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Do you have a blog?

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Why did you start it?

What's its theme?

Do you update it regularly?

Do you get paid to do it?

Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs?



I have two. One is updated irregulary, and one I started about a month or so ago but haven't done anything on it yet! :001_huh:


So, I ask because I'm curious. :001_smile:

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I have one. It is a place to put all of the book lists and things that I have to share. I update it about annually :lol: when i have something new to share. I have no desire to keep a daily log of our life or earn money that way.


(And right now, it is closed up, because yesterday dh used my address to send an email to some people who don't need to know we homeschool and left my signature - with the link - in it. ;))

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Yes, I have a blog....the link is in my signature for anyone interested.


Why did you start it? I like to write and take photos....this is a way to display them for family/friends/anyone to see.


What's its theme? Just our day to day life.


Do you update it regularly? Well, I haven't much in the past month because I've had a lot of morning sickness and haven't felt like it....I did update it this morning though.


Do you get paid to do it? No


Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs? I go through spurts of neglecting it....but mostly, I try to write on a regular basis.

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Why did you start it? I wanted to keep a record of our homeschooling journey with all the information and pictures in the same place, not somewhere on my hard drive :tongue_smilie:


What's its theme? homeschooling the middle school years, with a bit of teenagerness (lol) and life When I started planning homeschooling last winter, I found blogs to be very invaluable in my planning. They helped me to see what people really do and how curriculum translates to the individual homeschool. I'm posting information about our history and science to share with those coming after us :001_smile:


Do you update it regularly? I did really well during the fall but after Christmas I was quite sick. I restarted blogging a few weeks ago. My goal is to post at least three times a week.


Do you get paid to do it? :lol: no

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Yes, I have a blog. I linked to it in my signature. I started it as a way to keep track of our homeschooling. Also as a way to share with my family what we do all day. I try to update it at least once a week, but sometimes it's more like once a month. I don't get paid for it, but I do have an amazon affiliate link on my blog. I've never made any money from it though. I also do book reviews for The Catholic Company. I don't get paid, but I do get free books, so that's just as good. ;)


I just wanted to update to say that the link in my siggy, while it is a blog, it's not the one I was referring to in my original post. The Mamasaurus blog still exists, I just rarely post to it anymore.

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I do have a blog. The link is in my signature.


I started it because I wanted to chronicle everything as I went through the process of pulling my daughter out of public school and beginning our homeschooling journey. Then I wanted to chronicle that journey with writing and photographs because I enjoy doing those things, and I thought it would be nice to look back on some day, and I hoped that eventually it might help others in some way.


So, its theme is our day to day life as relaxed, secular homeschoolers, with text and photos. I also include links to various things, homeschool curricula reviews, helpful forms, schedule and log samples, favorite links, a list of books featuring homeschooled characters, and more.


I do update it regularly. I try to do it every day although occasionally life gets in the way and I get a little bit behind.


I do not get paid to do it.

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Guest Cindie2dds

Why did you start it? Originally, and still the main reason, to keep a scrapbook of my girls' childhood since I have never done a paper one, and never plan to. I also keep links and recipes I like and would otherwise forget where they were.

What's its theme? Literally? "The Garden" for WordPress. Otherwise, it's just our life's journey.

Do you update it regularly? Yes, probably too much. At least several times a week.

Do you get paid to do it? No, and probably never will. It's just my own scrapbook. The theme came with advertisement boxes at the bottom and I deleted them. Anything linked to on my site is just there because I like it.

Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs? I should neglect it every now and then; but like this place, it just keeps sucking me in.... :lol:

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Why did you start it?

What's its theme?

Do you update it regularly?

Do you get paid to do it?

Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs?



I have two. One is updated irregulary, and one I started about a month or so ago but haven't done anything on it yet! :001_huh:


So, I ask because I'm curious. :001_smile:

I have 3 blogs. Technically 5, but 3 that I've posted to within the past 3 years or so.


Personal blog on livejournal.com started about 10 years ago for just general journal-keeping and keeping in touch with people. I'm not updating it as often as I'd like - once every few weeks.


I also created LJs for my two older kids for keeping in touch with family. One was created 8 years ago, when I was pregnant with my first. The other shortly after my second was born. I updated the oldest's regularly for a few years, and the younger's a handful of times during her first year or so, but haven't lately.


I have a homeschooling blog on blogspot, linked in my sig. I started it about a year ago. I get around to updating every few weeks these days, but not as much as I should.


