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Teachers Bistro 3-30-2011 Who has the key??

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Hello! I'm (*yawn*) having a hard time getting in the groove today. ALL of us slept late this morning. Did you? I didn't wake up until around 9 o'clock! Yikes!


What's for lunch? Me/us: no idea! (Yes, again.) Heading out the door here in a bit to take back library books and figure it out!


Does anyone want to join me for coffee/tea around 4pm PST this afternoon?

I'd love for you all to actually BE here but virtually present works just as well! :)


Can we homeschooling moms schedule a Required Teacher Training/Continuing Education and meet at a resort somewhere? Like in the Caribbean?? :lol:



Talk to me! :bigear:

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Lunch: Ummm... I should find some. DS just finished a Lean Cuisine and some yogurt and is currently scrounging around our bare kitchen wondering if there's anything else he can swipe (there isn't).


Coffee/tea: I'd be happy to join you, but we'll probably be having dinner at that hour, so I'll probably be late and bring Smirnoff instead. If that's okay.


Caribbean: If my husband's company can schedule an annual cruise to either the Bahamas or Mexico, refuse to let spouses attend, hand everyone a prepaid all-you-can-drink card when they board... AND write the entire thing off as a business expense because they have a 1-hour meeting on the ride home.........


Then yes, Virginia, I think we can swing it.


(Did I mention this year's cruise is over my birthday? And DH is going anyway?


I'm not bitter at all. :glare:)

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Nope, didn't sleep that late, but I did sleep until 6:45 instead of 6.


Lunch is leftover garbanzo bean burgers then some warm lemon pound cake fresh from the oven.


At 4PT, I'll be sitting in a stinky gym watching littlest do tap dancing.


Teacher Training sounds great. Can we snorkel too? I've been dreaming of warm oceans, beach sand, and drinks with umbrellas. I also dreamed about rhubarb, but I don't know what that was about.

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Yep, we slept late.

Lunch was cheese pizza....it's Lent, so no meat on Wed AND Fri for us.

4pm meet up, can't do that will be dinner time here and my monkeys are vicious when feeding time is delayed.

Meet up in the Caribbean?? I'm there....just need to call the dr for my Valium to fly.:001_smile:

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Slept late?? someone got to sleep in??? How did that happen? :glare::glare:Yesterday the farm store told my son they would have chicks at 8 am, and my son is about to lay his own egg wanting chicks so bad! It hasn't helped that our neighbor has 16 chicks already. So dear son woke us all up before dawn, and off we went. The chicks didn't arrive and he wasn't going home without any. So he calls his grandpa all brokenhearted and we all then drive 30 miles to the next farm store.


Anyone here heard of chicken math? That's where you go to buy 1 chick and come home with 8. Well, look at this:


chicken math + grandparents= 11 chicks and 2 ducks!


Yep, 2 ducks. Never mind that this same son has 25 chickens coming thru 4H in 12 days! And, I think almost worst of all - my mom who hates animals is the one who fell in love with the ducks and encouraged ds to buy them :tongue_smilie::blink: Our coop will have to be larger than our house at the rate this is going! The coop and run at this point will cost us nearly $1000. Yeah. I don't think we will be making a profit anytime soon.


Me: :svengo::svengo:

My kids: :party:

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Oh, you all are making me almost choke on my sandwich with laughter! Thank you!


Update: lunch is ham on wheat with honey mustard sauce, bean sprouts, and baby spinach, with a side of strawberries and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Are you sure you don't want to come over? :D


I'm thinking this Caribbean thing, said only half jokingly, could actually be pulled off! How long do you all need to plan ahead?

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No problem on not meeting at 4pm, I missed it, too! :D My dd and I were out on the patio doing some science review. She complained at first but then, in the middle, said, "I'm glad we're doing this. I love learning science terminology." That's a good thing since I'm taking her through a college level course (albeit at a modified pace)! :D


I might go make some tea now, though, and get dinner on as I have a conference call just after 5pm!


See you all tomorrow! (Maybe.)

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