here.:tongue_smilie:

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Well, you can take your child support and move to a 3rd world country. I did. It goes on a loooooong way here.:tongue_smilie:


I have to admit I like modern conveniences. Third world country living might not work for me (and I am sure it wouldn't allow my kids to maintain the relationship with their dad that I want them to have).


I think I need a solid work from home job (or a sugar daddy).

Edited by Cera
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I belong in this group now, too.

My dh moved out 5 weeks ago. We have homeschooled from the beginning, and my oldest is in 5th grade. We don't yet have any formal support from my dh, however should have something by the end of the month. We are finishing this school year, and are unsure what the future shall hold. I just accepted a PT job, which I was blessed to find. I have my MSW, and was able to secure a homecare position, which will be home-based for me.

This morning I had my children doing a video tour of a local Christian school. My oldest is now no longer totally against going to school, and I am thankful for that little bit of light.

Realistically, because my dh doesn't have a traditional work schedule, I can't plan to work while he has the kids. We don't have family nearby, either. Those of you who have parents who are willing and able to help - be thankful!

So, I am sad to say that I believe our homeschooling days are coming to an end. :crying:

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There is something unique about being a single Homeschooling parent. We have one common thread, and then our stories are as differant as any other homeschooling family!


For me, I do not collect child support from my son's father... and frankly preffer it that way. (Although, some months it would be easier to pay the bills.) I work 3 days a week, long days! We leave around 5:45 am and may not get home until 8:00pm. But, he is with me!!


I too, have dreamed of homeschooling and truth is, I couldn't do the work I do and send him to school. Go figure! It is as though, G-d has prepared me all my life to be exactly where I am at today.


For the most part we are happy with our life. We love the job, love HS, and our little house. (We even have a classroom!!!) We struggle with the fact that we both want a bigger family...he actually wants to share his room and toys!!


I am really enjoying the posts and pray for each of you, please keep posting and sharing....


I would love to start a network, but I am new at this and have no idea what I am doing! But, it would be great to have a safe place to share and vent about our special needs and interests!!


Thank you!!!:iagree:

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I have to admit I like modern conveniences. Third world country living might not work for me (and I am sure it wouldn't allow my kids to maintain the relationship with their dad that I want them to have).


I think I need a solid work from home job (or a sugar daddy).


Well, my ex is a dangerous person so I was glad to have the distance between my child and him.


You know, I think they advertise sugar daddies on craigslist.:lol:

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Me, too! My "d"h left us about 2 yrs ago, but we only went to court to divorce this past Feb, and I still haven't gotten the paperwork from it. I'm committed to continue homeschooling since my dd has quite a few learning differences that wouldn't do well in a public classroom. I get most of my living money from child support since their dad has a very well paying job. I also am the head of my church's nursery, which is a paid position, sell Usborne books, teach another child for pay, and do a bit of online work with websites and such.


My biggest challenges are staying motivated to keep the house orderly and finding time to myself. By the time I've planned, taught, worked, shopped, cooked, etc... I'm done and let a lot of things go I used to not. Since their dad works out of the country, they only see him about 1 weekend every 4 or 5 months. I am totally responsible for them the rest of the time, and I live over 1000 miles from the nearest family. I do have a lot of good friends, a good church family, and an awesome homeschool group to help out, though.

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I belong in this group now, too.

My dh moved out 5 weeks ago. We have homeschooled from the beginning, and my oldest is in 5th grade. We don't yet have any formal support from my dh, however should have something by the end of the month. We are finishing this school year, and are unsure what the future shall hold. I just accepted a PT job, which I was blessed to find. I have my MSW, and was able to secure a homecare position, which will be home-based for me.

This morning I had my children doing a video tour of a local Christian school. My oldest is now no longer totally against going to school, and I am thankful for that little bit of light.

Realistically, because my dh doesn't have a traditional work schedule, I can't plan to work while he has the kids. We don't have family nearby, either. Those of you who have parents who are willing and able to help - be thankful!

So, I am sad to say that I believe our homeschooling days are coming to an end. :crying:



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I have been a single mom since my youngest was a baby. I have always homeschooled, and sometimes it is a struggle, not just financially but emotionally. However I am committed to it, and I am so happy that it has worked out for us.


My ex hardly ever gets his children, so I am truly doing this all alone. I have a wonderful family though, and they help me so much. I don't know how I would've ever been able to raise my kids without that support. It has meant the world to me.

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I reread my post from yesterday, and it makes me sound very depressed. :glare:

So I wanted to assure you all that although I am sad about the potential end of homeschooling for us, I am so very excited about the potential opportunities that are before us. Life is an adventure, ya know?

I am so glad for this thread, as I needed to see that there are other women out there who are making homeschooling work in a one-parent household!

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I reread my post from yesterday, and it makes me sound very depressed. :glare:


Think nothing of it:) I am both! I try to not sound "down" but the reality is that there's joy and pain all at the same time. Loss of dreams and a sometimes frail (but very real) hope. Feeling sad about something one minute, but other times feeling optimistic. It's all good! :D

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Joyful Mama and My Fathers Lily I wanted you to know I did not take either of you as depressed, far from it... Life changes, especially at a seasons such as your facing are emotiinal. As a single mom, I have respect for most single parents, especially if they truly put their childrens future high on the list of priority list. (Doesn't always mean HS.)


Having read your posts, I believe you are both strong women who are giving your children a wonderful legacy!! It is my prayer that you have peace with where you are placed and the journey ahead of you! Please keep me posted as to how things unfold!


one finally thought, your homes will always be learning homes... you won't let that stop, it is in the nature of who you are, even if your children school elsewhere!!:grouphug:

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Joyful Mama and My Fathers Lily I wanted you to know I did not take either of you as depressed, far from it... Life changes, especially at a seasons such as your facing are emotiinal. As a single mom, I have respect for most single parents, especially if they truly put their childrens future high on the list of priority list. (Doesn't always mean HS.)


Having read your posts, I believe you are both strong women who are giving your children a wonderful legacy!! It is my prayer that you have peace with where you are placed and the journey ahead of you! Please keep me posted as to how things unfold!


one finally thought, your homes will always be learning homes... you won't let that stop, it is in the nature of who you are, even if your children school elsewhere!!:grouphug:


Thank you for your kind words. And thank you also for the bolded.

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