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Question regarding Tapestry of Grace


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If I am going to use the TG year 3. What are the things I need to buy? If I buy the complete package, do I need to buy other stuff? I am sorry, I am new to TG. And I need an advice on how to start. Thanks.

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- If you using the library then the only books I suggest buying are the literature selections, primary core books and multi-unit books. The rest you can get from the library or even substitute another title if you need to. (We buy all the books we'll need)


- MapAids for all levels for the year, unless you already have outline maps from Knowledge Quest or Uncle Josh. I suggest all levels b/c it's better to just have them on 1 disk.


- Writing Aids if you want, even if you don't use it as your primary writing program it is a gem to have for all the years but you don't NEED to purchase it.


In my opinion the rest of the stuff is gravy, get Evaluations if you are sure you'll use it. Ask your dh if he wants Pop Quiz.


:) Unit 1 of Year 3's books are available for purchase at Bookshelf.

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I think the best way for everyone to see what they will need with TOG is to first try out one of the free 3 week lessons on the website: http://www.tapestryofgrace.com/explore/ The link to the free lessons are one the right hand side. Print all the pages out (it is a lot about 55 pages per week) and either spend a few days reading it over and taking notes or just jump in and try it with your dc. This will really help you decide what aspects you want to include in your own school and what you think you will need to purchase.


I personally will not be buying any of the books because I have just a Ker and can substitue when I need to and my library has all the books suggested through the whole year plan, so I will be utilizing the library a lot. :001_smile: Some people just buy all the books to have at home and don't want to worry about availability at the library, and then some buy only the core history books and literature (or another combination).


I am not planning to go very deep into TOG yet, so I don't have any other items on my to get list for TOG, but the wonderful thing about it is that you can personalize it to work for your family's own needs.

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I agree that for the younger years you can easily make substitutions based on what your library has. I might be tempted to buy the literature selections, though :001_smile: but that's just me -- I love picture books! All the picture books I've seen that TOG recommends are beautiful.


Once your kids get to the upper grammar or especially dialectic, I'd be more concerned about getting exact titles.

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Well, I would buy the actual program first, and look it over. Then find out what books you could access via the library. If any book is used for an extended period of time, then I would go ahead and buy.


I also think you should get Map Aids and Writing Aids.

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I agree with Jennifer! Once you see the unit, you can look over the book list and decide how much of TOG you really want to do. Perhaps you will jump in slowly and only do some of the subjects and not all. Many card catalogs can be accessed online. Perhaps then, you can look at your public library and see what books they offer that correspond with your booklist. We have 6 children and are pretty committed to using TOG in some form for all of them. So I tend to purchase the spines and books that are used for 4 weeks or more. For high school students, the Evaluations are great to have. I have not used MapAids, but prefer Uncle Josh's maps because they seem more well drawn and accurate. You'll find you have preferences once you look at the curriculum and decide what is right for your family to do. TOG is an amazing "banquet." The beauty of it is that you can nibble or feast as you desire.


Blessings, Pam

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