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Xpost: Does Rainbow Science introduce factor-label method?

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My dd will be in 8th & taking Algebra I (Lial's) in the fall. I'm trying to compare what's covered in Rainbow Science to Apologia Physical Science. I love the idea of having all the lab materials provided by Rainbow, but is it at the same level as Apologia Physcial Science? I like the fact that Apologia does cover the use of math in scientific application. This seems like a logical building block for the high school sciences.


If you have any thoughts or comparisons, I'd appreciate some feedback. Thanks,


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I have both programs. Rainbow simply cannot compare to Apologia PS, IMHO. Apologia PS is so much more involved, challenging, rigorous, etc. I purchased Rainbow Science for my ds12 who is not a real avid reader but loves science. My dd14, otoh, uses Apologia PS and does not have a problem with it at all. She is a good reader, though, and also very good at math. Ds...not so much at this point. So...it all depends on what you are looking for. There is a experiment kit for Apologia PS...costs way less than the Rainbow lab tools. :D HTH

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I have both programs. Rainbow simply cannot compare to Apologia PS, IMHO. Apologia PS is so much more involved, challenging, rigorous, etc. I purchased Rainbow Science for my ds12 who is not a real avid reader but loves science. My dd14, otoh, uses Apologia PS and does not have a problem with it at all. She is a good reader, though, and also very good at math. Ds...not so much at this point. So...it all depends on what you are looking for. There is a experiment kit for Apologia PS...costs way less than the Rainbow lab tools. :D HTH


Sue, thanks for your reply. This is exactly the perspective I needed to determine which is right for my dd. I had almost written off Apologia because of its layout (text across the page rather than 2 column format; dd is very visual). However, she went w/me to the Greenville convention and actually looked at it and read through it. She loved it. I couldn't believe it! She is finishing BJU Life Science w/DVD's, which has been a step up in challenge, but she has done very well w/it. My only complaint was that the amount of time involved in doing DVD's has left no hands-on time. I've heard so many great things about Rainbow's labs, but hey, if I can get a kit for Apologia PS for less $$$, than that would be great.


Sue, a few more questions, if you don't mind....

Does your dd use the supplemental CD or the audio CD? Is it worth it to buy??

What else do you recommend buying along w/text?

Where did you buy your lab kit?


Thank you so much. Your reply has helped me greatly!



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IMHO, if you've been using BJU science you will be very disappointed in Apologia. If you are looking for something a bit less time consuming than BJU with their DVDs, have you looked into DIVE science? You could use either the Apologia or BJU book with it (they recommend BJU for the more rigorous science student). I haven't used Physical Science but we've used Biology and Chemistry and they are very good with a definite focus on college prep. The videos have lessons and every lab done so they student can see exactly what is supposed to happen. You can buy a kit to go with it. I don't know about Physical Science, but in Biology and Chemistry they include labs that would typically be done in AP courses. Those materials are not included in the lab and sometimes are not accessible to home students. But because the lab is fully done on the video, they can experience a lab that they wouldn't normally be able to see because the materials are either too costly or restricted.


And best of all, DIVE cds are $50 which is pretty cheap compared to many video instruction curriculum.


oh - and I do agree with Sue about Rainbow. It's a bit light for what you are looking for. I used it in 6th grade with my oldest to help transition her into more rigorous science but I wouldn't use it for high school transition.



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IMHO, if you've been using BJU science you will be very disappointed in Apologia. If you are looking for something a bit less time consuming than BJU with their DVDs, have you looked into DIVE science? You could use either the Apologia or BJU book with it (they recommend BJU for the more rigorous science student). I haven't used Physical Science but we've used Biology and Chemistry and they are very good with a definite focus on college prep. The videos have lessons and every lab done so they student can see exactly what is supposed to happen. You can buy a kit to go with it. I don't know about Physical Science, but in Biology and Chemistry they include labs that would typically be done in AP courses. Those materials are not included in the lab and sometimes are not accessible to home students. But because the lab is fully done on the video, they can experience a lab that they wouldn't normally be able to see because the materials are either too costly or restricted.


And best of all, DIVE cds are $50 which is pretty cheap compared to many video instruction curriculum.


oh - and I do agree with Sue about Rainbow. It's a bit light for what you are looking for. I used it in 6th grade with my oldest to help transition her into more rigorous science but I wouldn't use it for high school transition.




Heather, thanks for chiming in. We've only used BJU Life Science for this year w/DVD's and for many reasons I won't get into, I will not do that again. I've looked at DIVE, but I've heard from others on the HS board that their Phys Sci is very tough and I don't know if she's ready for it. Life Sci has been good, but quite a challenge in terms of rigor and time committment (1 1/2-2 hrs daily).


Are you suggesting doing the BJU Phys Science w/DIVE as more of a HS prep course? In other words, do you mean using DIVE w/o sending in assignments and keeping grades, etc.? Hmmm, if so, I might really have to consider this. Obviously, I need to re-evaluate BJU phys sci myself (have looked at it before).


BTW, about DIVE....Does it do a good job of teaching students how to keep good lab notebooks; that is, what might be expected in a college level course?


If you have any other comments, I welcome them. Thanks again.



Edited by Jen the RD
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My dd does not use any of the supplemental CDs or the Mp3 audio. The one thing that I did purchase for her was the lapbook b/c she is very crafty and it really helps her retain what she has learned. My dd is not very into science at all. She does like Apologia, though. I read a very bad set of reviews on Rainbow recently and am now very hesitant to keep using it. Something about some of the content just being wrong. I am thinking about having my ds12 use Phys. Science next year with the audio...he is an auditory learner. HTH.

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