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Teachers Bistro! 3-15-2011

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What's for lunch today? US: no idea!



Had an epiphany today? Me: I really don't like having a totally 'unstructured' day - it makes me feel all out of sorts and directionless.



What are you wishing today? Me: that I had someplace for my kids to go for a couple of hours so I could sit down and think about what lessons need planning! And plan them! :001_huh:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Lunch - salad (I've gotten off my daily salads and have gained 2 pounds.:eek:)


Epiphanies - I like my kids:)


A note on your epiphany - we're on break this morning and do not have our normal schedule to follow. So everyday at breakfast I outline the vacation schedule of the day: today was normal a.m. chores, an extra kitchen cleaning which we did all together and so it was fun, about 10 min. of school related things that had fallen through the cracks, then a session of building the Empire state building (3-D puzzle). Right now we are having a free-time.


Wishing today - I'm hoping that our vacation schedule of chores and fun togetherness will make it so that the kids don't bother me on our freetimes so that I can plan the next 10 weeks of school.

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Lunch -- McD's :blushing: burger, fries and coke. Not good for the diet but tasted good. Had an appointment and we were all starving when we got done.


Epiphanies -- can I borrow Jean's -- I like my kids and they are pretty good too


Wishing -- my house would self clean :lol: or I would at least get the energy to get it done

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Lunch: large tossed salad (made even better because dh made it)


Epiphanies: having a new dog is like having a new baby


Wishes: that the dog will catch on to crate training VERY soon so I can get a good night's sleep; that this stomach bug I caught (it was only a matter of time) would be over with soon and with little drama... oh, and that I had a million dollars ;)

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Hi, Can I join in?


Lunch was Thai Chicken Basil Soup. I made a bunch and froze it into single servings.


Epiphanies: I actually had one last night. The days when I am fully present with the kids and busily working on behalf of them and our home are great. But if I get stuck wanting free time or thinking I did so much in the morning that I deserve time away in the afternoon, the day goes downhill fast.


Wishing for a nanny to help me with all of my driving this afternoon. Dance and Scouts with dropping off and picking up different kids at different locations all afternoon. Yuck.

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