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1st grade curriculum for next year? Post yours.


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We'll start Beyond in a couple of months, reading & math later, but we won't officially call it 1st grade until the fall (7 in October):


Heart of Dakota's Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory for Bible, history, science, geography, art, reading (finish emerging readers), copywork, spelling & grammar

CLE Reading 2

Singapore Primary Math 2A (maybe 2B as well, we'll see how it goes)

Continue Song School Latin

Continue Art Adventures At Home level 1

Edited by krismoose
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LA/Spelling/Grammar: AAS, ETC Books 4-8, FLL 1

Writing and Narration: WWE 1

Handwriting: HWT

Math: Righstart B (?) and Math Mammoth

Science: Elemental Science - Intro to Science since we did Biology for K

History: SOTW 1

Art: Meet the Masters

Music: Pianimals

Spanish: ? (Any recs?)

PE: Soccer, swimming and ???

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I tried to use the Core Knowledge to do my science as you said you are planning, but it was so boring that my son thought science was the worst subject.


I then changed to Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding, K-2 grades (Nebel), and science is one of our favorite subjects. It is quite an in depth course which is exceptionally well written for small kids. I highly recommend it!

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My curriculum is all confused, my DD is K age, doing work ranging from k-2nd. Our school year is from Feb - Dec.


We're doing:


Language Arts:

LLATL Red, part way through.

Bible memory verse copy work using ZB online

Read alouds, one I'm reading them, one assigned for her to read (currently Willy Wonka, and A Series of unfortunate events 1)

Toying with adding something else to shore up the grammar...




read a verse together before bed



Singapore 2A/2B

Supplement with some Miquon (red) and/or some MEP







supplement with some Classic Science



Violin Lessons

Possibly some Classical Kids



General art/drawing projects - many as part of other subjects.


Lots of living and library books added to that. That's the plan so far anyway...

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I tried to use the Core Knowledge to do my science as you said you are planning, but it was so boring that my son thought science was the worst subject.


I then changed to Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding, K-2 grades (Nebel), and science is one of our favorite subjects. It is quite an in depth course which is exceptionally well written for small kids. I highly recommend it!



So funny. We use Core Science for both our boys, after using BFSU, and we LOVE the change. BFSU was too much prep work for me LOL.

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My DD will be in 1st next year. I haven't decided on everything yet, but this is what I have so far:


Language Arts: AAS, WWE 1, ETC (something more for Phonics/Reading, maybe FLL or CLE LA, and something for handwriting)

Math: CLE 100

Science: RSO Life

History: SOTW 1

Geography: Evan Moor Daily Geography


Looking for something for Art and Music too. She loves Arts and Crafts, so I have to find something that will fit for us.

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Oh MY. I'm still, Kinda, maybe, perhaps trying to figure this out for my DS. You see, he's gotten ahead with reading and math, so we are NOW into first grade math and first grade readers, however, the worksheet/writing stuff is slooowwww. He actually CAN print well when he WANTS to, KWIM? We have been doing a lot of things orally as far as phonics. So, here's a plan (of more to come, I'm sure!):


Reading: Storytime Treasures by Memoria Press OR LLATL for first grade and/or second

English: FLL (or LLATL, see above)

Spelling: not going to be a real issue for us this year, going to try just to incorporate spelling into his writing and let him read LOTS

Writing: WWE 1, or selections chosen from reading, and history.

Math: Abeka 1, Saxon 1

Science: Truth in Science (perhaps....)

History: American History, through a unit study/eclectic mix of my own choosing

ART: I would like to concentrate on drawing for DS, since he doesn't feel good at it and struggles. Also, projects that relate to what we are studying


But, I keep looking at using Bigger Hearts from HOD for him and his older sister! This is so hard! LOL!


ETA: I'd like to also use a Daily Geography book for him, and some critical thinking books as well.

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This will be my first time through with 1st as the olders were in school for this age. Here is what I have.


Rel: Family things

Math: CLE 100

Phonics: OPGTR

Handwriting: most likely HWT because I am familiar with the program or Italics

Grammar: FLL 1

Spelling: SWO A

Writing: WWE 1

History: History Odyssey: Level 1 Ancients with CHOW

Science: R.E.A.L. Science Life

Art: Atelier Art Level 1

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So funny. We use Core Science for both our boys, after using BFSU, and we LOVE the change. BFSU was too much prep work for me LOL.


