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Online Audio Engineering Course?

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I manage a small concert hall at a liberal arts college. My supervisor wants me to take an audio engineering course. (Really, really holding back on my grumbling here....) Although it does not actually interest me in the slightest, and although it is a different job, I'm willing to do it because a) it is unlikely that the college will ever hire an actual sound engineer, and b) because it could place me in a higher pay bracket.


Have any of your or your children taken an online course? This one doesn't look too sketchy: http://www.audioinstitute.com/ but I don't really know what I'm looking for. Please help.

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What brand is your sound board? Yamaha, for instance, offers training courses, some of which may be on line. Is that the sort of traning you need, or do you need something more general?


My ds is a techie at church, mostly a lighting designer, but he is currently being trained in sound. He's working at the moment, but I'll ask him and his mentors about what they know.

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What brand is your sound board? Yamaha, for instance, offers training courses, some of which may be on line. Is that the sort of traning you need, or do you need something more general?


My ds is a techie at church, mostly a lighting designer, but he is currently being trained in sound. He's working at the moment, but I'll ask him and his mentors about what they know.


We have a 24 channel Midas Verona sound board, and I'm actually pretty comfortable with that. We do very little mixing and / or amplifying. We mainly use the board to record live concerts, using ProTools on a humongous Mac computer where we do minor editing -- and that is where I need some help. I don't know what I'm listening for, and Pro Tools just confuses the heck out of me.


Thank you! I was starting to hyperventilate!

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