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You might be a classical homeschooler if...

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Your 6yo just bought a new toy horse and had to name it Ferdinand since it was going to marry another toy named Isabella.



We won't even talk about how excited they both were to find a science encyclopedia at the used book store or how they squealed when they found out the daily special at our favorite restaurant included asparagus as the vegetable. My kids are probably just weird.

Edited by Karen in CO
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Your brother (who is watching your son while you're out of town) text messages you this photo, and wants to know what kind of freak kid plays Romans versus Barbarians. With golf balls. For over an hour. Then, when questioned, lectures you for 20 minutes on the various war strategies of each side, even following you downstairs - still yapping - as you try to escape the lesson.



My son text messaged me a few minutes later with his own side of the story: "Can you believe Uncle didn't even know or care about the Romans?!? I guess that makes him a Barbarian LOL"


:D I love these threads, they always crack me up.

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Your brother (who is watching your son while you're out of town) text messages you this photo, and wants to know what kind of freak kid plays Romans versus Barbarians. With golf balls. For over an hour. Then, when questioned, lectures you for 20 minutes on the various war strategies of each side, even following you downstairs - still yapping - as you try to escape the lesson.


My son text messaged me a few minutes later with his own side of the story: "Can you believe Uncle didn't even know or care about the Romans?!? I guess that makes him a Barbarian LOL"


:D I love these threads, they always crack me up.


:lol: That is hysterical!!!

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My son named his toy horse Bucephalus when he was 2. He was listening in when I was teaching his older brother. :)



My kids did this, too.


Your 6 year old asks "Mom, just how were the gates to the Egyptian underworld built" which necessitates you spending hours on the internet trying to find an answer for him.

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  • 2 weeks later...
...your child tells the family cat that she is "as beautiful as Helen of Troy!" ;)


Your son thinks the quotation "only a fool laughs at Latin" is worth memorizing.


Playing the Boom and Bust music video will bring your kids running.


You always look twice at the Latin section in music stores, only to be disappointed. Again.

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Your brother (who is watching your son while you're out of town) text messages you this photo, and wants to know what kind of freak kid plays Romans versus Barbarians. With golf balls. For over an hour. Then, when questioned, lectures you for 20 minutes on the various war strategies of each side, even following you downstairs - still yapping - as you try to escape the lesson.




My son text messaged me a few minutes later with his own side of the story: "Can you believe Uncle didn't even know or care about the Romans?!? I guess that makes him a Barbarian LOL"


:D I love these threads, they always crack me up.


It took us about 45 minutes to get through the gates of the castle in Nuremberg because we were acting out an assault on the castle and all of the various defenses that would have to be overcome.


Of course, my dh also took pictures of the tourists eavesdropping on me while I was explaining the significance of different parts of Strausburg Cathedral. I had no idea that I'd drawn a little crowd. Again, it took about a half hour to actually get through the door, because the doorway was so interesting.

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...when contemplating a move across country has you dh drooling at the prospect of hitting battle sights

...when the kids are more excited about the science centre and museum where we'll be moving more than meeting uncles, aunts, cousins and great grandma :lol:

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My gift to 5yo on his birthday today is Kindergarten. He got a new schedule with his name on it and 2 new books with new files in the school box--also with his name. He could not be happier.


When I introduced my children to Pandora Radio, they insisted on hearing the Pandora story. My 8yo likened it to the Garden of Eden story, sparking a discussion of the misogyny of ancient mythology.

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When this is our favorite family joke:


Kid: What's the name of the woman pharaoh?


Mom: Hatshepsut.


Kid: God bless you. Here's a kleenex. Now, what's the name of the woman pharaoh?


Mom: Hatshepsut!


Kid: God bless you. You must be getting a cold, mom. Can't you think of her name?


Mom: Hatshepsut!


and so on...



We also get excited when we hear ancient Egyptian, Greek, or Roman names in the news or on TV. "Mom, did you hear? They said something about Aeneas!" Like he's a long lost relative of ours or something.


