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Being nickle and dimed at a restaurant -- any good stories?

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We once went to a new restaurant (non-chain). It was casual dining. In fact it was so casual the concept was that everything came in buckets. And there was a hole cut in the middle of the table w/another bucket in it for garbage.




I heard the waitress telling the booth behind us that the restaurant had awesome, delicious, made in house ranch dressing. She went on and on. When the waitress came to our table, I told her that I had heard her ranch dressing raves and asked if I could taste some. She said sure and brought me a small plastic dip cup that was LESS THAN HALF FULL. That's important b/c I was assuming this was my "taste." Fine.


It was decent. Nothing to rave about. :tongue_smilie:


We asked for & received the bill. No ranch dressing on it. I gave her my CC and when she brought back my bill to sign & leave the tip, it was higher than the first one. She had charged me $.075 for ranch dressing!!!


I was furious. :angry:


First, the small plastic cup was half-fill.


Then, the original bill didn't have the charge.


Finally, she ran it through again with a higher charge and DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME!


When I asked about it, she said she HAD to charge for it. I asked why was the cup less than half-full? Well, I should have said something when she first brought it to me, she told me. I told her I thought it was a complimentary taste.


I asked, Why didn't you point out to me that the 2nd bill, that you ran thru, was higher than the first?


Her answer: Because I knew I ordered the ranch, I knew it should be on the bill without her telling me.


Once again, I thought since it was less than half full, I thought it was a complimentary taste.


We've never gone there again.

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We rarely go out to dinner, but we used to go out to breakfast on either Saturday or Sunday each week. We always went to the same small local restaurant.


On Saturdays, you can order a cheddar cheese omelet for $6.95. My daughter loves it.


On Sundays, they offer a bacon, tomato, and cheddar cheese omelet, for $9.95. No plain cheese omelet.


On Sundays they're more than happy to leave off the bacon and tomato, but they still charge us $9.95 for it. It bugs me because we're regular customers, and DD always orders the same thing. You think they'd give us a break as a sign of appreciation, but no. :glare:


So when we sat down to re-evaluate our spending, that item didn't make the cut.

If I'd felt like we were valued as regular customers, I might have made a different decision.

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We rarely go out to dinner, but we used to go out to breakfast on either Saturday or Sunday each week. We always went to the same small local restaurant.


On Saturdays, you can order a cheddar cheese omelet for $6.95. My daughter loves it.


On Sundays, they offer a bacon, tomato, and cheddar cheese omelet, for $9.95. No plain cheese omelet.


On Sundays they're more than happy to leave off the bacon and tomato, but they still charge us $9.95 for it. It bugs me because we're regular customers, and DD always orders the same thing. You think they'd give us a break as a sign of appreciation, but no. :glare:


So when we sat down to re-evaluate our spending, that item didn't make the cut.

If I'd felt like we were valued as regular customers, I might have made a different decision.


That's insane.


That restaurant lost more than they gained.

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I have a few "bad" restaurant stories.


We have a hibachi style restaurant here; last year, a new one (different people, same style) opened up, so we tried it out. we spent about $50 more than we thought/budgeted for, and I still am not sure where it went. Its not like their prices were more than the other place. I know one thing was when they asked you "do you want fried rice" they don't tell you "if you chose fried rice, its an additional $3 per person". Also, what we had ordered for our son was charged as an adult entree, and we had to ARGUE with them that it was for a child, and we should have been charged for the child meal.



There was another restaurant that we went to for our anniversary, so "high priced". It wasn't that great, we had already decided that we probably would never go back. Well, they charged our card TWICE, and it was the bank card, so it caused about 400 worth of overdraft charges. Needless to say, they had to pay all that. but it took a good week and a half to get it straightened out.

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The "extra plate" charges kill me. If I choose to split an oversized entree with my dh, I don't want to be charged $2.50 for an extra plate. Usually dh and I order an appetizer, split an entree, and split a dessert so our total bill usually comes out close to two entrees. We are normally generous tippers as well, but the $2.50 for an extra plate charge makes me mad. We typically don't go back to those restaurants.

