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pregnancy test from dollar store?

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They work! And they are great for not wanting to waste money if you're not sure you are PG or not. However they should be followed up with another PG test non-Dollar store. ;)


I've used a lot of them, and while reports say that they are as sensitive as the other early pregnancy tests...I've found that my lines are SUPER faint on a dollar store test, when I'll test with another brand the next day and it will be much darker. I have example pictures with this pregnancy.


Dollar store:



Safeway brand similar to First Reponse Early (later that day):



(check out babyhopes.com and peeonastick.com for PG test sensitivity levels)

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Pink ink! Pink ink is better than blue.


I have had very good results with dollar tree tests and the bulk dip strips. The dip strips are the ones that are used in doctor's offices.


:iagree: I will never buy a blue dye test after some of the photos I've seen. When I was trying to conceive, I frequented a forum with a lot of other women ttc, and there were a ton of blue evaporation lines that looked like positives.


I bought in bulk from saveontests. :)

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They work! And they are great for not wanting to waste money if you're not sure you are PG or not. However they should be followed up with another PG test non-Dollar store. ;)


I've used a lot of them, and while reports say that they are as sensitive as the other early pregnancy tests...I've found that my lines are SUPER faint on a dollar store test, when I'll test with another brand the next day and it will be much darker. I have example pictures with this pregnancy.


Dollar store:



Safeway brand similar to First Reponse Early (later that day):



(check out babyhopes.com and peeonastick.com for PG test sensitivity levels)



Wow, you ladies are awesome. And I had no idea I'm not the only neurotic one who takes repeated tests, lol!


I went through so many tests with my earlier pregnancies, I wish I had known the dollar store sold them.


With all my pregancies, the first few were always negative, even though afterward I calculated to be a good three to four weeks pregnant at the time. I guess it just takes a while for the levels to build up?


I actually am pretty sure I'm not pregnant. Dh had a vastectomy after our last. He never went back for any of his follow-ups, though. It's just that lately I've been so fatigued and having nausea constantly, I let my imagination run away with me:001_smile: Needless to say, the test was negative (but you can be sure I'll retest because, after all, you can't buy just one when they're that cheep).


You know, after dh had his vastectomy, I was depressed and sad for a long time thinking we were done. I yearned for another precious baby and mourned the fact that it would never be again.


Lately, however, I've been feeling very content, enjoying the fact that my youngest is almost five and the days are much easier without the constant demands of a baby.


But boy, the second I think that maybe by some miracle I could be pregnant, the joy floods back and I'm filled with excitement and hope. Holding a baby, the smell, everything.


Like I said, it would be extremely unlikely. But, hey, a lady can dream a little, can't she? And with a bag of pg tests in my closet, I figure I can obsess for a good few weeks;)



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You know, after dh had his vastectomy, I was depressed and sad for a long time thinking we were done. I yearned for another precious baby and mourned the fact that it would never be again.


Lately, however, I've been feeling very content, enjoying the fact that my youngest is almost five and the days are much easier without the constant demands of a baby.


But boy, the second I think that maybe by some miracle I could be pregnant, the joy floods back and I'm filled with excitement and hope. Holding a baby, the smell, everything.


Like I said, it would be extremely unlikely. But, hey, a lady can dream a little, can't she? And with a bag of pg tests in my closet, I figure I can obsess for a good few weeks;)




:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I hope the outcome is...whatever your family needs it to be!

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