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What do OBs do these days for their new patients?

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I know a young woman who just found out she is expecting.

I would like to give her a congratulatory gift. I thought I would include a copy of What to Expect When You're Expecting and a few pampering items for her.


When I was pregnant many years ago the OB gave me the WTEWYE book and a bunch of other things in a diaper bag at my first appointment. Do OBs still do stuff like this?

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All of mine have given out a bag full of stuff -- formula coupons, Sears portrait studio coupons, lots of stuff like that, and a book on pregnancy. It seems that I've always received really crappy books. The one I got this time around is out of date (published in 1997 or 1998).


I like the Mayo Clinic book on pregnancy, personally.

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All of mine have given out a bag full of stuff -- formula coupons, Sears portrait studio coupons, lots of stuff like that, and a book on pregnancy. It seems that I've always received really crappy books. The one I got this time around is out of date (published in 1997 or 1998). That stinks.


I like the Mayo Clinic book on pregnancy, personally.

I'll go look for this one.

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I did not get a book with our first child or with this one.


Later on in the pregnancy (24 or 28 weeks?) i got a cheapy diaper bag with samples in it with the first child. Not there yet with this one


At my first appointment, both times, I got a pocket folder with some brochures in it about tests to consider, donating cord blood, etc -- pretty junky. This time I also got a financial aid package or how much I owe, when they expect it paid by, etc.

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None that I've used.


Personally, I'd highly recommend you pick out ANY book but that one. BTJMO. ;)


Wow, why? I'm just curious because my friend gave me a copy of it and it's been an awesome read - month by month stuff, what's gonna happen, lots of information... this is my first actual pregnancy (I didn't actually *give birth* to our others, although I've raised them almost their whole lives) and I knew nothing. I found this book to be informative - and funny in a lot of parts. :D

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I also did not like What to Expect when you are Expecting because it had me in fear and panic all the time. I couldn't live up to the diet (hyperemesis) and too many worse case scenarios to read about. I felt like a total failure as a Mom and I hadn't even given birth yet. I chucked it and was much happier during second pregnancy.

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Anything by Dr. Sears is good.


The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth is one I recommend to women who want to know the studies and results of different birthing choices so they can make informed choices for themselves.


The website blueribbonbaby.org gives the best dietary information. My blood pressure my first pregnancy was 150/90 in my first trimester. The doctor's freaked. My midwife put me on this diet and it went back down to normal, never to rise again.

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I recommend getting The Read Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease. That's my favorite book to give to pregnant friends. She'll get enough of the other pregnancy books from people.


This is an AWESOME suggestion. :iagree: My OB gives out a generic booklet with a bunch of prenate samples and a magazine subscription offer (it's actually the magazine people that provide the bag). My insurance gives WTE.


TBH, my favorite book is Pregnancy Sucks even though I actually quite love being pergnant. :lol:

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Anything by Dr. Sears is good.


The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth is one I recommend to women who want to know the studies and results of different birthing choices so they can make informed choices for themselves.



I agree with these. I hated the WTE books after just looking at them in the book store. They seem to cater to the worst-case scenarios.


I have only ever used midwives, but I never got any gifts during appointments. I got a sweet little "I was born at home" onesie for my last DD from the midwives.

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I liked the Sears' The Pregnancy Book. I'm trying to find the week-by-week book my dds and I enjoyed when I was pg with #4, but I'm not seeing it on the first few pages of Amazon. It had a purple-ish cover, I think...

That's what I liked, too. It's similar in style to WTE, but more relaxed and informative.


When I was with Kaiser, they gave out a book called From Here To Maternity which was pretty dern awful. Badly edited and just not particularly helpful. If she happens to receive this book from her OB, something better would probably be appreciated :)

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I also would recommend one by Dr. Sears.


Anything by Dr. Sears is good.


The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth is one I recommend to women who want to know the studies and results of different birthing choices so they can make informed choices for themselves.


The website blueribbonbaby.org gives the best dietary information. My blood pressure my first pregnancy was 150/90 in my first trimester. The doctor's freaked. My midwife put me on this diet and it went back down to normal, never to rise again.

Thank you for the link to blueribbonbaby! My blood pressure rises when I'm pregnant. I ended up on bed rest for the last couple of months of both of my previous pregnancies and have been trying to figure out how to avoid that this time around. My systolic pressure isn't near 150 yet, and I'm going to do everything I can to keep it in the 130s/80s or lower without bed rest. I've heard of the Brewer diet, but never realized it was a pregnancy nutrition diet. Many, many thanks!

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the girlfriend's guide to pregnancy. It is a very fun informational book.


Those books by Vicki Iovine made me laugh out loud when I was expecting my first and second children. Not many books make me spit out my drink. :D I wouldn't call them thorough or medically sound but definitely informative and funny!

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