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Your waitress was a ditz. I don't blame the restaurant as much as the individual server. This girl obviously didn't have much up stairs. I would have insisted for my $.75 back just to teach her a lesson.


My story isn't about money, but about service. I went to a sandwich shop. I like my sandwiches a certain way. I can eat them any way, but if I can get them "my way" I will be a happy customer! So I asked the man to toast my bread, then butter it, then put mayo on it and then make my sandwich. He said no. He said he could not butter my bread. I'm like, "You're a sandwich shop. You can't butter bread???" He says he only has individual packets of butter so he can't put it on the bread but he can give it to me to put on my own bread. I gave up.


So I get my sandwich and I've decided not to say anything, but the guy comes over to me and says, "I'm sorry about that." And I say, "Well, now that you brought it up, let me say this. I really, really like my sandwich with butter on it first. Who cares if the butter comes in individual packets, you've got a knife, you know how to pop the foil cover and you could have buttered it. You gave me a packet of butter to put on an already made sandwich that already had mayo on it. How am I supposed to do that? If you had made my sandwich the way I liked it, you would have had a faithful costomer. As it is, I'll go to a shop where I can get my sandwich the way I like it."


A sandwich shop that doesn't butter bread??? Who ever heard of such a thing! DITZ! :lol:

Edited by katemary63
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The "extra plate" charges kill me. If I choose to split an oversized entree with my dh, I don't want to be charged $2.50 for an extra plate. Usually dh and I order an appetizer, split an entree, and split a dessert so our total bill usually comes out close to two entrees. We are normally generous tippers as well, but the $2.50 for an extra plate charge makes me mad. We typically don't go back to those restaurants.


Never heard of this! I wouldn't pay it. That's rediculous!

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I have a few "bad" restaurant stories.


We have a hibachi style restaurant here; last year, a new one (different people, same style) opened up, so we tried it out. we spent about $50 more than we thought/budgeted for, and I still am not sure where it went. Its not like their prices were more than the other place. I know one thing was when they asked you "do you want fried rice" they don't tell you "if you chose fried rice, its an additional $3 per person". Also, what we had ordered for our son was charged as an adult entree, and we had to ARGUE with them that it was for a child, and we should have been charged for the child meal.



There was another restaurant that we went to for our anniversary, so "high priced". It wasn't that great, we had already decided that we probably would never go back. Well, they charged our card TWICE, and it was the bank card, so it caused about 400 worth of overdraft charges. Needless to say, they had to pay all that. but it took a good week and a half to get it straightened out.


I hate the upsell! B/C then I have to remember to ask, "How much more is that?" argh!


I would have lost a couple years of my life worrying about the overdraft charges until they were taken care of!

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The "extra plate" charges kill me. If I choose to split an oversized entree with my dh, I don't want to be charged $2.50 for an extra plate. Usually dh and I order an appetizer, split an entree, and split a dessert so our total bill usually comes out close to two entrees. We are normally generous tippers as well, but the $2.50 for an extra plate charge makes me mad. We typically don't go back to those restaurants.


I wouldn't go back either!

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Your waitress was a ditz. I don't blame the restaurant as much as the individual server. This girl obviously didn't have much up stairs. I would have insisted for my $.75 back just to teach her a lesson.


My story isn't about money, but about service. I went to a sandwich shop. I like my sandwiches a certain way. I can eat them any way, but if I can get them "my way" I will be a happy customer! So I asked the man to toast my bread, then butter it, then put mayo on it and then make my sandwich. He said no. He said he could not butter my bread. I'm like, "You're a sandwich shop. You can't butter bread???" He says he only has individual packets of butter so he can't put it on the bread but he can give it to me to put on my own bread. I gave up.