I have a food/recipe blog that I started recently - http://paleoforpickies.blogspot.com/, dealing with cooking for a household with a lot of dietary restrictions and preferences. So far, I've been relatively good about updating, but I suspect it will naturally drop off a bit, as it would get repetitive if I posted Every. Single. Meal, and not just the unique ones.


I don't get paid for any of these. If either the homeschool blog or recipe blog had something that was drawing enough visitors for it to seem worthwhile, I'd try enabling google ads. I someday hope to create curriculum and recipes that are useful enough for this to be the case, but I'm not there yet :)

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Why did you start it?

What's its theme?

Do you update it regularly?

Do you get paid to do it?

Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs?



Yep, I have a blog and the link is in my signature. I started it when we started playing around with homeschooling to keep family and friends updated on what we're doing and to serve as a journal for me. I don't have to officially keep any records and I'm bad at keeping a handwritten journal since I type much faster than I write. This is my way of recording what we do and I can include pictures.


I update it about once a week. I have ocassionally skipped a week if we haven't done anything interesting. Lately I'm usually doing two posts a week - one weekly wrap-up and one for our geography activities. I tend to write long, picture heavy posts so splitting them up seems like a good idea.


Nope, I don't get paid, have no advertising or affiliate links.

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I have two; both are reading blogs. One is for all my reading, except for what goes on the other blog, which is a special project. Both are in my sig.


Why did you start it? -- I started the first one because there were so many great book challenges and I wanted to join them!


What's its theme? Just books. This year I'm doing the 52 books in 52 weeks, Victorian Literature, Feminist Classics, and Take a Chance. My second blog is a challenge all by itself, about American history--I read primary sources.


Do you update it regularly? The first one I do. The second one gets neglected sometimes. I tend to have bursts of enthusiasm.


Do you get paid to do it? Nope.


Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs?

Yes, for my secondary one.

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Do you have a blog?


yes, I have been blogging since 2007, the link is in my signature.


Why did you start it?


I started it so I could share with extended family what our homeschooling life is like, what our lives are like- it seems like they seldom ask us or know what we do, how we live. My dad was the only one who ever read it though, so then my blog became a way to be an ambassador for homeschooling and a creative outlet for me, I had forgotten how much I love to write. Lately, I've been more into photography.


What's its theme?


the theme is homeschooling and family life


Do you update it regularly?


pretty much, I've been so busy that some weeks it's only 2 or 3 times a week, but I would like to blog everyday or every other- that is my goal.


Do you get paid to do it? No, I would love to make some money blogging, but I don't. Once in a while I get a free book or product to review, but that is it.


Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs?


I am not blogging as much as I would like, I go back and forth to feeling like that is fine, because my first priority is my family and homeschooling..but then I kind of feel like I would like to organize my time better so I could blog more.

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Yes, I have one. I don't get paid for it. I just do it as a way of sharing what we're doing with family and friends, and also as a check to make sure I'm doing stuff. It's also nice to look back and realize that WOW, we really did get a lot done when I'm feeling blue and like I don't do enough.


Link is in my siggie.

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Why did you start it?

I thought it would be easy for family to see what we do in school. Unfortunately we are a bit boring. The other was a way to save the Hive just a little bitty bit of bandwidth. I used to ramble here about absolutely nothing when I was on an Ambien high. Now if I do that I do it on the insomnia blog.

What's its theme?

School. Insomnia.


Do you update it regularly?

No, we are boring at school and I have intermittent insomnia


Do you get paid to do it?

Oh, no. No one wants to read my drivel.


Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs?





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my blog is in my siggy


Why did you start it?


fun. so share photos and stories of the kids. to kida pave the way into homeschooling for the family. as a living document for the boys.


What's its theme?


life. kids. family. school. my thoughts. all of it


Do you update it regularly?




Do you get paid to do it?


Dh wishes i did LOL






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Why did you start it?


I'm almost at the end of homeschooling and I have a lot of book lists that I've compiled over the years. Some nice ladies from these boards, years ago, took my lists and posted them in a couple of places (Geocities, etc.), but those sites are now defunct so I wanted to have them all up in one location somewhere, in case anyone asked about them.


What's its theme?


Well now, I don't know that I have a "theme". I'm just basically posting my lists and some other things that we've used, such as test questions, memory work, etc. I can't really post the worksheets that I've made, but I've tried to post as much as I can....


Do you update it regularly?


I try to post something just about every week. I still don't have everything up yet that I want to put on the site....


Do you get paid to do it?


