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You big wuss. Buzz your boys so that the ticks will be easy to spot (that's what my boys say) and just pull those suckers out.


Yes ma'am, I am a bit of a wuss. :001_tt2:


I did pull it out without being freaked or anything though. One of mine is buzzed but the other one refuses to get short hair ever again.


There have been a lot more this year than I have seen in the past.

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Ticks me off, that's what! Okay, bad pun, but I had a DEER tick this year. I haven't had a tick bite of any kind since I was 6, and that was a big, harmless one in BC.


Dh pulled the deer tick out, broke it (took 2 pulls) and threw the tick away. So I had to go on antibiotics or else wait for any possible symptoms. The big ticks are better, IMO, because as far as I know they don't carry Lyme disease. My dh had one year where he was bringing the big ticks in almost every day. I did pull one out of my then 2 yo's head.

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The ticks have been bad here too. Not the worst I've ever seen (1994 in Minnesota was the worst year for ticks I have ever experienced...I still get all icky feeling all over just thinking about it). I've pulled 5 off the dogs and 2 have been crawling on me..eww! And, yes, I am a big wuss!

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I know it sounds gross (and probably is really bad for you but not as bad as Lyme disease) but flea collars around your legs work well. Wear long pants, tucked into boots and put a flea and tick collar on each leg when you go in the woods. I wouldn't wear them on bare legs.


A better plan if it's your yard that's infested is guinea hens:001_smile:. They're easy to raise and EAT ticks. Some towns have actually bought them for their parks.

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Guest Shanna

I agree they are horrible. I live in the "tick capital of the country". The county we live in has the highest rate of Lyme Disease in the nation. I just pulled a deer tick off my son.


I would love guineas but they are so noisy.

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Lyme disease is so bad in this town. A story in the local paper talked about one road where 50% of the families had it. In one family, all 6 kids, the dad and the dog had it.


I really hope something can be done to stop the spread of Lyme disease, we're so afraid of getting it!

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I don't know why but I've never seen a tick on anyone in my family. And we live in farm country....


On the other hand, black flies are awful around here in the spring. I have all kinds of welts all over me from their bites.

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Two years ago my dd had a dog tick on her scalp. But because it was the height of summer I had her hair in a lot of braids and this tick was underneath one of the braids. I didn't even notice it until I saw these two lumps sticking out of the side of her neck (swollen glands) and wondered what was wrong with her because I wasn't aware of any other symptoms.


The next morning I took her to the doctor and he said he suspected a tick. He started taking her braids out and found it on the second braid. It was big and fat and really ugly. I will never forget the sight of that big old bloated thing sticking out of my dd's head and it's legs wiggling around like crazy.

The doctor pulled it out, but it required some effort. We put it in a urine specimen cup and took it to the local Extension Office where they confirmed that it was a dog tick. We gave her a couple days worth of antibiotics anyway, just in case, but they don't carry Lyme. Ick, ick, ick. Almost as icky as J.Griff getting frenched by a dog. But in a different way.

This is what it looked like:


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Yep, that's a Jelly belly alright! :lol::lol: Poodle Plasma flavor... :ack2:


Ewwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! It does look like a Jelly Belly!!! With legs!!! That's what I get for staying up so late. I should be in bed now!!!!! sick.gif

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Ticks are worse than ever here! I just pulled a big one off of DS's head. GROSS! I have never had to remove so many as I have this year. What is it about this year that is so different?


I'd love to know if you figure this out. They're horrible here this year, too. Even though I'm constantly checking the dogs, they leave big fat ones all over the floor. *blech* The Kid will *not* touch one -- spiders and ticks seem to be two things that give him the total creeps. Not that I enjoy dealing with them, but he handles the snakes, so it's all good. :D

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