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Today I feel good that...(fill in the blank)

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Today has been one of those days. I have them less frequently than I used to, but today has been bad. It shouldn't have been feeling so low, b/c I had 2 friends from high school over (one of which I haven't seen since graduation!) with their 2 youngest kids. It was a wonderful visit. Then they left and I crashed. :( We didn't get any schoolwork done, the kids were at each others' throats, disrespectful, nasty, cranky, copping major attitudes, etc. If dh wasn't working from home today, I would have fallen apart. And I'm struggling with grief over something I should have let go long ago. Anyway, I have to find some good to focus on otherwise I am going to succumb to self pity and negativity. So, today I feel good that...


1. I was able to get out and mail some packages I needed to mail.

2. My room is mostly clean.

3. I got to reconnect with a good friend.

4. I did a load of laundry.


So, how about you? What do you feel good about today? :D

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I'm sorry that you've had such a bad day!!


Today I feel good that....


My morning sickness seems to be a bit better than it has been in the last month and I actually washed dishes, tidied up, did laundry, did DD's therapy with her, and wiped down the kitchen counters! That's waaaaay more than all the laying on the couch that I've been doing! DH may fall over when he walks in the door.

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Good idea for a thread :)


Today I feel good that ... I opened the Kit Kat bag, and split the four pieces between my kids rather than try to shovel 'em all down my throat before the kids noticed.


Today I feel good that ... we chucked formal schooling to hang out with my SIL and nephew. Family time is important, and not as easily caught up in as are academics.

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1. We pretty much have the basement unpacked and set up for school use.

2. We were ready for the packers to bring our storage shipment this morning.

3. Everything that was supposed to be in the shipment seems to have arrived.

4. The last bit of tie dye birthday cake divided into a piece for each of us.

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That I managed to drag myself to the pharmacy to sign for sudafed and have my sinuses stop hurting...after a week of being ill.


That I did laundry, grocery shopping and prep for ds' b-day tomorrow.


That I could stop and see the beauty around me and the blessings I have.

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I feel great that I was able to spend several hours today at my local public radio station, working the phones during their semi-annual begathon. The other volunteers were an interesting group and the lunch that was provided was delicious.


My previous homeschooled son is now a first year college student so it is great to have this time to give back to my community. (Hey folks--there is a life after homeschooling! :D)

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I feel pretty good that I didn't just start screaming when I saw that my 5yo opened up the fish tank filter letting gallons and gallons of water spill all over the carpet on the second floor.


I feel even better that I still didn't scream even after she lied to me about doing it and I went into our garage and saw the water pouring out of the ceiling.


Pretty low standards around here today.

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Today I feel good that:


I was able to keep the house clean and organized, dishes washed and laundry done and folded along with getting school done. I am now actually doing some digital scrapbooking that I am behind on by almost a month.


It was a good day.

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we worked hard all day and the house is now (mostly) ready for the packers to come tomorrow. I am very proud of my oldest 2 boys. They stepped up to the plate and really helped me out. We are only moving across town, but I'm finding that it is still stressful. Luckily, the military is paying for our move, which means we get to have a company come in and pack us up and move us.

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Today I feel good that my family is all in good health...

that I am able to pay bills...

that it has stopped raining and we are another day closer to summer time!


I know there is lots more... but, I must go watch the dinner!!

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I ironed! I don't think I have done that in years. I wouldn't have done it today either except for the fact that I just bought my dd a new cotton duvet cover. Of course, when it came out of the dryer the first time it was a wrinkly mess. Ordinarily, I wouldn't care but since I am fixing her room up for her I figured I would do it right. Tomorrow the matching curtains.


I have also managed to do a little cleaning, organizing and decluttering everyday for awhile now. Some days less than others but this year is the first in a long time that I have made that kind of progress so I am feeling pretty good about it.


I hope you have a better day tomorrow. :grouphug:

Edited by KidsHappen
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I am sorry you had a bad day, but maybe you can rejoice with me just a little bit...yesterday and today I have been almost painfree for the first time in years, but especially the last year has been excrutiating.


I am almost feeling like I can make it again....




That lifts my spirits tremendously! I am rejoicing with you. :D

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1. I got three loads of laundry washed, dried, folded, and put away.


2. The dog seems to be responding well to training and only went nutty barking for about 2 seconds until I told him to be quiet (without yelling).


3. My dh found a box of taco shells in the far reaches of a cabinet, so I was able to have dinner.


4. We are one day closer to pay day and then we'll be able to buy groceries!

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Despite yucky damp cold gloomy weather and two with nasty colds we got school done. I also folded the clothes and did a load of dishes. The trash was taken out and dinner was done shortly after dh got home. (Generally I'm lucky if I've started it by then)

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