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The Write Foundation Courses?

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I have been looking at this as well, and I have printed off the samples and extensively perused them.


The author wrote this program to give kids the skills to progress to writing as laid out in The Lively Art of Writing, which she, herself, was taught with. I haven't purchased the program yet, but I am seriously considering it. I really like the progression that is laid out.


I have been on a quest to find a writing program that fits me, as the teacher. I have not found one, but I have found many that I have been able to start to distill into one methodology that I am going to implement with my DC. My latest reads have been Pattern Based Writing, The Writer's Jungle and The Lively Art of Writing. All of them have inspired me in different ways. PBW finally helped me understand the structure of a paragraph and how to write good topic sentences/concluding sentences, WJ helped me understand brainstorming via the freewrite and TLAoW has helped me see light at the end of the tunnel - where I am going. I might also add that we are doing dictation, narration and outlining via SWB and WWE. I am also doing French dictation when I feel that a dictation passage in the WWE workbook is too lengthy or too advanced for my DCs spelling skills.


I really don't think that there is one right program out there, at least for me. Finally coming to that conclusion has really freed me up to make my own path.

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