So I get my sandwich and I've decided not to say anything, but the guy comes over to me and says, "I'm sorry about that." And I say, "Well, now that you brought it up, let me say this. I really, really like my sandwich with butter on it first. Who cares if the butter comes in individual packets, you've got a knife, you know how to pop the foil cover and you could have buttered it. You gave me a packet of butter to put on an already made sandwich that already had mayo on it. How am I supposed to do that? If you had made my sandwich the way I liked it, you would have had a faithful costomer. As it is, I'll go to a shop where I can get my sandwich the way I like it."


A sandwich shop that doesn't butter bread??? Who ever heard of such a thing! :lol:


It's the little things in life sometimes that mean the most!


Butter the lady's bread! :D

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DH and I went out for our 5th wedding anniversary to the Oak Room in Boston. We were prepared to spend a lot for our meal, but we were not prepared for a la carte pricing. They charged us separately for every little thing- salad, potatoes, etc. I expect that at a cafeteria type place. I do NOT expect it at an upscale sit-down restaurant where the entrees are in the $40+ range.

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We asked for & received the bill. No ranch dressing on it. I gave her my CC and when she brought back my bill to sign & leave the tip, it was higher than the first one. She had charged me $.075 for ranch dressing!!!


Finally, she ran it through again with a higher charge and DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME!


I asked, Why didn't you point out to me that the 2nd bill, that you ran thru, was higher than the first?


Her answer: Because I knew I ordered the ranch, I knew it should be on the bill without her telling me.


To me, this is not about the amount of dressing and whether or not you should pay for it - this is about her wrong action. She gave you the bill, which is why you gave her your credit card - TO PAY FOR THE AMOUNT OF THE BILL SHE PRESENTED TO YOU FOR PAYMENT. She was completely wrong to change the amount of the bill after you handed over your card. This is just plain old wrong, and I'd be writing a letter to the manager about THAT. I wouldn't even bring the dressing issue into the discussion.


Even if the dressing IS usually charged for, she didn't put it on the bill!!! She is responsible for her mistake - you are not.

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DH and I went out for our 5th wedding anniversary to the Oak Room in Boston. We were prepared to spend a lot for our meal, but we were not prepared for a la carte pricing. They charged us separately for every little thing- salad, potatoes, etc. I expect that at a cafeteria type place. I do NOT expect it at an upscale sit-down restaurant where the entrees are in the $40+ range.


Was it a steak restaurant? There is one like that here, the only time we have been there Dh's company was paying so we didn't care but we wouldn't have the budget for it normally.

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My worst restaurant stories all happened while we were staying at a $350 per night resort on Maui, my husband's company sent us for a few days and we had a 2 year old and I was pregnant. They paid the plane and hotel but we had to pay for food and everything else.


One very high end restaurant the waitress SPILLED BEER on my husband. They brought us a bill without the desserts on it and I thought they comped the desserts or something, but no. Nothing? No free appetizer or anything?


At the hotel we ordered room service and ordered ice cream. We got a pint of ice cream, opened it and SOME HAD BEEN EATEN. We called, they brought another. Barely an apology, no discount or something at this place we (or dh's company) are paying $350 a night for?


I don't just go around wanting free stuff, but I thought more of an effort should been made in these two cases. I think something else that was similar happened on that same trip (we were only there 3 days!) but I can't remember exactly, I just remember thinking, it is really not worth the money for this.

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DH and I went out for our 5th wedding anniversary to the Oak Room in Boston. We were prepared to spend a lot for our meal, but we were not prepared for a la carte pricing. They charged us separately for every little thing- salad, potatoes, etc. I expect that at a cafeteria type place. I do NOT expect it at an upscale sit-down restaurant where the entrees are in the $40+ range.


Dh and Ihad been to Three Forks in Dallas -a very nice steakhouse. His boss took us out for Christmas and I enjoyed it. It was probably $60/person. A few years later we went to Del Frisco's - holy guacamole! The food wasn't any better, the atmosphere was terrible and the food was a la carte. Our $100 gift card got us halfway through the meal - almost.


