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Anyone else . . .

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...having a difficult time getting into the groove of things today? I have a headache, which is fading thankfully. But I also have little to no energy or desire to 'make myself do school.' I would feel more comfortable giving us a 'day off' if we weren't already slightly behind. Ugh. Somebody encourage me, please! Thanks!

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Yep, I'm in that boat, too. Was just telling dh (who left for NY again this week :glare:) that I have lost all motivation to finish out this week. And we are already behind. And I am tired. And my house is nearing "disaster" status very quickly. And dh is gone...but I already mentioned that. :D :grouphug: I took the kids to the library and rented a few educational DVDs for tomorrow and Friday. I'm just praying I find my motivation by Monday.

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it must be in the air .. i did not want to crawl out of bed.. and I do not want to do school.. and we are behind from a move.. but honestly today i just need a break. so the kids are currently blissfully in the other room making up stories (they asked to do this lol.. dd is making a book.. ds is writing a comic).. I plan on watching some science and history stuff on netflix.. and calling it a day lol..

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