I was so surprised to read those comments because it isn't like the CK book for first grade is comprehensive for each particular science topic, it reads to me more like a jumping off place for mini units of study for the child. So it would be up to the parent to bring those topics to life, yes? There are short blurbs about each area in science to be covered but I think adding lots of books and a few projects and experiments here and there will bring it to life. At least that is what I'm hoping!! So, when you study sea life or astronomy you can hone in on what particularly excites your own kid while also hitting the general basics.

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My 4th and final 1st grader, and I must say I am much less stressed about it than my 1st time around.


Math: RS Level B (maybe some MEP or SM)


English: FLL 1/2


Reading: just books. He is a great reader and I need a break from reading programs.


Spelling: SWR - I've been away from this for a couple of years, but this will help cement his phonics.


History: Sonlight Core 3 modified with WP AS1 with older brothers


Writing: WWE 1


Science: no clue. I have failed miserably with science this year with my younger 2 two boys. I would like to maintain the theme of physical science with older brothers.


Art: Artistic Pursuits Book K-3 Book 3


Music: hopefully some formal piano instruction


I would also like to add in some of "The Core" ideas for geography and other memorizations. This kid has a good memory. He also is doing "English From the Roots Up" with his older brothers which we will continue into next year.

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Our Plans So far:


Math: Singapore Primary math Finish 1A, 2A

Language Arts: FLL

Reading: Variety of readers from VP, MP. Finish OPTR

Memory Work: Catechism and Classical Conversations

Spelling: No Clue Yet ...Suggestions?

History/Humanities: Tapestry of Grace Y3

Science: Ds is a science kid - Academy of Science for Kids (ASK) Kit on Dissection and Chemisty

Art: Drawing With Children, plenty of paper and markers

Handwriting: HWT


Any other suggestions? :001_huh:

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I haven't officially thought about it yet, although I guess I've had ideas in my head for a while now. A lot is continuing with the same...


Math: Rightstart C, Singapore as a supplement sometimes

Grammar: FLL2

Spelling: AAS 2/3 (however far we get)

Writing: WWE1/2 (should be halfway through WWE1 when 1st grade officially starts)

Handwriting: HWT3

History: SOTW1

Science: BFSU (continuing, but really want to focus more on science!)

Spanish: La Clase Divertida 1/2 (wherever we end up, if things get crazy this is one of the first to drop)

Art: Artistic Pursuits 1, maybe classes at the museum again, have also been pondering Mark Kister's Mini Marshmallow lessons online

PE: Tae Kwon Do

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I'm getting geared up for my last :sad: cycle through SOTW Ancients. Really, just the thought of being all done reading to a six-year-old about the library at Ninevah makes me want to cry. I'm feeling a little overemotional.


Our Plans:


History: SOTW Ancients, with lots of library trips and field trips as we can.

Reading: Continue and finish OPGTR, with lots of library stuff and ETC 5-?.

Lit: SOTW extra reading, along with children's classics.

Grammar: FLL

Spelling SWO A (or B), I'll see where he is in the late summer.

Handwriting: Zaner-Bloser 1

Math: Singapore 1B/2A with IP and CWP

Science: Animal Encyclopedia and lots of field trips


Am I forgetting anything?

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Ds will be 6.5 in July.

Math: Singapore 2B-3A

English: FLL 2/3? AAS 4, HWT cursive, SL Readers 2 Advanced and Readers 3

Foreign languages: GSWL 2nd half, Liping Ma Chinese 1

Music: piano taught by dad

Art: Artistic Pursuit 2, Draw Squad

History: SOTW 3

Science: Apologia Zoo 1, and Botany

Co-op: science, PE, etiquette, geography

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We are already doing the following except for WWE & SOTW (shipping soon).


Math: Math Mammoth 1 & Math Miquon

Grammar: FLL 1 & Growing with Grammar 1

Spelling: AAS 1

Writing: WWE 1

Science: Sonlight K

Reading: Sonlight Readers 2

History: SOTW 1

Art: Artistic Pursuits 1 & Meet the Masters

Piano: My First Piano Adventure

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Math: Math Mammoth 1B-2A

Writing: WWE 1

Grammar: FLL 2

History: Finish MoH 1

Science: Apologia Zoology: Flying Creatures

Geography: Around the World

Spelling: AAS 2

Handwriting: HWT

Reading: HOP 1, BOB Books & SAM books

Art/Extras: Kumon Workbooks, Color/Paint by Numbers & I can draw books

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