Of course, I knew it wouldn't be the greatest experience when the waiter was telling us the specials and explained the lobster would be "a little out of our price range". Nevermind that I don't eat lobster, I was very tempted to eat it and leave it on my plate just to spite the snot.

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Dh and Ihad been to Three Forks in Dallas -a very nice steakhouse. His boss took us out for Christmas and I enjoyed it. It was probably $60/person. A few years later we went to Del Frisco's - holy guacamole! The food wasn't any better, the atmosphere was terrible and the food was a la carte. Our $100 gift card got us halfway through the meal - almost.


Of course, I knew it wouldn't be the greatest experience when the waiter was telling us the specials and explained the lobster would be "a little out of our price range". Nevermind that I don't eat lobster, I was very tempted to eat it and leave it on my plate just to spite the snot.


What!? Did he know you had the gift card, or was he just assuming it was out of your price range by the way you looked or something? :glare:


I hate paying a la carte prices at restaurants. It's just food!! There are plenty of mid range restaurants with yummy food and hearty portions where I'd just as soon splurge.


I'm the same way with hotels. It drives me nuts to pay $200 for a room, and then be charged extra for internet service, phone calls, and parking. I'd much rather pay $120 at a lower end hotel, have a full family suite, and free breakfast (including the yummy waffles) the next morning for the entire family.


I can't even relax and enjoy the splurge when I know I am being gouged!

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I hate the upsell! B/C then I have to remember to ask, "How much more is that?" argh!


I would have lost a couple years of my life worrying about the overdraft charges until they were taken care of!


I hate the upsell, too. We went to Olive Garden a couple years ago (maybe even 3 - I haven't spent money there since) for my ds's birthday. The salad, soup, and breadsticks come with the meal w/o an additional charge, so when the waitress asked if we'd like such and such to go w/ it, I figured it came w/o a charge. Wrong. She didn't ask if we'd like to order it, just if we'd like to have some. In a restaurant where some things are included, I think the wait staff should be very careful to let the customer know if there's a charge.


So then when it came to the end of the meal, and they found out it was ds's birthday, they asked him if he'd like some cake for his b-day. I have been in many restaurants where a slice of cake, pie, etc., is complimentary for birthdays. She didn't speak to me or dh about the cake. It was a small, maybe 6", chocolate cake that was brought out. When we got the bill, we were charged $6.95 for the cake (which wasn't very good). We brought it up with the manager who was there, and got the charge removed, but especially in situations like that, the waitress should not be asking the child, who isn't paying the bill, if they'd like a dessert for their birthday that isn't complimentary. What is the kid going to say, no?

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Was it a steak restaurant? There is one like that here, the only time we have been there Dh's company was paying so we didn't care but we wouldn't have the budget for it normally.


Yes, it was an upscale steakhouse. But we've eaten at other upscale steakhouses that include the sides in the entree price- Ruth's Chris, Morton's, Smith & Wollensky, Fleming's, etc. The total bill probably wasn't that different, it was just the nickel-and-dime feel of it.

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I hate the upsell, too. We went to Olive Garden a couple years ago (maybe even 3 - I haven't spent money there since) for my ds's birthday. The salad, soup, and breadsticks come with the meal w/o an additional charge, so when the waitress asked if we'd like such and such to go w/ it, I figured it came w/o a charge. Wrong. She didn't ask if we'd like to order it, just if we'd like to have some. In a restaurant where some things are included, I think the wait staff should be very careful to let the customer know if there's a charge.


I remember something like that at an OG we went to years ago. They were offering glasses of wine to those of us waiting for a table. One woman in the room thought they were complementary. After all, she was asked, "Would you like a glass of wine?" Not "Would you like to purchase a glass of wine?" Or "Would you like a glass of wine? They're $." She took one, took a sip, then was told it would cost $ (I don't remember how much it was). She looked taken aback but paid without a fuss. I thought that was pretty underhanded of the waitstaff.

