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Why did MFW not work for your family?

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Hello everyone,


I am considering the MFW high school program for my rising 9th grade son. I have read many positive reviews, but I was wondering if it didn't work for some families, and if so, why? What are you using instead? Is it working better?


We tried TOG for 2 years. I love the concept of TOG, but I was getting drowned with the planning. I want something where he can work a little more independently. I am hoping MFW is the answer.



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another forum I use to visit there was lady there who chucked mfw mid way through AHL.

She indicated that although she liked the idea of mfw, she dumped it about mid way through because....


*they were not willing to read that much mythology during ancients. I got the impression it was too much based on her style of faith issues and topic coverages and stuff like that. (ok... we're all different on that)


*it was too academic for her preferences of schooling. (she is not a classical education style of person. no flames.. she has the right for that)


*she was was not wanting to keep up with her child in OT reading and/or just guided discussion from OT challenge book. claim: too much time for her. counterclaim from me: 10-15 minutes a day for me to keep up on that part. we all have different schedules and demands on time.


that family decided to go with all textbook/worktext approach and not a literature approach or classical model. and that's why it was a bad match for that family and did not work.



I'm on a yahoo group of mfw high school users. I've heard people need a break from Homer at some point. I know my daughter needed a break from school time after finishing 7 months straight, but we're back into the lesson plans and still on track to finish school year on time.


trying to think. what else have I heard that isn't working in ahl? ah, some people are frustrated that there are no answers in the OT challenge, but just questions. That is a plus for me because then my child and I have to think on our own.


there's no such thing as one high school program for all. But I'm not hearing that it is light in academics at this level. I'm not hearing that it is too much on the students to do each day.

some students need audio books to help, or spark notes, or whatever. It's high school and they have to step up a bit and all of that.


it's working for us, so I don't really have the experience to share why it hasn't worked for others. But since I've heard those things on it, maybe that would help someone else to know why it wouldn't be right fit for them.



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The only other thing that's been a negative for some is some of the extra-biblical books they use for Bible. Love the Bible reading schedule and the apologetics, but don't love XYZ Book. If that's an issue for you, then skip it and do your own thing there.

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I haven't started MFW AHL yet, but I know one book that gives me pause is The Purpose Driven Life. Having read it myself, I don't find it horribly heretical, but I do disagree with Warren in many ways...not really in what he says, per say, but in what he fails to say. So, that gives/gave me pause in regards to the theology of MFW on a whole, and I almost didn't consider the program based on that one book choice. ;) Why that book I wondered, when there are so many other wonderful Christian books for a high schooler to read? Yet, despite my qualms, I think AHL looks pretty solid, so we are giving it a 'go'.


I've decided to go ahead and have my ds read Purpose, though I know it could be easily replaced with something meatier. Ds has a very firm theological foundation (this kid is destined to be a theologian), and I believe it will be fun to discuss the book together...it's good points, and it does have many, and where it is lacking theologically. ;)

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I haven't started MFW AHL yet, but I know one book that gives me pause is The Purpose Driven Life. Having read it myself, I don't find it horribly heretical, but I do disagree with Warren in many ways...not really in what he says, per say, but in what he fails to say. So, that gives/gave me pause in regards to the theology of MFW on a whole, and I almost didn't consider the program based on that one book choice. ;) Why that book I wondered, when there are so many other wonderful Christian books for a high schooler to read? Yet, despite my qualms, I think AHL looks pretty solid, so we are giving it a 'go'.


I've decided to go ahead and have my ds read Purpose, though I know it could be easily replaced with something meatier. Ds has a very firm theological foundation (this kid is destined to be a theologian), and I believe it will be fun to discuss the book together...it's good points, and it does have many, and where it is lacking theologically. ;)


When we do AHL this year, we're going to substitute Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper instead of Purpose-Driven Life.



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When we do AHL this year, we're going to substitute Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper instead of Purpose-Driven Life.




I love John Piper! LOVE. HIM. But his writing drives me batty. :lol: He's one teacher I prefer to hear, over read. I've thought about Do Hard things though, and I almost bought Growing Up Christian the other day at a bookstore, but remembered it is listed in MFW US1 so decided to hold off. ;) There is one classic I am seriously considering adding in if Purpose starts to bother me, but the name of it totally escapes me at the moment. :001_huh::glare:

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I love John Piper! LOVE. HIM. But his writing drives me batty. :lol: He's one teacher I prefer to hear, over read. I've thought about Do Hard things though, and I almost bought Growing Up Christian the other day at a bookstore, but remembered it is listed in MFW US1 so decided to hold off. ;) There is one classic I am seriously considering adding in if Purpose starts to bother me, but the name of it totally escapes me at the moment. :001_huh::glare:


I sub'd out, or added, several different titles during AHL. My dd had already read many of the 'suggested' extra reading titles that are listed near the front of the manual, so I went to Ambleside for some extra reading, as well as some that I'd had on my shelf for years that we'd never gotten to.

