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Has anyone used Five-Finger Paragaph/Essay? Is it considered poor writing?

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It looks like an easy way to teach the five-paragraph essay, but I'm wondering if it is considered "inferior quality" writing to use a formulaic approach like this.


AND what would this type of writing be best for--- just test situations?


If it's no good, what resource do you like better for teaching three or five-paragraph essay?


Would you say going with teaching how to do a strong 3-5 paragraph essay is the backbone of logic stage academic writing? (Okay, maybe "backbone" is a little strong, but dd11 is also doing outlining, and has done 4 yrs of IEW already-trying to figure out what is most important to cover next to give a broad base in logic stage.)


(ETA:I did find this thread that has a few essay writing program ideas. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=252647)

Edited by HappyGrace
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