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I was just thinking about this. Years ago, we went to a Mexican food restaurant. We ordered fajitas and were brought 3 tortillas with it. If we wanted more tortillas we had to pay for them. I have been in many, many Mexican food restaurants and have never paid for tortillas. We went there a few times (some friends liked the place), but the tortilla thing really bugged us, so eventually we stopped.

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I was just thinking about this. Years ago, we went to a Mexican food restaurant. We ordered fajitas and were brought 3 tortillas with it. If we wanted more tortillas we had to pay for them. I have been in many, many Mexican food restaurants and have never paid for tortillas. We went there a few times (some friends liked the place), but the tortilla thing really bugged us, so eventually we stopped.



OH! This reminds me of a barbeque place around here. We go in, buy a few lbs of chopped beef. they gave us a few slices of bread to make sandwiches with, but we had to BUY THE BREAD if we wanted more than that. :glare:

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All places are getting cheap with service and want the customer to pay.

We barely ever go out to eat anymore even to taco bell, that charges now to put a tomato on your taco and sourcream. You have to ask for salsa.

I am tired of the grocery stores using the excuse of freezing weather etc to hike up zuchinni to3 dollars a pound and limiting to two lbs per person, same with tomatoes, a limit and that is it.

Why dont they do that with gasoline. Allow less for the big trucks and van's. maybe people would get rid of them and get smaller cars. Sorry but I am a small car person. We have had one car for 22 yrs and we have survived without a suv and all the wasted gas. Sorry got off topic.

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Sorry but I am a small car person. We have had one car for 22 yrs and we have survived without a suv and all the wasted gas. Sorry got off topic.


What if one car won't hold the family? Do you advocate that the family takes two (or more) cars with them everywhere they go? Would that make a big difference in the amount of gas used?

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DH and I went out for our 5th wedding anniversary to the Oak Room in Boston. We were prepared to spend a lot for our meal, but we were not prepared for a la carte pricing. They charged us separately for every little thing- salad, potatoes, etc. I expect that at a cafeteria type place. I do NOT expect it at an upscale sit-down restaurant where the entrees are in the $40+ range.


That stinks...


Some of the upscale steak places here have ala carte and some don't.

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To me, this is not about the amount of dressing and whether or not you should pay for it - this is about her wrong action. She gave you the bill, which is why you gave her your credit card - TO PAY FOR THE AMOUNT OF THE BILL SHE PRESENTED TO YOU FOR PAYMENT. She was completely wrong to change the amount of the bill after you handed over your card. This is just plain old wrong, and I'd be writing a letter to the manager about THAT. I wouldn't even bring the dressing issue into the discussion.


Even if the dressing IS usually charged for, she didn't put it on the bill!!! She is responsible for her mistake - you are not.




Um yeah, that boarders on criminal in my mind.



She got an earful, believe me, about the 2 different bills.

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My worst restaurant stories all happened while we were staying at a $350 per night resort on Maui, my husband's company sent us for a few days and we had a 2 year old and I was pregnant. They paid the plane and hotel but we had to pay for food and everything else.


One very high end restaurant the waitress SPILLED BEER on my husband. They brought us a bill without the desserts on it and I thought they comped the desserts or something, but no. Nothing? No free appetizer or anything?


At the hotel we ordered room service and ordered ice cream. We got a pint of ice cream, opened it and SOME HAD BEEN EATEN. We called, they brought another. Barely an apology, no discount or something at this place we (or dh's company) are paying $350 a night for?


I don't just go around wanting free stuff, but I thought more of an effort should been made in these two cases. I think something else that was similar happened on that same trip (we were only there 3 days!) but I can't remember exactly, I just remember thinking, it is really not worth the money for this.


the ice cream thing makes me want to throw up

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Dh and Ihad been to Three Forks in Dallas -a very nice steakhouse. His boss took us out for Christmas and I enjoyed it. It was probably $60/person. A few years later we went to Del Frisco's - holy guacamole! The food wasn't any better, the atmosphere was terrible and the food was a la carte. Our $100 gift card got us halfway through the meal - almost.