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There is one classic I am seriously considering adding in if Purpose starts to bother me, but the name of it totally escapes me at the moment. :001_huh::glare:


The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis? My dd read that one as well as Do Hard Things (they didn't have year 4 up on the site yet, so I didn't know), Don't Waste Your Life, and A Young Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George. Oh, and Stepping Heavenward.

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MFW worked great for my 14yo but my 13yos dropped it the first week. For a student who doesn't thrive with reading (not necessarily a child who struggles reading but who gets overwhelmed when faced with 4-6 different books in one day) it might not work.


The one thing I really don't like is the lack of writing. Yes, there are some substantial writing projects yet they are few and far between. I will be adding more writing the next time through.


We dropped The Purpose Driven Life. Since it corresponded with reading The Iliad I figured slogging through The Iliad was enough reading. My dc get read a life-application book anytime; I prefer their focus be on History.

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The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis? My dd read that one as well as Do Hard Things (they didn't have year 4 up on the site yet, so I didn't know), Don't Waste Your Life, and A Young Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George. Oh, and Stepping Heavenward.


Nope, that wasn't it, but I should look at that one. Is it good? I haven't actually read it...shocking, I know! :tongue_smilie:

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The one thing I really don't like is the lack of writing. Yes, there are some substantial writing projects yet they are few and far between. I will be adding more writing the next time through.




Would it be too much to add a writing course from The Potters School with MFW? I really would like to do TPS writing course because they are very good, but I am wondering if it will be too much.

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Would it be too much to add a writing course from The Potters School with MFW? I really would like to do TPS writing course because they are very good, but I am wondering if it will be too much.


How much time commitment on a weekly basis does that require? I don't know if it would be "too much" or not? It mind be. MFW is already 3 credits and then add science, math, elective. It might fit in elective or be too much for your student. I don't know b/c I haven't used Potter School.




side note on the PDL book, for anyone who is wondering... mfw does state why it went with that book if anyone cares to read their reason on it.



and yeah, Do Hard Things will be part of year 4 high school mfw in the speech/communications part of the curriculum.



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I'm really enjoying this discussion. I think I've decided on MFW for next year too - for my rising 9th grader. Also thinking of substituting John Piper's book.


I didn't realize there was a lack of writing. That was one of the draws for me. I have the Elegant Essay maybe I should add that in?

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I'm really enjoying this discussion. I think I've decided on MFW for next year too - for my rising 9th grader. Also thinking of substituting John Piper's book.


I didn't realize there was a lack of writing. That was one of the draws for me. I have the Elegant Essay maybe I should add that in?


I would disagree that there's a "lack of writing" .... but that POV probably depends on how much you're used to doing prior to starting AHL. It was definitely a learning curve for my dd.


That said, she's just now starting WHL, and she did comment today that she's glad there's more of a variety in types of writing assignments this year. :)

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I would disagree that there's a "lack of writing" .... but that POV probably depends on how much you're used to doing prior to starting AHL. It was definitely a learning curve for my dd.


That said, she's just now starting WHL, and she did comment today that she's glad there's more of a variety in types of writing assignments this year. :)

:iagree: We didn't find it to have lack writing either. However, I will admit that since I am not a writer, I'd struggled to find something to teach my kids that I, too, could understand! This has definitely fit the bill! We have understood it well, and have been able to move forward.


DD will probably be glad to hear there is more variety in WHL. :001_smile:

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I have so appreciated all of your MFW threads about highschool. This was our first year to use MFW even though I've been at this for quite awhile. I remember when my first son was in college that he told me that Smarr litererature's writing instruction was what saved him in college. He hated writing in highschool (although he did publish an article in Breakaway magazine), but he excelled in college. I remember being concerned that the only essay Smarr taught was the argumentative essay. I even spoke to Mr. Smarr about it and after a thoughtful recollection of his college writing assignments he said that would really be the crux of what my son would need, and sure enough it was. I am so glad that MFW has been able to use this instruction in their 9th grade course. Even though we won't start MFW highschool for another year, you guys have really helped me to get excited about it. I really do feel a peace that we should stay the course with MFW. I just hope somebody is around then that will be doing Ancients since you are already through it! I will most likely need some advice! :001_smile:

