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Rainbow website changes. Wow!


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I just went into the Rainbow website to locate some additions I am making to our list for next year. I did a search and... WOW! How much more user friendly! I am impressed :)!


OK, back I go :auto:

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Are you talking about Rainbow Resource? If so when was the last time you were there, because it doesn't look any different to me.


Try searching for something. I thought what the heck is she talking about? :lol:


I agree it's much better.

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Try searching for something. I thought what the heck is she talking about? :lol:


I agree it's much better.


:lol: When I went in I didn't notice anything different either. I am adding some LA stuff to our list so I did a search and WOW! What I needed just popped up in front of me with large icons :). It took me minutes to find what I was looking for and I didn't have to scroll down long lists.

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Wow! Just checked it out, and I'm impressed. I always hate looking for stuff on that site. Now it looks like it won't be quite so painful. Maybe, my postman won't have to delivered that hefty catalog anymore. ;)


I asked for a catalog with our last order since we are in Canada and one was added in the box. I wanted to see what everyone was talking about. When I found it at the bottom of the box... :svengo:, phone book came to mind. On another note, I am not finding Classical Writing :001_huh:. I hope it's just that they are still working on the site and not that they don't carry it anymore.

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It looks much nicer. But I still couldn't find "classical writing" (which I bought from them last week) when I did a search. :glare: I had to find it via my wish list. I'm not sure how I found it before...


I couldn't find Pathway Readers and I couldn't easily find the Singapore math that I wanted earlier today. I had to do a manual type search for Pathway readers to find them, and decided to purchase Singapore Math from the Singapore website instead, so they lost a bit of business on that one.

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Oh I see you had the same problem. In case you don't already have it in your wish list ;)... here it is.


You might want to change the link so you are not logged into your wish list. I know it has happened before where people have lost all items in their wish list when it has been linked that way.

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Oh I see you had the same problem. In case you don't already have it in your wish list ;)... (link deleted) it is.


Thank you, thank you, thank you :D! I was in a panic. I just registered at Lulu and put Aesop in my cart and the shipping is 27.5% vs. 8% that I get from Rainbow for placing large orders. OK, I feel much better now :). I am guessing from the comments here that the changes took place today. I hadn't been in their site for a few days. I assume they are still working on it.

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Oh no. Now they're definitely going to suck me into buying more stuff. Their search function was too wonky before, so I often gave up, irritated.


I always make my list of what I want to buy long before placing an order. The days before placing the order I check it back and always end up adding more. If these changes suck me into buying any more, I am going to have to move closer to them :lol:.

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Wow, I just ordered 2 weeks ago and was going back to order another part of the set I purchased and they no longer carry. I like the new look, but am disappointed that I will have to find it elsewhere.




ETA: I just went back in and did a manual search and they are all there.

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This just happened today then, because I'm getting completely different search results than I did last night! (i.e. it actually showed what I was looking for, ha!)


I hadn't been in since last week but it seems that the changes went live today from other comments posted.


Wow, I just ordered 2 weeks ago and was going back to order another part of the set I purchased and they no longer carry. I like the new look, but am disappointed that I will have to find it elsewhere.


ETA: I just went back in and did a manual search and they are all there.


It looks like we will need to wait until they have all the kinks figured out :).

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You might want to change the link so you are not logged into your wish list. I know it has happened before where people have lost all items in their wish list when it has been linked that way.


I checked it right after I linked and changed it. I just checked the link now, and it looks like it's still linked to my wish list, but it's all been changed. Oh well. I'm deleting the link. Will you please delete the link in your quote? Thanks.


ETA: I opened a new window and logged into my account, and my wish list has not changed. My link just pointed to someone else's wish list. So weird...

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I checked it right after I linked and changed it. I just checked the link now, and it looks like it's still linked to my wish list, but it's all been changed. Oh well. I'm deleting the link. Will you please delete the link in your quote? Thanks.


ETA: I opened a new window and logged into my account, and my wish list has not changed. My link just pointed to someone else's wish list. So weird...


I had quoted you also and was going to delete it when I noticed that it now seems to be pointing to my wish list :banghead:. They REALLY need to do something about that. Thankfully, it does not give any private information. I went in with your link. I was only transferring the prices onto my Excel sheet so I don't know why I bothered to sign into my wish list. I guess it has now picked up mine.


Ann-Marie (atozmom) could you please delete the link from your quote also?

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Guest aquiverfull

Well I guess I'll disagree with all of you. RR's search engine is so cumbersome and difficult!! Well ok, I like the pictures that come up when I search but by typing in the name of the program just to see if it works, I don't get what I need. For example- I was going to search for Trail Guide to Learning- Paths of exploration. So first I tried "Trail guide to learning" and it brought up one or two of the books used in the program but not the program itself. Then I tried "Paths of Exploration" in the search bar and it brought up related items again but still not the program itself. I searched just last week using those terms and it brought up the program then, so I think this is going to be more confusing to customers. They will think RR doesn't carry an item when actually they do.

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Never mind Ann-Marie. I just cleared my wish list and it works fine now :). I copy pasted all my links from my wish list into a Word document and will have to redo it. Lesson learned :tongue_smilie:! Don't worry about deleting it, maybe someone else might need it. On another note, I e-mailed Rainbow and let them know about Classical Writing and Singapore Math that someone else mentioned. Hopefully, everything will be fixed soon.

