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Hands-on math program? (also MFW question)


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I was much too ambitious and started WAY too early with my little one..and I'm paying the price now. However, we're starting K next year and I need a good math program that is very hands on. (She's a hands on learner and I'm a worksheet person!) We're using MFW for K, and I know they have a math program in, but I'm wondering if that's enough or if we should add another program in?


I've heard about RS Math and Math U See--any others or thoughts on those two?


Should I even include anything with the K program in MFW?


I really want to transition her back to Horizon's later on because I love it but I need much more basic work for and more hands on at the moment! Thanks!

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For MFW K, no other math is necessary other than what is included in the manual. If your dd likes math and wants more, you could add Singapore or Miquon. If she is hands-on...Miquon would be great. In fact, if you are using MFW K you probably already have the Cuisenaire Rods and Alphabet Book so all you need are the Miquon books!

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