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Question for vegans about your skin

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Have you ever experienced issues with your skin since going vegan? Breakouts? Sensitivity, chapped or dry areas all around your lips?


I have been experiencing all of these things since going back strictly vegan 3 weeks ago. I had the issues with my lips when I was strictly vegan for a few months last year, which is why I added some animal items back to my diet.


I really do not want to add meat or dairy back, though I may add eggs because I have many sources for totally free-range eggs, but would like to know if maybe someone knows what I might be able to do to help these things.


I'm taking a B-complex vitamin, and could add a multi-vitamin also. I generally eat well.



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Sounds like you are missing oils. You could try flaxseed oil and coconut oil, in your food (don't heat flaxseed oil though- just splash it on salads or take capsules). Eat avocados.

Also sounds like a possible allergic reaction- anything you are eating more of, or differently, that you might be allergic to? More wheat perhaps?

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Initially it could be a detoxing effect. If you've been vegan for awhile, it's probably a lack of healthy fats and oils - you could address that internally by adding nuts, avocados, coconut and other oils to your diet. Eggs, too, would be great (since you mentioned considering them).


You might also address that externally by using coconut or other oils in your daily care routine. Dab a bit of coconut oil on the dry areas, and use as a lip balm when necessary. I'm not sure if coconut oil works as well on caucasian skin - you'd have to try. Something lighter - maybe grapeseed? - might be a better option, unless your skin is naturally coarser.


My skin gets very dehydrated due to the nature of my job. I've had great success using Bach's Remedy lotion on the super dry parts of my face and hands. It's less messy than coconut oil to take on the road with me, so if you're not into the coconut oil thing it's worth looking at. I get mine at our local snooty grocery store; I'm sure a Whole Foods type place would have it, as well.

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I'm not vegan anymore, but I didn't have any skin problems when I was. I ate a lot of fats, though, hemp seed, nuts, olive oil, flax meal, etc. I have always had dry, chapped lips. I use lip balm. My skin is much better here than when I lived in the desert. ugh, the dry air aged me like crazy.

if you have any doubt, add a good quality multivitamin like Rainbow Lite or Schiff. It can';t hurt, and will act as insurance in case you are missing anything.

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