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CLE math


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Hi, I am wondering if I choose CLE as the sole curriculam without any other resources, will it be a good choice. Its for a 2nd grader, I gave some sample pages from CLE, and my ds seemed to like it, but it being a spiral approach, I am nervous.I dont want to switch curriculams at later classes ( 4-5th grades), so want to make a thoughtful choice.

We are currently using MM, but ds doesnt seem to enjoy it, and takes it as a burden.

Please advice based on your good and bad experiences with CLE.:bigear:

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We've already ordered & received our CLE math for next year, and now over the last week suddenly I've started wondering if we want to supplement with some MM, maybe to challenge my 6 year old. I'm coming from the opposite direction as you! :lol:


Anyway, as much as I like CLE, I'm not sure if we'll be using them in 2 or 3 years. I think kids can get just as bored with curriculum as adults can...kind of a fine line btwn a 'comfortable routine' and 'in a rut.' Our first year of HS is almost over, but I wouldn't expect whatever curriculum we choose to be a fit for the next few years.


I do think that CLE is an inexpensive curriculum to try, and my 6 year old does enjoy some independence with it. We might spend 5ish minutes talking about the lesson (if that) and he's off and running.


Hopefully this helps? Good luck with whatever you choose!

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We switched to CLE Math this year and it has been a huge success! We used MUS before, and my daughters did "ok" with it but not great. The spiral approach of CLE is working SOOOOO much better for them. And amazingly they really like it too. Math used to be something they tolerated, but didn't like by any stretch of the imagination. Now they don't mind it at all. :001_smile: And I can tell that their confidence level and proficiency have increased so much. It has been a great thing to see.


I do have them do some problems from Singapore Challenging Word Problems once or twice a week and my older daughter also does Math Detective at least once a week. We have MM as well, and I was supplementing with it here and there, but I haven't been doing that lately.

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CLE Math works well for DS. He likes the independence afforded him by the program (10-15 mins of teacher time to do speed drills, flash cards, and intro new topic) and he's off and running. I was considering supplementing with Singapore Standards Extra Practice or Challenging Word Problems although, after having him take the placement tests, I'm not sure that it's necessary as he had no problem completing the 3A and 3B tests inspite of the use of different verbage and wording.

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I forgot to add that occasionally we need a break from our regular day-in-day-out curriculum and print off free worksheets from websites like Super Teacher Worksheets dot com or math fact cafe dot com. It's not because CLE isn't thorough enough... It's because sometimes we just need a change of pace.

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We just went back to CLE. I fell in love with the reviews of MM and ordered it after thinking dd wasn't retaining with CLE. Or maybe she was fine, just putting up some resistance, and I got trapped by curriculum envy. Anyways, I really like MM a lot, but dd absolutely needs spiral review and doesn't do well with a lot of conceptual math. She has weaknesses in working memory, but not LDs, and a spiral program is best for her. I am keeping MM to use for my son, but we are happy to be back in CLE. I think it's very solid and my dd likes that there are lots of different kinds of problems to do each lesson, not 100s of the same type of problem. I went from Singapore to CLE to MM to TT and back to CLE. Don't make the mistake I have. Pick one and stick with it! My personal fave of all of them is MM but if you have a child like I do that doesn't do well with conceptualizing math concepts and needs a spiral approach, CLE is a great and very solid choice.

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Guest lahmeh

I started my ds in CLE math in 1st grade. *I* wanted to try something different because I'm a curriculum hopper :glare:. I ordered MM and that lasted about a month with lots of tears. He BEGGED me to go back to CLE and now he asks for it first every school day! He loves it! My dd enjoys it too. :001_smile:

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Hmm.. I too felt at times, lots of repitition on same topic in MM, bored him .

While spiral approach gave him lots of variety on different topics( atleast what I saw in sample pages), so felt enthusiastic to do them.


Hope it works out!

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I like CLE so much and it's working so well for my children that we use it even though we are secular homeschoolers (non-Christian). We started with Saxon, went to CLE, tried MM, McRuffy, and TT, and now we are back to CLE. It works. My oldest says he likes it better than Saxon because it explains things better. MM just confused my youngest son. My boys have all been in PS and my oldest, who is pretty good at math, struggled with the mastery program they used. He is just soaring with CLE! He has confidence now where there wasn't any before.

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I switched my ds to it in January of 1st grade. He just finished the last LU of 210. I also use CLE's LA. I switched when I realized he needed a spiral approach.


I am actually starting to use BJU and CLE together. He had started getting bored with the CLE. He "gets" math very easily, so I think it's moving a little slow for him. He's very visual, and I think he was bored with the pages. I got a 2nd grade BJU book, and he loved the pages and color. I was lamenting to him about not knowing which program to do, and he said, "Why don't we do both?". Out of the mouth of babes...right?


My plan is to do each lesson of BJU, the speed drills from CLE, the lessons in CLE, and some of the review but not all of it. I hope it's going to go well. I have a math degree and feel CLE is a great program alone, but I think he needs more "fun" to it.


He's also very bored with the CLE LA (same reasons I think), so I think he would be with R&S, so I'm trying BJU English next year.


Good luck making your decision!

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