I love these threads. Makes me feel that we're not alone and weird, or at least we're a good kind of weird!

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...you stick leftover boiled cabbage from making pH indicator into a smoothie with grape juice in order to not let it go to waste.


It gave the smoothie a great color - it was grape juice from home grown/pressed grapes, and therefore rather brownish. The cabbage made it "properly" purple, and was mild enough not to be noticed.


DD declared it better than grape soda!


(ETA: And then a few days later you go into the fridge, and become slightly confused as to which nalgene bottle contains cabbage juice and which grape.)

Edited by ocelotmom
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When your two-year-old can


"We're the Mesopotamians

Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal and Gilgamesh."


Then the song gets derailed while he and the five-year-old argue over who gets to be Gilgamesh.


When your five-year-old asks to study Greek, so that she'll be ready to help translate in case they ever find more of the Rosetta Stone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oooooh! I have one! Yesterday, in science we were discussing ants and their various roles in an ant colony. We got to the Midden Ants, which clean the tunnels and take out the waste, and my son excitedly announces, "Just like the Untouchables in India!" :001_huh::D Uuuuummmmm, okay. ;)

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When your 7 year old is doing Latin chants while skiing ...


When your kids build Jeanne D'Arc's army to go fight the English, and get upset at the toddler for wanting her knight to be William the Conqueror...


When the worst insult they can come up with is to call each other Latin words ..

Edited by GypsieFamily
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Your 6yo just bought a new toy horse and had to name it Ferdinand since it was going to marry another toy named Isabella.



We won't even talk about how excited they both were to find a science encyclopedia at the used book store or how they squealed when they found out the daily special at our favorite restaurant included asparagus as the vegetable. My kids are probably just weird.




Upon hearing about the birth of a new cousin, your 8 yo exclaims, "Isabella! I hope she doesn't try to take over Spain! Where's Ferdinand?"



Same here for science equipment and office supply products .... not so much on the veggies! :tongue_smilie:

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When your 7 year old is doing Latin chants while skiing ...


When your kids build Jeanne D'Arc's army to go fight the English, and get upset at the toddler for wanting her knight to be William the Conqueror...


When the worst insult they can come up with is to call each other Latin words ..


or when you hear your five-year-old riding her scooter saying something to herself. You stop and listen and she's conjugating Latin verbs.

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...when your 9yo starts teaching the man at the hardware store how to diagram sentences.

...when you 7yo, who was just playing outside, comes running up to and says in a panicked voice, "Mummy, I've forgotten which Greek letter comes after nu!"


I love these threads! :D

Edited by Aquinas Academy
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When your 2yo gives Mummy-tickles (arms out like a zombie saying "err, arg, tickle, tickle, tickle!")


When the worst insult they can come up with is to call each other Latin words ..


Have they read "How to Insult, Abuse & Insinuate in Classical Latin"?



Edited by theYoungerMrsWarde
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When your 8 year old corrects you about whom exactly William the Conqueror tricked with relics. And when the same kid, in response to his aunt asking him why he is naked, says, "I'm not. I'm wearing my scarlet underwear."


When the pediatrician asks your 6 year old, "What's new?" and the 6 yr. old says, "Quid novi?". At the puzzled look from the doctor, the 6 yr. old explains, "That's 'what's new?' in Latin."

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When your child writes notes to the tooth fairy, Dear Titania, because of course she has a Shakespearean fairy name.


When your 6 yr old brushes her teeth each day by playing a little game where the toothbrush represents the American Patriots and the germs in her mouth are the Redcoats who must be destroyed.


When they assign copywork to their dolls during playtime.


When they pray in Latin at bedtime.

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...When your two-year-old says "amabo te" when asking for some apple juice.


Also, you know you've spent too much time on parenting boards when you make a post like this and then your next thought is "Oh cr*p, people are totally going to judge me for giving my kid apple juice."


Judge away. At least he's polite. In Latin. :lol:

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