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Anyone know if the pill form of Floradix is just as good as the liquid?

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I was told it is not, both by the customer service person and the midwife. Also note if you are pregnant, that most bottles out there on the market are a bit older and still contain angelica. Angelica can cause the placenta to abrupt. So please take caution to either get Floravital or double check your bottle!

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I buy it on drugstore.com, get two bottles at a time to get free shipping and sometimes catch a sale or google up a coupon code. It is expensive, but I don't always take it in the quantities directed. I begin sucking it down like a madman and then slow up when I think my iron levels might have caught up. Not an exact way to do it, but since I have symptoms, I can generally tell when I am feeling better so therefore, my iron levels are approaching normal or at least improving. I take Floravital now because it is gluten free.

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I have googled to see if I could get any coupon codes, but no luck. If you happen to know where you usually find them, can you let me know?


I really like this product, but I tend to go through it quickly at times. It can get costly.


Thank you!

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