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Make Up My Mind For Me :)


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We've been using CLE Math 2 and 3 this year after being frustrated with MUS. We had to go back a year in CLE to "catch up" and will not be on the correct grade level in CLE beginning in the fall (but that does not bother me as long as they are learning)


I recently looked at samples of Teaching Textbooks online and think it looks so much more fun and helpful with the explanations done for me (and I think they could work on the correct grade level in TT, however that does not really matter)....but CLE is working fine. Should I make another switch or just stick with the cheaper text that is working for us???:bigear:


Give me reasons why I should switch or not.



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Guest lahmeh

Don't do it! I started out with CLE and although it was working fine I switched to MM just because. After tears and frustration we went back to CLE and are still playing catch up. I have looked at TT so many times and almost ordered it because I *think* it would get done more often. If I did that and my dc didn't like it I'd have to try and sell it and play catch up again with CLE (not to mention my ds would whoop me lol)! If it's working I'd say stick with it for sure. Just keep it in mind in case CLE stops working. :001_smile:

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I recently looked at samples of Teaching Textbooks online and think it looks so much more fun and helpful with the explanations done for me ....but CLE is working fine.


I really think we do our children and ourselves a disservice when we hand the teaching over to a DVD (and I have used TT). The earlier we do this the worse it is because when they need help, in-person help, the longer it goes on, the harder it is to provide that help, until one day, we are no longer able to help at all.


All of this is to say "Hang in there!" If it's working, it's great that you are needing to provide some instruction. It's important, too.

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Yep, thanks for the advice everyone.....stopping the "grass looks greener" syndrome NOW before I make a mistake!! :)

I promise not to look at anything else that I do not need:D


Just remember what I tell my goats... That grass isn't any better than what you have, and you'll probably get your head stuck in the fence. :tongue_smilie:

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Another vote for CLE - we tried Singapore, Abeka, Horizons...and finally had the most success using CLE this past year (thanks to others' recommendations on this forum). And the fact that it works well with my very different daughters is further proof of its merits. My younger one didn't do a formal kindergarten and I started her early with first grade - she took very naturally to CLE 1. My older daughter came in to CLE after using Abeka last year, and it's going very smoothly for her as well. I'm thinking about using their K program for my son who'll be joining us this fall...

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Just remember what I tell my goats... That grass isn't any better than what you have, and you'll probably get your head stuck in the fence. :tongue_smilie:


:lol::iagree: My head has been stuck in the fence many times!

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I thought the CD based explanations looked great, too, when we started using TT 5 last year. And my twins do like TT enough that they are asking to do level 6 and emphatically don't want to use anything else.


But...they didn't like learning from the CD's. They wanted to be able to ask questions, get unfamiliar terminology explained, etc.


What we ended up with is ME teaching them the material. (In elementary levels the lessons in the book are basically summaries that review the CD lessons, not enough step by step explanation for my kids to figure it out themselves.) Then they complete the exercises in the book. No. CD's. at. all.


So, I'd say TT is "working" for us, in that the kids are learning and want to continue it. Just not learning quite the way I'd envisioned when I paid all that money. :glare:


So now I'm looking at paying $80 for just two workbooks next year, knowing that I'll be the one doing the actual teaching. :001_huh:


(In all fairness, I'm sure that lots of kids do like using TT in a more independent way. Apparently, it is not a given, though.)


Hey, anybody want some TT5 CD's? :tongue_smilie:

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