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Language Lessons for the Very Young...


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I've read the threads that this program takes a very gentle approach. However, is it sufficient for a 1st grader in terms of copywork/narration and exposure to mechanics? I have looked at it online, but I can't see any excerpts from the book. I was hoping someone had this book, and could fill me in with the details! Thanks so much!

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Here's the preview page http://queenhomeschool.com/productpages/PDF%20Files/LLVYsample.pdf


And here's my review of it: http://triviumacademy.blogspot.com/2008/02/mail-came.html


We will use it, I will just change a few things as we do like replacing some of the examples used but it will accomplish what I want for first grade for my youngest. Of course at any time I can pick up our copy of FLL but I don't foresee doing that.

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Here's the preview page http://queenhomeschool.com/productpages/PDF%20Files/LLVYsample.pdf


And here's my review of it: http://triviumacademy.blogspot.com/2008/02/mail-came.html


We will use it, I will just change a few things as we do like replacing some of the examples used but it will accomplish what I want for first grade for my youngest. Of course at any time I can pick up our copy of FLL but I don't foresee doing that.


Thanks, Jessica! That is a great review. I do see what you mean about tweaking it a bit. Have you got a chance to compare it with FLL yet? Thanks!

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Queen's also offers Copywork for Young Ones *and* spelling through Copywork for grades 1-3. I imagine that they offer these books for a reason, and used them themselves.


So personally I would add spelling and/or extra copywork in addition to the Language Lessons series, and if you're not sure to call and ask which programs they recommend in tandem. If you read the description of the LL series, it doesn't tote itself to be the only LA you need for those grade levels. Perhaps they would recommend adding more copywork.

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Thanks Calming Tea, that helps me. I think I need to read over TWTM again because first grade LA decisions are really hard for me. And Jessica, I was in graphic design too, so now I am not so sure about LLVY lol.


I think I am going with LLfor little ones. http://queenhomeschool.com/bookpage/bookframe.html



I can't give either of you more points. :glare:

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