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Is any info in The Lively Art of Writing outdated?

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I just bought this (used) and wondering if I should have bought an updated version-is there one?


And if it's all just the older version, what, if anything, in it is outdated information about writing?


I bought this based on other people on here recommending it (thank you :)), got it today, and I do love it. I'd like to use this as *my* handbook to help me know how to teach writing to dd11, but I don't know enough about writing to know what is currently accepted.


(btw, we also use IEW but not the "higher level" units yet)

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Some of the suggested writing topics are dated. At one point, the author suggests the students write about drag racing - probably not too relevant today. :001_smile:


The actual instructions/advice is still very much relevant.


By-the-by, this book is really high school level. And, while you may gain much from just reading it, since your dd is only 11, she may not benefit from it directly yet.


I just bought this (used) and wondering if I should have bought an updated version-is there one?


And if it's all just the older version, what, if anything, in it is outdated information about writing?


I bought this based on other people on here recommending it (thank you :)), got it today, and I do love it. I'd like to use this as *my* handbook to help me know how to teach writing to dd11, but I don't know enough about writing to know what is currently accepted.


(btw, we also use IEW but not the "higher level" units yet)

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