Of course, I knew it wouldn't be the greatest experience when the waiter was telling us the specials and explained the lobster would be "a little out of our price range". Nevermind that I don't eat lobster, I was very tempted to eat it and leave it on my plate just to spite the snot.


all these steak house posts are making me drool...:drool:

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I hate the upsell, too. We went to Olive Garden a couple years ago (maybe even 3 - I haven't spent money there since) for my ds's birthday. The salad, soup, and breadsticks come with the meal w/o an additional charge, so when the waitress asked if we'd like such and such to go w/ it, I figured it came w/o a charge. Wrong. She didn't ask if we'd like to order it, just if we'd like to have some. In a restaurant where some things are included, I think the wait staff should be very careful to let the customer know if there's a charge.


So then when it came to the end of the meal, and they found out it was ds's birthday, they asked him if he'd like some cake for his b-day. I have been in many restaurants where a slice of cake, pie, etc., is complimentary for birthdays. She didn't speak to me or dh about the cake. It was a small, maybe 6", chocolate cake that was brought out. When we got the bill, we were charged $6.95 for the cake (which wasn't very good). We brought it up with the manager who was there, and got the charge removed, but especially in situations like that, the waitress should not be asking the child, who isn't paying the bill, if they'd like a dessert for their birthday that isn't complimentary. What is the kid going to say, no?


It was probably marinara or alfredo sauce to dip the bread in.


yeah, what kid would say no? :lol:

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What!? Did he know you had the gift card, or was he just assuming it was out of your price range by the way you looked or something? :glare:


I hate paying a la carte prices at restaurants. It's just food!! There are plenty of mid range restaurants with yummy food and hearty portions where I'd just as soon splurge.


I'm the same way with hotels. It drives me nuts to pay $200 for a room, and then be charged extra for internet service, phone calls, and parking. I'd much rather pay $120 at a lower end hotel, have a full family suite, and free breakfast (including the yummy waffles) the next morning for the entire family.


I can't even relax and enjoy the splurge when I know I am being gouged!


I DESPISE paying for parking at a hotel. I know big cities have issues but it irks me.

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I remember something like that at an OG we went to years ago. They were offering glasses of wine to those of us waiting for a table. One woman in the room thought they were complementary. After all, she was asked, "Would you like a glass of wine?" Not "Would you like to purchase a glass of wine?" Or "Would you like a glass of wine? They're $." She took one, took a sip, then was told it would cost $ (I don't remember how much it was). She looked taken aback but paid without a fuss. I thought that was pretty underhanded of the waitstaff.


They're taught to do it that way.


It's like buyer beware.

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I was just thinking about this. Years ago, we went to a Mexican food restaurant. We ordered fajitas and were brought 3 tortillas with it. If we wanted more tortillas we had to pay for them. I have been in many, many Mexican food restaurants and have never paid for tortillas. We went there a few times (some friends liked the place), but the tortilla thing really bugged us, so eventually we stopped.


That's too bad.

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I am a vegetarian because I have a meat intolerance. Nobody else in my family has this issue, so we often eat at places where I have to change up the order to make it work.


This scenario has happened repeatedly at Red Robin. They have a BLTA Croissant Sandwich. I ask them to take off the Turkey and the Bacon and substitute a slice of cheese instead. I get the bill...1.00 for extra cheese!:thumbdown: I always contest it and get it taken off because there is no way that the cheese is more than the cost of all the meat I had taken off the sandwich. Another pet peeve is that they often will put the meat on my sandwich and when I ask for another one since the meat will make me sick, then simply scrape it off. I can tell because it leaves behind all the juices and grease. And yes, I have to be picky about it because that little bit can make me sick. I am always friendly about it and try to explain that I really dont mean to be difficult, but I really cannot have meat-or meat byproducts in my sandwich. Sometimes they are nice and make a whole new sandwich, other times they are disgruntled and try to get away with scraping it off...and then of course add the extra charges!

