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Thoughts/Suggestions on inexpensive LA material


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So I have begun thinking about curriculum for next year and am struggling with the right LA program to use. I would really like to use MCT Town level but cannot afford it at this point and am not sure I have the time/patience to schedule it.


I have looked at several programs and am leaning toward Growing with Grammar and Killgallon but I am just not sure that is the right route to take. I was planning to attend the Philly conference to hopefully get my hands on different choices and be able to make a decision but now that that's not happening I need to figure it out online.


I will have a 3rd & 5th grader, both of whom are advanced learners. I kind of dropped the ball on grammar/writing this year and relied too heavily on workbooks. I really want to remedy that in the fall.





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I don't know what your budget is. I have been very happy with FLL and WWE.


I also want to add that the SWB audio downloads about writing are not expensive and were the best thing I ever bought when it comes to language arts.


You can buy "The Complete Writer" (prob used fora good price) and create your own writing program for grades 1-4. If you haven't done much writing then your will be 5th grader might do just fine with WWE year 4. That way, you could buy "the complete writer" and use it for both kids. You just have to buy the one book and create your own writing/reading selections according to the guidelines in the book.

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