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Even though my son is a little old to be doing the whole caterpillar/cocoon thing, we still find it interesting and couldn't resist capturing this little guy to see if he would make a cocoon for us. We discovered him devouring my new orange tree so he is really a bad caterpillar and I firmly believe part pig. He can go through 4 or 5 leaves a day! No wonder my poor orange tree was naked. So here is a picture of Fred hungrily munching on his lunch.

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EEwww... That nest is nasty..lol. The moth seems ok, but with no size comparison.


I detest caterpillars, due to the fact that one year they were so bad, you'd walk and they fall from the trees and onto you. Looks like a cool project, even at 15 ;) but this mama would have the heebie jeebies..lol

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Here is what a nest looks like and a picture of what he'll eventually become.



I was thinking, "Tee hee, fuzzy Caterpillar!"


Then I saw the nest and went :svengo:





Still, you're never too old to appreciate nature, right?

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I gotta tell ya....we did this one time. We caught a caterpillar outside, put it in a jar, and waited. It spun a cocoon in no time and went inside. We watched for about 10 days, when it finally emerged. Well, I took one look at the thing and thought that nature had gone horribly awry!! It was malformed!! And ugly!! There was the body of an ugly grayish moth - but it had no wings!!! I thought something was wrong. Then I looked it up.....it was actually a female moth whose only job was to hatch, lay eggs right outside the cocoon, and then die. :001_huh: Hence, no need for wings. LOL! And no mouth either because they didn't have the time or the need to eat. Freaked me out at first! It was a white marked tussock moth, by the way.

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