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I have so appreciated all of your MFW threads about highschool. This was our first year to use MFW even though I've been at this for quite awhile. I remember when my first son was in college that he told me that Smarr litererature's writing instruction was what saved him in college. He hated writing in highschool (although he did publish an article in Breakaway magazine), but he excelled in college. I remember being concerned that the only essay Smarr taught was the argumentative essay. I even spoke to Mr. Smarr about it and after a thoughtful recollection of his college writing assignments he said that would really be the crux of what my son would need, and sure enough it was. I am so glad that MFW has been able to use this instruction in their 9th grade course. Even though we won't start MFW highschool for another year, you guys have really helped me to get excited about it. I really do feel a peace that we should stay the course with MFW. I just hope somebody is around then that will be doing Ancients since you are already through it! I will most likely need some advice! :001_smile:


Awww, somebody will be doing AHL with you! At the very least, some of us will have other children coming up the ladder. ;)


Good to hear about Mr. Smarr's reasons!

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I have yet to find any negatives with AHL. My dd14 really enjoys it. She is not fond of having to read The Iliad and The Odysssey, but oh well (I never enjoyed those much either :tongue_smilie:). There is a lot of reading involved in this program (IMHO) so if your dc is not an avid/strong reader, it might be difficult (unless you found audios for some of the books...like the OT for example). My dd is a visual learner and loves to read so audios are not her cup of tea. ;) I didn't find the writing lacking in AHL but that depends on what you consider a normal amount of writing. Writing isn't my dd's strength, so I am adding in Jump In! and just purchased The Writer's Jungle and Help for High School while it was on sale at the HSBC. What I will say is that I have found that my dd has really grown spiritually this past year. And that, to me, is worth every penny of the program and is more important that any academic skill it could teach her. :D

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I have yet to find any negatives with AHL. My dd14 really enjoys it. She is not fond of having to read The Iliad and The Odysssey, but oh well (I never enjoyed those much either :tongue_smilie:). There is a lot of reading involved in this program (IMHO) so if your dc is not an avid/strong reader, it might be difficult (unless you found audios for some of the books...like the OT for example). My dd is a visual learner and loves to read so audios are not her cup of tea. ;) I didn't find the writing lacking in AHL but that depends on what you consider a normal amount of writing. Writing isn't my dd's strength, so I am adding in Jump In! and just purchased The Writer's Jungle and Help for High School while it was on sale at the HSBC. What I will say is that I have found that my dd has really grown spiritually this past year. And that, to me, is worth every penny of the program and is more important that any academic skill it could teach her. :D


Just an FYI for those who are buying or think they need to buy an extra resource for writing in AHL.... Writers INC is used in year 2 with WHL, and anything that 'seems' to be lacking in AHL will definitely be covered in the next year. ;) My dd struggled at first with the writing in AHL, but she's not at all afraid of the coming year. In fact, she's looking forward to it. So there's definite progress made, both in ability and confidence level. :001_smile:


(I'm one who did buy an extra resource for writing in 9th grade, btw, but we really didn't need it, nor did she even like it. She doesn't like writing papers that have nothing to do with anything because the topics are pulled out of thin air just to make the student write. :glare: )


Remember that 9th grade is an *introduction* to high school. There's three more years to go, and it all gets covered. :D Unfortunately you don't see ALL of it in the sample weeks on the website. For example, the TOC for WHL doesn't specify some of the less obvious written assignments, either, such as the essay that the student writes on the topic of marriage and dating/courtship after reading Pride & Prejudice, or the written character study done on the characters of that book. There are 18 writing assignments in WHL (which go along with the literature they're reading), which comprise 60% of the English grade, plus the research paper (topic of her choice) which is 30%. Daily work is only 10% of the English grade.

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I haven't started MFW AHL yet, but I know one book that gives me pause is The Purpose Driven Life. Having read it myself, I don't find it horribly heretical, but I do disagree with Warren in many ways...not really in what he says, per say, but in what he fails to say. So, that gives/gave me pause in regards to the theology of MFW on a whole, and I almost didn't consider the program based on that one book choice. ;) Why that book I wondered, when there are so many other wonderful Christian books for a high schooler to read? Yet, despite my qualms, I think AHL looks pretty solid, so we are giving it a 'go'.


I've decided to go ahead and have my ds read Purpose, though I know it could be easily replaced with something meatier. Ds has a very firm theological foundation (this kid is destined to be a theologian), and I believe it will be fun to discuss the book together...it's good points, and it does have many, and where it is lacking theologically. ;)


There is at least one thread at the MFW Forum that discusses why they decided to use Purpose Driven Life. I had questions on a couple books they chose but the explanations give were adequate for me. So if anyone has questions on why certain books were chosen, it will probably be addressed on the MFW Forum.

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