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Standardized Testing Confusion?


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I do not live in a state that requires this. Only my oldest has any experience taking this type of test when he was like 8 years old at his special private school. I am thinking it is time.


What are the advantages? How do you use the results to help you plan for the next year? How do you prepare for it especially when the kids have no experience with this? When do you give it? How do you know what level to use?


What tests are out there that a parent can give? What are the advantages of one over another? How does it all work? Where do you buy them? How do you give it? How are the results given back?


I know about the PASS test from Hewitt Homeschooling but that is it. Any help would be appreciated.

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I do not live in a state that requires this. Only my oldest has any experience taking this type of test when he was like 8 years old at his special private school. I am thinking it is time.

We also live in a state that doesn't require testing, but we do it because I think it's a skill. Bubble tests pop up through out life. My older dd just got her driving permit -- it was essentially a bubble test on a computer.


What are the advantages?
Kids get used to taking tests, learn it isn't a big deal.
How do you use the results to help you plan for the next year?
Really, I just take note if there are things I've totally forgotten to teach the kids. These are typically little things. For instance, in 1st grade dd had no idea what "tardy" meant, although school kids would've known that.
How do you prepare for it especially when the kids have no experience with this?
I worried about this the first time with the first kid, and got some sort of practice guide from Bob Jones when I ordered the test. After that I didn't really worry -- we all knew what to expect. I prefer to emphasize the no-big-deal nature of the test so the kids don't develop weird fears -- I knew people in college who had fear of testing and consistently did poorly on tests although they knew the material.
When do you give it?
Varies -- we've done spring and summer. A friend does fall since Bob Jones offers a discount then.
How do you know what level to use?
The tests we've used explained which level to use for which grade.


What tests are out there that a parent can give?
Depends on your own background. We've use CAT and ITBS. I've registered with Bob Jones as a test giver for ITBS, which was easy since I have a BS. I could also register to give the Stanford, but I haven't.
What are the advantages of one over another?
I like ITBS because I can give it at home with just my kids (with Stanford I'd have to round up some other kids, I believe). And it seems more rigorous than the CAT. My younger dd took CAT as her first standardized test and thought she was a genius. Um, no -- the norms were just sort of different.
How does it all work? Where do you buy them?
I get ITBS from Bob Jones -- super nice customer service. I got the CAT from ... okay, I forget where I got it. I DO remember that they sent pencils for us to use for the test. And I know there are even more choices.
How do you give it?
They come with a guide that explains everything you need to do, including how much time to set aside to get through the entire thing, which can be several days. And Bob Jones gives you oodles of time to sit down with the test and read through all the directions to get the hang of it. The place we got the CAT from had a much narrower turn-around time, like a couple of weeks. Really, though, it's pretty simple -- you read a script to the child, start a timer, stare off into space in boredom, lather rinse repeat.
How are the results given back?
Mailed back several weeks later with directions in how to interpret the scores. Do read the how-to-interpret -- I've talked to people who obviously haven't, and they've made some really peculiar comments about their kids abilities.
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Thank you, Gail. That was most helpful.


I don't have a Bachelor's (got married, had a baby...life happened, you know.) so I guess I need to look at options that will not require it.

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We don't have to test where we live now but I am testing this year because it's been awhile. The tests results will just give me an idea of where they are in relation to others and I may or may not change what we're doing depending on what it says. I have a pretty good idea of what the results will tell me anyway-which we all should KWIM?


I've used the CAT/5 test. A parent can give the test and it's $37. They send it to you with directions, you can give it at your kitchen table. They have the full version (approx 4-5.5hrs total) or the abbreviated version which is the same test with fewer questions in each section-this one is approx 2 hrs. We're doing the abbreviated version (AKA "survey")

You send it back and they send you the results in a few weeks. The results only come to you.


I don't "prepare" my kids in any way. That's the point of the test to me, to see what they've learned as we've done it.

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