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New with questions: CLE, HOD, others

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Hi everyone! I have been reading forums and posts on homeschooling and curriculum for about four weeks now. I have a daughter in K (will be 6 in May) at a Christian school and we are feeling the need to bring her home for firstgrade. We have no problems with the education at the school as the students do very well in high school and beyond. I am sure you are all aware of the things we struggle with sending her off every day and then hearing about her day when she gets home! Just because it is a Christian school doesn't mean it is a perfect place for her.


I have been researching many curricula including CLE and HOD. I was able to purchase some used CLE materials (Bible, TM and light units, a social studies light unit and science TM). I purchased these mainly to get an idea of the progam and to see if I thought it was something I could do.After looking through them I really liked them and think my daughter would also. I do have some questions, if you don't mind.


1. She has just started reading and is doing quite well. She reads by herself the little books with words such as "The red hen was in the pen". She tries to sound out big words and does quite well. Would I start her in Learning to Read?


2. She can write all her letters and numbers, although not always neatly! The style of writing she was taught is called D'Nealian. I see that most progams use what I believe is manuscript. Will this be a problem for her?


3. The school she attends uses mostly A beka books with the exception of Saxon math. If in the future we needed to put her back in school, would this be a difficult transition, meaning will she be behind in subjects like math and LA?


4. What do you use for history for first grade? I have read that many people use Stories of the World, but I am worried that is too deep for her. Any thoughts? What about American History?


5. Has anyone used a mixture of CLE with HOD? I really like both and can't make a decision between them. HELP!


6. Does anyone incorporate other programs such as Explode the Code, First Language Lessons, etc. Or is CLE/HOD adequate on their own?


7. I would like to know if CLE has a laid out lesson plan? I can't seem to find anything in the teacher guides I have. I am sure it is as easy as do lesson 1 on the first day, lesson 2 the next, etc., however I really like how HOD has it all laid out. I am not a very organized person and this would be helpful for me!!


Sorry to be so lengthy, I feel a bit guilty about all the questions, but I have been writing down my questions for awhile now and these were the issues that keep coming up for me. I am trying to learn as much as I can before we make the leap. Being honest, most of this research

has just confused me. Lol. :confused:


Thanks for any input. I do appreciate it!

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I don't know anything about CLE (except what is discussed on the forum :D) but I absolutely adore HOD! Like you, I love how it is all laid out for me in one easy 2-page spread. It is complete! Just add phonics and math. You could still use CLE for math and reading if you want. HOD has its own recommendations but you are free to use whatever you want, obviously. We use The Reading Lesson for reading (one of HOD's suggestions) and my ds8 and dd5 are having great success with it. We also use Phonics Road (it is pricey) and could ditch The Reading Lesson b/c PR is reading/spelling and later grammar and literature and comp. etc. but my dc really LOVE The Reading Lesson. Go figure. Anyway, take a look at the placement chart over at the HOD website and see where your dd would fit. I'm guessing Beyond Little Hearts. My dd5 is using LHFHG this year and so much of it is "babyish" to her and to ds8. Just my 2 cents. Good luck with your decision and welcome to the Hive!

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I can't speak to HOD, but I've used CLE for Math and LA since January of my son's first grade year. My son was probably farther ahead than yours in reading, so I would suggest you begin with CLE's Learn to Read program, then move to their 1st grade reading I Wonder. You want her to understand "their way" of doing things, KWIM?


I used the entire 1st grade Language Arts and some of the I Wonder program. I was already using Bob Jones reading and didn't have time to do both, so I didn't finish it. I still have the TE here. It has a weekly schedule for reading, language arts, bible, and math. Learning to Read is scheduled in weeks 1-18, then I Wonder is the second semester. Language Arts is scheduled to start week 7. Bible and math are spread out over both semesters. I also don't think you would need to add explode the code or others. It is going to thoroughly cover phonics and grammar.


As far as handwriting, you could let her try that portion of it. If she prefers the other print, you could just have her practice bible verses and poems or something.