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Well I guess I'll disagree with all of you. RR's search engine is so cumbersome and difficult!! Well ok, I like the pictures that come up when I search but by typing in the name of the program just to see if it works, I don't get what I need. For example- I was going to search for Trail Guide to Learning- Paths of exploration. So first I tried "Trail guide to learning" and it brought up one or two of the books used in the program but not the program itself. Then I tried "Paths of Exploration" in the search bar and it brought up related items again but still not the program itself. I searched just last week using those terms and it brought up the program then, so I think this is going to be more confusing to customers. They will think RR doesn't carry an item when actually they do.


Kelli, it looks like they made the switch yesterday, so I assume they still have changes to make. It was why I pointed out the items that came up here so far. Maybe you could e-mail them with the items you are having difficulty with :). This way they can work on it hopefully sooner rather than later.

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I really think there are still a few kinks as when I type "Megawords" in the search book I either get nothing or one item that's NOT Megawords. I was just looking at those books a few days ago on their site. Off to try again....


:iagree: Yep, I noticed it with a few other items I typed yesterday also but can't remember what they were now.

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Guest aquiverfull

You're right Marie, perhaps they are still working on it. I tried searching several other things and had no luck with them either. Manual searching is a real pain, so I'm hoping they will improve on their search engine. It was always hard to find items doing a search and now it's even worse. I had to use the number in the catalog to pull up the items I was searching. I've placed several orders from them recently.


I guess I'll give it a little more time and if it doesn't improve I will email them.

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Well I guess I'll disagree with all of you. RR's search engine is so cumbersome and difficult!! Well ok, I like the pictures that come up when I search but by typing in the name of the program just to see if it works, I don't get what I need. For example- I was going to search for Trail Guide to Learning- Paths of exploration. So first I tried "Trail guide to learning" and it brought up one or two of the books used in the program but not the program itself. Then I tried "Paths of Exploration" in the search bar and it brought up related items again but still not the program itself. I searched just last week using those terms and it brought up the program then, so I think this is going to be more confusing to customers. They will think RR doesn't carry an item when actually they do.


I don't like it either. I searched for "God's Design" science at it couldn't find it. I retyped it "Gods Design" and it found it along with a bunch of other things that do NOT have "God" or "Design" in the title. :confused: It looks like it searches the entire description so if you want to search for the author "Lawrence" you will also get the book "Lawrence of Arabia".


I suppose I'll get used to it. I still like CBD's samples better too, but RR does have awesome descriptions of the products.

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Interesting! I just noticed on the top right hand corner that you can change the view between "grid view" and "list view". You can also change the number of items displayed per page between 15, 30 and 60 items.

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Also, after you type your selection and it lists the items, to cut down on the huge list you can go to the left and select a filter :). That's all pretty cool and should save time! I just hope the issues with not being able to find things get straightened out soon.

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I don't know, at first I thought it looked nice, but yesterday I tried to find two things (that I had just ordered last week, I was linking to them to friends) and couldn't find either of them, Climbing to Good English or Living History of Our World. I ended up typing in item numbers because I had those. And the search results I did come up with did not even have the words I had searched for in them. Hopefully they get the kinks worked out soon. I was really frustrated searching.

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I don't know, at first I thought it looked nice, but yesterday I tried to find two things (that I had just ordered last week, I was linking to them to friends) and couldn't find either of them, Climbing to Good English or Living History of Our World. I ended up typing in item numbers because I had those. And the search results I did come up with did not even have the words I had searched for in them. Hopefully they get the kinks worked out soon. I was really frustrated searching.


I just e-mailed them again and linked to this thread. I hope others add the products they are having issues with so that they can see them and work on them. I won't be ordering for a few months still but hopefully things can be taken care of soon for those of you that will be ordering soon :).

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I just e-mailed them again and linked to this thread. I hope others add the products they are having issues with so that they can see them and work on them. I won't be ordering for a few months still but hopefully things can be taken care of soon for those of you that will be ordering soon :).


well, if they are reading this...


last night, I struggled for some time finding some of those apologia lapbooks from knowledge box that I wanted. It took quite some effort, but finally did a lot of clicking without search box help and found it and got my order. I definitely went the long way with just clicking through menus to find it.


I knew RR carried it.... did get it ordered, but the search stuff was rather, uh, frustrating to use. I didn't keep detailed notes of what I did or didn't do, but searches were turning up unrelated items and not the product I wanted.


best wishes getting it fixed. I can't even imagine how much work that takes.



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I found it very hard to find what I was looking for. I use to be able to type in a curriculum and it would bring it up right away. It still would bring up a whole bunch of products, but their was always a small list at the top that you could click on exactly what you wanted. Now there are just the huge amount of products brought up. No convenient list at the top. :(


Thank you to RR for trying to make their website easier to use. I hope they read these posts and are able to fix the issues.

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I haven't played with it too much yet, but to the people searching for Pathway Readers and Singapore supplementary books.... Those have always been difficult. To find Pathway, I usually search for "pathway reading" instead of reader. For the Singapore books, I leave off the "Singapore". So search for "intensive practice" or "challenging word problems".


I haven't tried these searches with the new version, but maybe that will help someone.


I'm also curious where the A Living History of Our World books are. I searched for those yesterday.

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I ended up just typing the product numbers in my Excel sheet for Classical Writing for now. I tried many times over and the only way I was able to get it was from the link provided in this thread. None of my attempts directly in the site worked. I think we may need to help each other for the next little while until all is figure out. It seems the product codes are the way to go for now.

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Rainbow is back up and I just did a search for Classical Writing and it is showing up now :hurray:. For those of you that were having problems finding products like I was, try it now and see how it goes.


ETA: I just used the filters on the side also. After searching for CW I went to the filters on the left and selected "English/ Writing". This eliminated many of the other items and made it more specific to what I was looking for. :hurray:!

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