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Has anyone done MFW Adventures followed by HOD Bigger?


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That is our current plan for DS8. He's supposed to begin Bigger the first week of April (next week). I have all of the materials for him and they look very good. I consider it a step up in challenge with reading and writing across the curriculum. We'll see how it goes! :001_smile:

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Yes. HOD's Beyond uses the same book Pioneer and Patriots as MFW ADV does. So yes, you could do MFW ADV then Bigger. Bigger has a different flavor; biographical history.


I did Beyond and meshed it with ADV. Worked well. Then I did Bigger. You may have a bit of overlap with patriotic things like learning songs and such, but they are at the end of both programs, so you wouldn't end with one and begin the other with it. Sure. They work well.

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I used the Pioneer and Patriots as a guide. I did Beyond's guide to 13 weeks, then moved to ADV, then back to Beyond to complete. I used ADV's state study for the 13 colonies only so the state part didn't get redundant, and I used ADV's science. :)


I know I did a little more than that, but that's all I can remember. It was a few years ago.

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Thanks for the details alilac, we may do something similar. I love HOD, particularly the storytime and poetry that aren't in Adventures, but we've already done most of the science in Beyond (though it looks like we're going to read through Apologia's Astronomy, so that'll be taken care of), and my ds is just not into very many crafts. My dh is interested in Adventures because it doesn't linger on pilgrims as long. So I'm going to buy the TM asap and we'll decide once we can read it. I'm glad to know that it will still feed nicely into Bigger for the following year.

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