Anytime you make a curricula switch you could run into differences. I think CLE is a solid program, so I don't think you would be behind as long as your child is doing well with the grade level she is at.


I think with history you should study what you think you both would find most interesting. I did my own plans this year and have studied American history in one year. The last two years my son did MOH Ancients, then I touched on major world events using an Usborne encyclopedia and library books (he loves non-fiction).


For science in K, I just went to the library every couple of weeks and let him tell me topics he wanted to learn more about. In 1st grade I used some hand-on physics books I had and RS4K Chemistry Pre-Level 1. This year we're using REAL Science Odyssey Life. I've enjoyed all of it.


Do what you think will be fun and engaging for the both of you. I think at this age it is important to teach them to read, write, and do math, but the rest of it can be as much or as little as you want.

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I don't know anything about CLE (except what is discussed on the forum :D) but I absolutely adore HOD! Like you, I love how it is all laid out for me in one easy 2-page spread. It is complete! Just add phonics and math. You could still use CLE for math and reading if you want. HOD has its own recommendations but you are free to use whatever you want, obviously. We use The Reading Lesson for reading (one of HOD's suggestions)



Something else I prefer about HOD is the quality time I get with my kids. I don't just teach a lesson and have them do a worksheet. I teach, I read, we discuss, we converse-- like REAL conversation that we all end up learning more from about the lesson and each other and God. I love their suggestions because the lessons are quick and hold the attention of my little ones. There is NO busy work, nothing is done just for the sake of doing...it all serves a purpose. Even the rhymes in the younger levels that seem to be babyish serve a purpose...they are prepping your child for the next level of skills where there will be oral presenation. The skill progression is perfect in HOD. And it's so clear to me what my child should be getting from the lessons b/c HOD puts "key ideas" in each box. I am using The Reading Lesson with my third child and we really like it! But I'm using Phonics Pathways with my 2nd child and Math Mammoth instead of Singapore math with my two olders. This doesn't mess the flow up at all. If I'm going to sub something, I make sure I stick with the idea of short lessons. This is key! And key to enjoying the program and doing well with it is proper placement. If you have more questions, I KNOW you'd find a wealth of info on the HOD boards.

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For 1st grade , this is what we used ( and loved ) with three children:


Reading/ Spelling : Adventures in Phonics with their phonics readers & charts (Christian Liberty Press )

Language : FLL - this only takes a few minutes , except when there are poems to memorize

Math: CLE math + Singapore 1A&B

History : History for Little Pilgrims with the coloring book - this is used in HOD , overview of world history from a Christian perspective (Christian Liberty Press )

Bible : Egermeier Story Bible - the edition that has comprehension questions at the end


This combo worked great for us with excellent readers and spellers . I added a lot of books from Sonlight , HOD, 1000 good books lists and others.

P.S. CLE does not have a lesson plan , but the lessons are clearly laid out in a way that you know where to start and when to end .

I would not choose CLE Social studies or Science . I prefer living books , especially for that age. For science my dc loved Read and Find out series .

Edited by blessedmom3
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next year my kids will be in 4th & 2nd. we will be using bigger with HOD & adding extensions for my oldest. my main reason is to keep the bulk of our subjects together, with separate LA & math. we use CLE math and love it. my daughter is entering her 4th year with them. my son just started the 1st grade math book (switching from saxon) & he also used CLE LTR (which was fabulous!). next year we will stay with HOD, CLE for math, and R&S for LA with my son ...but my daughter uses BJU english and that's perfect for her, so she'll stay with that.


so to answer your question, yes you can combine both. however, it would be overkill to use HOD, CLE, ETC, and so forth. i would just use HOD with a reading program & math program. use the recommended programs or pick your own :) that's all you need.

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I have a Kindergartner and a 1st grader using HOD now. We are really enjoying it. IMO, use HOD for your primary curriculum. Then choose CLE as your Reading, Math and LA.


I'd also suggest you request a catalog from HOD. I think the catalog does a better job of explaining things vs. their website. It will give you a better picture of the curriculum you are choosing and where things are going in future guides.



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