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Two nights of pre-labour/false labour. OB appt this morning confirmed what both hubby and I suspected: 3cm dilated and will not make it another two weeks. In fact, the dr said that he will see me next week IF I don't go sooner (with a strong indication that he'll be a bit surprised if I show up again next Monday). We'll see. A few more nights of false labour pains and I'll be heading into real labour. Dr said no to the steroid shots (too late for them) and the I'm far enough that they won't try to stop labour, not far enough to induce (fine, I'd rather not be induced due to the risks). I think I'm going to clean and nap, clean and nap.

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3cm dilated and will not make it another two weeks. In fact, the dr said that he will see me next week IF I don't go sooner

One of my pet peeves that care providers tell women. You CAN be that dilated and go for WEEKS.



A few more nights of false labour pains and I'll be heading into real labour.

Prodromal labor can last for several weeks as well. Sometimes it's due to a slight malpresentation with the baby (i.e. asynclitic head).



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Two nights of pre-labour/false labour. OB appt this morning confirmed what both hubby and I suspected: 3cm dilated and will not make it another two weeks. In fact, the dr said that he will see me next week IF I don't go sooner (with a strong indication that he'll be a bit surprised if I show up again next Monday). We'll see. A few more nights of false labour pains and I'll be heading into real labour. Dr said no to the steroid shots (too late for them) and the I'm far enough that they won't try to stop labour, not far enough to induce (fine, I'd rather not be induced due to the risks). I think I'm going to clean and nap, clean and nap.


How far along are you? Generally after 32-34 weeks I've never gotten the steroid shots. Several of ours were 36 weeks and all was well if that's any consolation. But you should know that I've sat dilated at 5 for 2.5 weeks before. They removed my cerclage and said, "Well, we'll see you tonight." Famous last words. :P ;)

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One of my pet peeves that care providers tell women. You CAN be that dilated and go for WEEKS.


Prodromal labor can last for several weeks as well. Sometimes it's due to a slight malpresentation with the baby (i.e. asynclitic head).


:iagree:, but lots of :grouphug:!


(I had prodromal labor for about 2 weeks with DD2, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone!)

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When I was checked a month before dd was born, I was dialated at 5 cm. She was only a day early, BUT was overdone... meconium (sp?) in the water, then at 6 days old a trip back to the hospital for menigitis tests, had to wait in ICU for four days for them to come back. So I think it is good you won't have to go beyond another week or two.

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Just a thought FWIW. Have you tried drinking alot more. When I complained of false labour to my midwife, she told me I needed more water. As a skeptic, I didn't do much for a while until I got desperate. Was I surprised when it worked. Now the only problem was getting up to go to the bathroom all the time LOL.


Hugs and Prayers for you.

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One of my pet peeves that care providers tell women. You CAN be that dilated and go for WEEKS.




Prodromal labor can last for several weeks as well. Sometimes it's due to a slight malpresentation with the baby (i.e. asynclitic head).




I know this. However, I have a feeling (or maybe even just hoping...I can't imagine going through this every night for several weeks. And, as long as this one isn't like P's as Chucki stated, I should go within a couple of weeks). I went into labour, stalled (after trying EVERYTHING with the midwife...except teA with dh, which she offered to leave us alone for :lol: I wasn't up to that), and walked around for a week at 7cm! (first homebirth...mental block...)


I don't mind the Prodromal labour as I know that it's prepping me closer to actually going into labour. (thanks for being honest with me though...I appreciate it. I won't tell hubby what you said though as it would just really dampen his spirits. I think he's having a harder time bearing this out than I am in some ways).

Edited by mommaduck
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