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Do me a favor and just vote on a history curriculum from this list, please!


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Tapestry of Grace, My Father's World, or Story of the World.


This is for kindergarten aged kids. I know some call for you to start later, so tell me what that age can handle, (from this list that is....). Thanks so much!


Honestly, I've never done history for a Ker.


If I was going to, I would choose SOTW. Or read just one or two books aloud from TOG. Very simple.

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Honestly, I've never done history for a Ker.


If I was going to, I would choose SOTW. Or read just one or two books aloud from TOG. Very simple.




Right. I am here too. There's so much OTHER good stuff to read in Kindergarten, I wouldn't be worried about history at ALL. JMO.




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My Father's World is great for this age and in the later grades they use SOTW so you can do both!


Ditto! If you want a biblical foundation, MFW is a great place to start. SOTW is used in later years in context of biblical history and discipleship principles.


TOG is just *too much* at this age, IMO.

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MFW hands down!!! Their elementary history is great and they do used SOTW later on. Love it. I think SOTW can be too much for K and 1st. TOG definitely too much. I've looked at all 3 and used MFW and SOTW.


:iagree: We started SOTW in 2nd grade and it was a perfect fit. I personally wouldn't recommend it for K! There is no good reason that you need to start a K child in the ancients. :001_huh:


I have not used MFW, but in looking through their catalog, I would definitely pick their K program over your other two choices.

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For K-4 (the first time through the 4-year cycle of history) I'd recommend SOTW and then pick up TOG for the rest. However, if there is a good co-op in your area doing TOG with young kids, I might go ahead and do the TOG with them. co-ops are great!

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TOG all the way, BABY! :D



Not really. If I just had a K student I would do Winter Promise. SOTW was too much for some of my sensitive kids, MFW I never tried because I don't have library acces and the book basked might have been hard to pull off, and their reading program also didn't appeal to me.


TOG generally would be best for later.



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I would not do Story of the World with kindergarten. I am not familiar with Tapestry of Grace. I thought MFW looked good. MFW tends to cover all subjects too.


I am starting my middle children on SOTW for 2nd grade (younger one will follow along but not really participate). We very loosely use the instructors guides. A kindergartener is not going not be able to handle it..that is not the issue. They just won't get nearly as much out of it as if you saved it for an older age. My older children started homeschooling at 3rd grade and it was perfect for them. I am starting it earlier with the younger children, but we have the CDs and can listen in the car so that part is no work for me. Then I just pick activities here and there. I am not so sure a kindergartner could handle the map work.

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Without a doubt, My Father's World. We have used it and love it!


That being said, we love SOTW too but for when they're a little older. :) I especially appreciate that MFW incorporates vol. 2-4 in their programs.



We are trying to make the same decision between these also, but for a 2nd & pre-K'er. After my research I'm leaning towards MFW based on the above. It looks great!

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My vote is for SOTW for two years, so you can do everything. Wish I had done it this way with my son, but thought it would be too much for him. In hindsight, he loves being read to, five year olds can color real nice, and you can save the map work for the next go round, if you're in the four year cycle. I will be using SOTW 1 again in fifth unless I change my mind, so we can do certain projects- like the chicken mummy-with his full participation (I was just not comfortable with him touching raw chicken yet...)

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