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Broke Down Yesterday

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:grouphug: Imp. I am so sorry you are going through this. You are NOT being selfish or anything close to it. You are enduring more than many and I am so inspired by your strength and determination. You cry all you want. I wish I could be there to hold you. I am praying for you. I pray that God comforts you and holds you and that ultimately He HEALS you from this horrible disease. I want you to know that you are beautiful. You are beautiful with hair and without hair. You are beautiful b/c you are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, in HIS image. I agree that there should be a time when enough is enough. When, in my own mind, I cannot reconcile my enough with God's enough...I simply have to rely on my trust that God is in control, knows what is best, will never leave me or forsake me and loves me. When I can't trust His hand...I trust His heart. Hang in there, Imp. We love you and are praying for you. :grouphug:

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Oh Impish, I am so sorry. You are definitely NOT selfish in feeling this way. Your reality has been tough, more than tough, lately, and you have every right to mourn what is happening to you. I, too, would be devastated about my hair regardless of what is happening in the world. I don't think that makes me selfish or vain, nor does it make you either one. A part of you that you treasure is disappearing, and you have already lost so much of "you" from movement, to desires, to general daily comfort. That is A LOT to lose, and one more thing would send most people over the edge. I think you are very brave in dealing with all you are going through. Please give yourself grace right now... you need to, and it is the right thing to do. Sending you much love and prayers! :grouphug:

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Thanks to everyone who responded. Chuckie, I'm hoping its thyroid, but it says there 'low thyroid'...I've been speculating that the thyroid problem is that the meds are too high. I don't go anywhere, hardly, so I don't see how I would have contracted anything that wouldn't be affecting the rest of the family. RSD is a 'systemic disease' though. :(




Well...It would sure cheer me up :Angel_anim:



;) I adore you!!!!!


My brother in law had alopecia some years back and one of the things he had to cut out of his diet was margarine - the doctor told him to begin using butter instead of margarine. Oh, and when I had an issue with it when I was in my 20s, I took massive amounts of folic acid.

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This right here sums it up for me. I look in the mirror and wonder who that old lady is. I'm 44 and need a mini (lifestyle) lift because the weight came off so very fast. The stress of the disorder and the stress of living with and dealing with doctors has accelerated my hair turning gray. What is left of my hair in its natural state is 100% gray. The bugged out eyes make me look like a freak.


It isn't normal to age that much in 5 years. People think dd is my grandchild. It is just sad.


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