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How many posts do you need to be promoted...

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You know what's funny? I started posting because I wanted to reach that elusive 50 posts so I could sell some things. Before that I only posted an occasional curriculum question, and I read some curriculum advice.

Well, the 50 posts got me HOOKED!!!! I've only been actually posting for the last couple of months and I have over 400 posts! I am a scouter bee (I think that's what it's called)! I love getting on here and interacting with everyone. I am now on the general forum more than the curriculum forum (which also surprises me!) I've never been big on social networks. I don't post much on Facebook and I'm not a Twitterer. But, I love it here! I can't believe how much!


SO - my new goal in life - I want to be a QUEEN BEE! It sounds so cool!

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Here you go. It was easier than I thought.


Just Visiting for the first 10 posts

Hive Mind Larvae for 11- 40

Hive Mind Worker Bee for 41-100

Hive Mind Level 2 Worker: Nurse Bee 101

Hive Mind Level 3 Worker: Honey Maker Bee at 161

Hive Mind Level 4 Worker: Builder Bee at 210

Hive Mind Level 5 worker: Forager Bee at 310

Hive Mind Level 6 Worker: Scout Bee at 410

Hive Mind Royal Larvae at 550

Hive Mind Queen Bee at 750

Empress Bee at 2500

Amateur Bee Keeper at 3500

Apprentice Bee Keeper at 5000

Qualified Bee Keeper at 7500

Beekeeping Professor at 10,000


Well, half way there!

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  • 2 weeks later...
You know what's funny? I started posting because I wanted to reach that elusive 50 posts so I could sell some things. Before that I only posted an occasional curriculum question, and I read some curriculum advice.

Well, the 50 posts got me HOOKED!!!! I've only been actually posting for the last couple of months and I have over 400 posts! I am a scouter bee (I think that's what it's called)! I love getting on here and interacting with everyone. I am now on the general forum more than the curriculum forum (which also surprises me!) I've never been big on social networks. I don't post much on Facebook and I'm not a Twitterer. But, I love it here! I can't believe how much!


SO - my new goal in life - I want to be a QUEEN BEE! It sounds so cool!


Totally what's just happened to me! It's a ploy...;)

Not big on social networks here either so it's ironic!

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I've never seen a Professor level, myself, that I remember. How would one go about having posted that many times? Homeschooling a LOT of kids or really, really talkative, or really smart? Just wondering. I feel like I write a lot, and never short one-sentence posts, and my number seems low, I suppose.


I still marvel that I can see who is online by the green indicator light thing, somewhere, in their kitchen or in their living room, or maybe in a real office, reading and looking, and we're all over the U.S. and really, the world.


I got a call from my nephew who is travelling in France today, though, and it felt amazing and marvelous.


Simple girl, here.

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I don't remember, but I was SO GLAD when I was no longer a larvae! :DQUOTE]


I was so happy when I was no longer "Just visiting," that I jupmed up from the computer and yelled, "YES!! I'm a Larvae!!" My husband was very confused ("wait, you're what?).



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Here you go. It was easier than I thought.


Just Visiting for the first 10 posts

Hive Mind Larvae for 11- 40

Hive Mind Worker Bee for 41-100

Hive Mind Level 2 Worker: Nurse Bee 101

Hive Mind Level 3 Worker: Honey Maker Bee at 161

Hive Mind Level 4 Worker: Builder Bee at 210

Hive Mind Level 5 worker: Forager Bee at 310

Hive Mind Level 6 Worker: Scout Bee at 410

Hive Mind Royal Larvae at 550

Hive Mind Queen Bee at 750

Empress Bee at 2500

Amateur Bee Keeper at 3500

Apprentice Bee Keeper at 5000

Qualified Bee Keeper at 7500

Beekeeping Professor at 10,000


This means I should be Royal Larvae, but it still says Scout Bee. Have these changed recently? :confused:

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