No, I'm not even sure how that is possible. Do you mean by allowing the advertising? I see that option offered on Blogger, but what sort of ads would they be? I mean, if I could choose who/what was advertised and make it some of the things that I recommend, then that wouldn't be bad. But I can't choose, can I? It would just be random junk on there, and I don't want that cluttering up the site.... And then there's something regarding Amazon, right? But I don't like Amazon, so don't really want to advertise for them.... Now if places like Alibris or Book Finders wanted to advertise, LOL, that might be different....


Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs?


Well, I'm sure that I don't give it the attention that it needs. I don't really like/want to post about our personal lives all that much and I don't really want to review products, as no matter what one person says, there will always be others who don't like a product. What else would I talk about on a homeschooling blog, other than books?

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I have three.

One for our homeschooling activities.

One for my book reviews and reading challenges.

and a third as a "personal" blog.


All three are updated infrequently. I started them to connect with other people, but that hasn't really happened since I don't have time to update very often. I also don't get paid for it, and probably won't, since I never have time to write much! (For example... I have 25 book reviews that need to be done and posted... :tongue_smilie:)

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I do have a blog - not paint

Why did you start it? I started making drawings on facebook's graffiti app and was thrilled to have a creative outlet that I could pursue in short segments of free time.

What's its theme? Just things I've drawn- very little text.

Do you update it regularly? Almost daily for over a year.

Do you get paid to do it? No.

Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs? I also have a languishing diary-type blog, I enjoy looking back over it and having a visual record of things we have done but haven't gotten back to post on it for over a year. I would like to get to a point where I can keep that one up, too.

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I have a blog.


Why did you start it? To document why we homeschool, what we do, what we use, & where we go


What's its theme? What homeschooling is like in the big city


Do you update it regularly? I try to. Usually once or twice a week


Do you get paid to do it? No

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Why did you start it? I started blogging as a journal. I liked to scrapbook but never seemed to find the time to do it. I keep lists of things I want to remember for my sib who often ask what they should do with their kids. I also keep it to share with family who live all over the US...and now with my brother in Iraq, the world.


What's its theme? Homeschooling and things that happen in our lives.


Do you update it regularly? More regularly now than I used to.


Do you get paid to do it? No

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Why did you start it? Just a few weeks ago


What's its theme? How home schooling is changing our family, our relationships with one another, and how we view the world. Of course, it's starting smaller than that-- how the journey began, the first few weeks, etc.


Do you update it regularly? So far, so good-- once per week.


Do you get paid to do it? Not at this time.


Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs? N/A




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Why did you start it?I started back in 2006 to keep myself accountable to homeschool and see what we do. I found we do get a lot accomplished. Yay!

What's its theme? Mostly homeschooling but I'll share other things, like the drama that happened this week. Normally I don't post such personal stuff.

Do you update it regularly?Yes, almost daily

Do you get paid to do it?Nope :glare:

Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs?Mine gets lots of attention :D



I have two. One is updated irregulary, and one I started about a month or so ago but haven't done anything on it yet! :001_huh:


So, I ask because I'm curious. :001_smile:

I love blogging. I don't scrapbook anymore, so this is a way to keep those memories for my children.

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Why did you start it? Because all my friends were doing it.

What's its theme? It's just a family blog - stuff that's going on in our family

Do you update it regularly? yes, I try to write at least every other day

Do you get paid to do it? hmph, I wish!

Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs? n/a



I have two. One is updated irregulary, and one I started about a month or so ago but haven't done anything on it yet! :001_huh:


So, I ask because I'm curious. :001_smile:

I have a blog and I enjoy blogging.

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I have two blogs, but the first one and I are not on speaking terms. I started my current one at the beginning of this school year, updated it faithfully for a while, took a quick three-month break, and am now back at it three times a week, ish.


It's about school, sometimes, but other times it's about matters of earth-shattering importance, like am I the only person on the planet who has never heard the song "Obladi, Oblada, Life Goes On" before?


I'd love to get paid for blogging. Also for curling up with a book, drinking coffee, and reading the WTM boards.


(A girl can dream, eh??)

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Why did you start it?: To let my family near and far be able to "see" the kids growing up. Now it is something totally different. A little of this a little of that, some place I can use to clear what is on my mind.

What's its theme?: My life and thoughts, random and misspelled as they are. (link in signature) Natural living, gardening, cooking, kids, hsing...whatever.

Do you update it regularly?: For the most part I post once a week. Sometimes more sometimes less.

Do you get paid to do it?: Ha, I wish. I would love the extra income but then there would be pressure and then it wouldn't be fun.

Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs?: I would still like to give it more attention. I have hundreds of posts in my head but never the time to post them. I also have the issue of being the "real" me on my blog. I want people to know me but I don't want people to know me, if that makes sense. I find that when I am having a hard time IRL, I don't post as much because I don't want to post that kind of info/vibe. Summer and fall I post more than winter and spring because I do a lot of gardening. I like to share info with a couple of other gardeners I know online.

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Do you have a blog? Yes, link in my signature


Why did you start it? I have a lot of opinions I want to share, and Facebook wasn't giving me what I needed for that. I wanted to document my thoughts on things that matter to me. And I wanted somewhere I can send people who want to know more about my opinions


What's its theme? I tend to focus on religion and politics, with a little bit of extra thrown in there from time to time.


Do you update it regularly? I started it this year, and have tried to update it at least weekly, but I have gotten a little behind lately. Always needing new ideas of what to write about.


Do you get paid to do it? No. I don't even think more than a few people read it. Maybe once I get enough regular readers I will put a GoogleAD on there or something.


Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs? Part of it is lack of material, and part is lack of time.

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Do you have a blog? Yes, link in my signature for my new HS blog I have a few others


Why did you start it? started my HS blog to plan, think out loud and share freebies I find


What's its theme? HS is the one in my siggy but I have one that is just random family and one that is graphics/photog and I also have a cooking blog

Do you update it regularly? I try to touch them all weekly if not more


Do you get paid to do it? not for the blog itself but I do advertise my graphics biz somewhat on each blog and I have in turn gotten biz designing blogs or doing graphics work for others


Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs? I think they all could use more attention but I don't always have the time. my cooking blog hasn't been touched at all this year I am just to busy to spend much time in my kitchen :glare:

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Do you have a blog? Yep.


Why did you start it? I honestly don't remember why. I guess I was bored. :)


What's its theme? homeschooling my kids


Do you update it regularly? I try to post three times a week. I don't always succeed.


Do you get paid to do it? No, although sometimes I make a little through Amazon.


Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs? I started a kid's film blog a while back, but I didn't have the time to keep it up. I am hoping to get it going again next year, as it is a passion of mine.

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I have a blog. I started it when we moved to Brazil, thinking it would be a way to keep the family updated.


It has grown and morphed over the years into a very eclectic place where I journal our trip experiences, our daily "life in a foreign country" experiences, our hs'ing experiences, and whatever else. As my tag line says there, "My life is a random thing, so my blog is a random place." (or something like that, LOL!)


I do update regularly, 3 to 5 times a week. For a while there I was writing daily (except weekends) but got a bit burned out on that. Still I shoot for 3x/week at least.


I do not get paid, have any ads on my site, etc. I've debated it, but haven't done so yet. I do have links (not on the front page) to various helpful websites related to my blog, most of which approached me and asked to do a link swap -- I put theirs on my blog, they put mine on their website.


I have kept up my blog because I enjoy it, immensely.

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Why did you start it? It's sort of like a journal. I want to remember all the little details about these years and I know I won't unless I write them down:) I'd love to get it printed out each year and make books for the kids.


What's its theme? Our daily life


Do you update it regularly? Usually


Do you get paid to do it? I wish


Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs? I wish I wrote more often.





So, I ask because I'm curious. :001_smile:



Yup, see above....

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Do you have a blog? Yep, its in my siggy below.


Why did you start it? To keep an ongoing journal of our journey.


What's its theme? very ecletic, some days quilting, some cooking, some photo, some homeschooling, I'm all over the place with no real focus most of the time.:)


Do you update it regularly? I try but that is not always the case, I am getting better about it though.


Do you get paid to do it? No, but how nice would that be. :lol:

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Why did you start it? I started mine as kind of an online journal.


What's its theme? I don't really have a theme. I talk about things in our life so homeschooling, church planting, the kids, crafts and every year I blog about the baby we lost.


Do you update it regularly? Not really. I want to start posting at least once a week.


Do you get paid to do it? No


Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs? This. I post when something hits me and that isn't at all regular.

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Why did you start it? Over a year ago


What's its theme? It is a site dedicated to family friendly events in my area featuring of events calendar, product reviews, day trips, deals etc.


Do you update it regularly? I try to update it every day. The facebook page for it is updated at least twice a day.


Do you get paid to do it? Yes and no. I have made some money off of it but since I'm still building it not a ton. I really do it as a service to my community and because I enjoy it and any money I make off it is just a bonus.

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