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I have a few "bad" restaurant stories.


We have a hibachi style restaurant here; last year, a new one (different people, same style) opened up, so we tried it out. we spent about $50 more than we thought/budgeted for, and I still am not sure where it went. Its not like their prices were more than the other place. I know one thing was when they asked you "do you want fried rice" they don't tell you "if you chose fried rice, its an additional $3 per person". Also, what we had ordered for our son was charged as an adult entree, and we had to ARGUE with them that it was for a child, and we should have been charged for the child meal.



There was another restaurant that we went to for our anniversary, so "high priced". It wasn't that great, we had already decided that we probably would never go back. Well, they charged our card TWICE, and it was the bank card, so it caused about 400 worth of overdraft charges. Needless to say, they had to pay all that. but it took a good week and a half to get it straightened out.


THIS. GUH. So frustrating when my family of six all answered, "Uh...sure." My daughter barely touched her food and our bill was over $200.

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I am a vegetarian because I have a meat intolerance. Nobody else in my family has this issue, so we often eat at places where I have to change up the order to make it work.


This scenario has happened repeatedly at Red Robin. They have a BLTA Croissant Sandwich. I ask them to take off the Turkey and the Bacon and substitute a slice of cheese instead. I get the bill...1.00 for extra cheese!:thumbdown: I always contest it and get it taken off because there is no way that the cheese is more than the cost of all the meat I had taken off the sandwich. Another pet peeve is that they often will put the meat on my sandwich and when I ask for another one since the meat will make me sick, then simply scrape it off. I can tell because it leaves behind all the juices and grease. And yes, I have to be picky about it because that little bit can make me sick. I am always friendly about it and try to explain that I really dont mean to be difficult, but I really cannot have meat-or meat byproducts in my sandwich. Sometimes they are nice and make a whole new sandwich, other times they are disgruntled and try to get away with scraping it off...and then of course add the extra charges!


It's hard to believe they think that scraping off the meat is an OK thing to do!


I'd protest the extra $1 for cheese, too!

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THIS. GUH. So frustrating when my family of six all answered, "Uh...sure." My daughter barely touched her food and our bill was over $200.


Was this for fried rice, too?


I thought they cooked that at the table as part of the "show."


I'm not fond of plain white rice.

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Was this for fried rice, too?


I thought they cooked that at the table as part of the "show."


I'm not fond of plain white rice.


It's part of the show where we go but it clearly says on the menu that fried rice is an extra $2. You are given steamed rice in a bowl if you don't order the fried rice.

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I remember something like that at an OG we went to years ago. They were offering glasses of wine to those of us waiting for a table. One woman in the room thought they were complementary. After all, she was asked, "Would you like a glass of wine?" Not "Would you like to purchase a glass of wine?" Or "Would you like a glass of wine? They're $." She took one, took a sip, then was told it would cost $ (I don't remember how much it was). She looked taken aback but paid without a fuss. I thought that was pretty underhanded of the waitstaff.



I guess it would not have dawned on me that it was complementary. I don't ever remember a waiter saying "would you like to order a glass of wine?". It's usually something along the lines of "would you like a glass of wine? We have some specialty drinks tonight. Let me tell you about them." Even if it's in the bar area, standing room only, prior to be seated.

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Yep. It seems like it was more than $2...like $3.50 each or something. It was enough to really change the amount of the bill. We had another issue there, too...the birthday cake/picture thing. I can't remember exactly, but I nearly fainted when I saw the bill. My kids had fun, gratefully.

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It's hard to believe they think that scraping off the meat is an OK thing to do!




It drives me CRAZY when restaurants believe that just removing stuff is good enough. At Panera recently my kid's sandwich had tomatoes on it after he requested it to be prepared without tomatoes. The employee responded with, "What? You want a new sandwich?" UHHHH...YES. And make it the way it was ordered. He doesn't want ANY tomato on his $7 ham and cheese sandwich.

