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Gardening as Exercise

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Okay, I'm not going to talk numbers or anything but . . .


I've started gardening in earnest. We had a tree cut down which I had them leave so I could start chopping wood. Believe me, that is exercise!


I've also been digging holes; planting trees, potatoes, et c.; shoveling; hauling.


I HAD NO IDEA how much exercise gardening could be. I'm astonished at the places I've lost in inches and how a few pounds have come off just having fun. I did keep the tree to chop for exercise but I started gardening b/c I want to convert our urban plot to an urban farm.


This is very exciting!


This is the perfect time to get out there and start gardening! Join me!!!

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I've been doing the same! I posted before/after pictures on my blog so you can see how much was done. It was NOT fun after about two minutes on my hands/knees or squatting trying to dig out all of the wild strawberries and grass but it was a great workout!!!




I like your garden!

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Last summer was a very stressful time for me. A friend offered to help me work on my neglected back yard. Through hours and hours, days and weeks, it slowly transformed into a peaceful haven for me. What I had not planned on was the way all this hard work would transform me as well. All that shoveling, bending, pulling, and carrying really worked my arms and legs and abs. I'll take that kind of workout any day over going to the gym! :)

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gardening put the FUN in functional exercise. I love it! As Jean said, it's functional and I love that I don't just feel like I'm treading the same miles, lifting the same dumb weights, et c. I'm getting a workout AND building a farm (urban though it may be).


I will soon go on a forage hike/workshop and have been reading about that, too. In one of the books I'm reading, he talks about hunter/gatherers and how often they do what are often called squats in exercise circles. It brought to mind the kegel post of a while back.


Anywhoooo, I'm glad to have company.


Now I'm going to go look at your blog, Heather!

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I have been thinking about posting something similar.


I was training for a half marathon and running 18 or so miles a week, plus lifting weights 2-3 times a week. I could not lose a pound and was so frustrated.


I quit training/running last month to focus on my garden. I have lived in the garden the past month - extreme gardening - pruning antique roses that haven't been pruned in 12 years, putting down 6 cubic yards of mulch, etc.


I have lost five pounds. I don't feel near as hungry as I did previously, though I do eat a lot after working in the garden all day. I don't feel constantly hungry like I did when running. My arms do feel flabbier, but my hips and stomach feel 'trimmer.' Sadly, my shoulders feel huge. :tongue_smilie: I can tell that I have really been working out my shoulder area. (I'm already built like a football player, so this is not desired!)


I am looking forward to running again, now that the bulk of my garden chores are out of the way, but I do need to rethink how much I run and the fact that it makes me so hungry!


I do remember a doctor telling me 10 years ago that gardening was not considered good exercise. I asked him if he wanted to come garden with me for a few hours. :D He declined when I told him how *I* garden.

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