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GA Accreditation Requirements

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I am so depressed. I am planning on homeschooling my rising 9th grader in high school next year and I plan to get an accredited transcript. I have been to two places now and they both are recommending curriculum that is either BJU or Alpha Omega or Abeka. I did not want to go with any of these. I found out that MFW does not qualify for 9th grade. Are there any other options?!? I am so bummed!

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I am so depressed. I am planning on homeschooling my rising 9th grader in high school next year and I plan to get an accredited transcript. I have been to two places now and they both are recommending curriculum that is either BJU or Alpha Omega or Abeka. I did not want to go with any of these. I found out that MFW does not qualify for 9th grade. Are there any other options?!? I am so bummed!


What areas are you near? We have a school in our area that lets you choose all that you want, you just have to take your child in 4 times a year and the school gives them and grades tests that you provide. You show them samples of the work during each quarter and turn in the grades.

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I live in the metro Atlanta area - northwest Atlanta. The places I am talking to let you pick your curriculum but they also let you know if it is one that matches HOPE/GA DOE standards. MFW 9th grade does not. 10th grade does, but 9th grade does not. Do you have a high schooler yet?

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I have a dd entering 9th next year. I went to a college/career fair and spoke with some admissions officers. They acted like they just want to see a transcript with a typical college prep track of courses, a list of textbooks and books used, and a list of outside activities, community involvement, etc. Of course, they want SAT/ACT scores. I thought an accredited transcript would be more than enough if we did all the other.

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Here is a link to what is required (as of now) to be eligible for HOPE. I haven't found anywhere that it says the coursework has to follow the GA DOE standards. According to what I read here, you don't even need an accredited transcript to be eligible for HOPE if you score in the 85th percentile or higher on SAT/ACT.


If I were you, I'd keep looking and ask them to give you links to the website(s) showing that you have to follow that course. The school here has been doing this for years and has sent many to college.


Here is a link to the graduation requirements in GA entering 9th grade now.


Good luck!

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I have a small private school in Marietta, 6-12, and I am going through the process of accreditation. Website is www.honeyfern.org, and I have limited spaces available for this fall.


I started it last year after fleeing the public school system as a teacher (12 years) and originally planned to be a homeschool consulting type place, but as my students enter high school, I felt like I needed to be able to keep the mission of the school yet offer an accredited diploma. I expect to be accredited by the end of the year, but I also currently offer four AP classes as well (approved by the College Board).


Please feel free to check out my site and contact me with questions. I am in West Cobb by the East-West Connector.

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