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Here's mine. Went to a pizza place with a friend and she found a roach in her drink. :ack2: They tried to make us all pay full price for everything and just give her a 20% coupon for next time she went. End result after lots of arguing was her drink was free and that was it. Never again!

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DH and I went out for our 5th wedding anniversary to the Oak Room in Boston. We were prepared to spend a lot for our meal, but we were not prepared for a la carte pricing. They charged us separately for every little thing- salad, potatoes, etc. I expect that at a cafeteria type place. I do NOT expect it at an upscale sit-down restaurant where the entrees are in the $40+ range.


I find a la carte pricing to be very common at upscale restaurants in our area.

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I remember something like that at an OG we went to years ago. They were offering glasses of wine to those of us waiting for a table. One woman in the room thought they were complementary. After all, she was asked, "Would you like a glass of wine?" Not "Would you like to purchase a glass of wine?" Or "Would you like a glass of wine? They're $." She took one, took a sip, then was told it would cost $ (I don't remember how much it was). She looked taken aback but paid without a fuss. I thought that was pretty underhanded of the waitstaff.


I cannot imagine expecting a free glass of wine at any restaurant.

I have never had a server approach my table for the first time and ask if I'd like to 'pay for' a glass of wine. He asks, "Would you like a glass of wine."

Of course I intend to pay for it. It's a restaurant, not a pot luck.

He wouldn't mention the cost, as each wine is priced differently.

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She got an earful, believe me, about the 2 different bills.


But did she refund your $0.75? ;) I know it's only $0.75, but the principal of the thing would cause me to try and get it reconciled. She should be held accountable. And if the manager owner backs her up, only then would I not dine there anymore.

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I find a la carte pricing to be very common at upscale restaurants in our area.


I find it common too. Additionally, I find it common in upscale restaurants for there to be a fee for a shared entree.

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I find a la carte pricing to be very common at upscale restaurants in our area.


Here too. I actually like it, but I can see how it would be annoying if you weren't expecting it.


Someone mentioned Ruth's Chris and Morton's not doing a la carte, is that a recent thing because it sure wasn't the case when we used to go 10 years ago.

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What!? Did he know you had the gift card, or was he just assuming it was out of your price range by the way you looked or something? :glare:


I hate paying a la carte prices at restaurants. It's just food!! There are plenty of mid range restaurants with yummy food and hearty portions where I'd just as soon splurge.


I'm the same way with hotels. It drives me nuts to pay $200 for a room, and then be charged extra for internet service, phone calls, and parking. I'd much rather pay $120 at a lower end hotel, have a full family suite, and free breakfast (including the yummy waffles) the next morning for the entire family.


I can't even relax and enjoy the splurge when I know I am being gouged!


The only thing we could figure is that we were young (early 20s) and it was obviously a special outing for us. Rather than making better though, he got his jab in. He only got a 5% tip. If we can't afford the lobster, I'm surely not paying for a smack-down! ;)

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A couple years ago I had lunch at a restaurant in Port Jefferson, NY - right near the ferry dock. There were 6 of us (all adults) who all ordered entrees and soft drinks. The food was fine and the waitress was regularly at our table asking us if we wanted refills on our drinks, often refilling them from half full for things like iced tea (like restaurants do all over the place - iced tea and water are in pitchers, while soda is refilled from the fountain dispenser).


We get our bill and it's CRAZY expensive. Why? They charged us for every.single. refill. Often 3 per person. When we brought it up to the waitress she said simply, "the menu doesn't say there are free refills." So, we took it up with the manager, who looked to the wait staff and said "we charge for refills?" :001_huh:


We all stood there, dumbstruck, and asked "when was the last time any of you were in a regular sit down restaurant that CHARGED for refills on soft drinks?!"


And no, they didn't take them off the bill. We did point out that we received "half-fills" often because the server would top up half-full glasses, but the manager just looked confused.

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